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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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1) Please refrain from using all caps in posts on this forum.
2) "Who does the credit check and criminal record check" - the answer to that question is literally in the thread before yours - Mintz Global Security - please spend some time reading threads and understanding the information posted"
3) " What is looked at when doing a criminal record check" - whether the person has a criminal record (i.e. Criminal Code of Canada convictions).
Probably a shot in the dark, but does anyone know/have an idea how long TS clearances are taking nowadays?  I got a response from Ottawa about an inquiry about my request that was submitted in June, and they say routine requests are lower pri then those for tours and OUTCAN postings.  Any idea on time frame?  Is an additional 6 to 12 months a reasonable WAG?
Follow-up:  What about SA caveats?  Historically quicker/the same/slower then TS?
SA is a couple months once you have TS, if it's needed for operational reasons. TS can be a year or so if it's new and not required for a depending deployment.
Priority for Security Clearances is (and has been for years):

1. Deployment Requirements
2. OUTCAN Requirements
3. Trade (Course) Requirements
4. Routine Requests
5. Renewals/Updates

Wait time varies depending on how many staff DPM Secur has at any given time.  Also with the transition from webSCPS 1 to 2 there was quite a backlog for awhile however a bunch of approvals came in in version 1 just before and over christmas.  The other thing is many people are assuming that if they submitted everything that the clearance is being worked on; you should verify with your USS whether your clearance was submitted in v1 or v2.  If in v1, have them verify that QC control has it in hand and they're working on it.  If it was returned for any reason with missing/incomplete information the clearance will have to be redone in v2 (there is no transition service).
Harrison_ said:
Hello hcahopeful,

What you'll need is known in Germany as a Certificate of Conduct (Führungszeugnis). Applying for one is a relatively straightforward, quick procedure, even from within Canada. From the gov.ca website, here's an overview of the application process:
Next, from the German Ministry of Justice, here's the website where you'll find the forms and the means to pay online:

You'll need to print off the form, have it notarized (bring some ID) and then mailed to the address listed in Bonn. Your finished certificate can't be mailed to a third-party, so you'll need to have it sent to your address and then you can drop it off at your recruiting centre.  If you have no record, it'll only be one word (in German), so hopefully they won't make you have it officially translated (my recruiting centre had a German speaker who did mine for me in-house). Best to clarify with your file manager while you're waiting about what they will do with the certificate once they have it (these documents expire within six months), as they originally thought I needed mine to be notarized, which means finding a German-speaking notary or taking it to the German embassy.

Hope that helps.

Hello again,

I just wanted to thank you for your help, this form was exactly what I needed! For reference if anyone else needs this form, it took exactly one month from me mailing the form to getting the returned check in the mail. This included the Christmas holidays, so I’d say it was a fairly quick process! My recruitment centre also let me translate it, which was a bonus.

Thank you again for all your help, I really appreciate it!
Good Morning,

Firstly, let me just say thank you in advance for any help. This is my first topic/post, and while I can see the overall topic has been hashed dozens of times, there's some small details I'm missing.

Background, I've been working for over 10 years in my current employment (IT). While I enjoy what I do, the company is shifting focus and moving in a few directions that is causing the environment to become rather toxic, and so many of the employees are jumping ship. My career here is stable, but the motivation is gone, employee treatment is terrible, and at the end of the day I don't feel I'm bringing anything useful to the company any longer as it's become so top/politically heavy, that anyone with power only cares about what cash bonuses they are getting and dirty deals they can work out to screw customers... All of that said, it's stable. The money is good, and I could work here for the next 20 years if I feel like becoming a zombie or gouging my own eyes out for entertainment. It's a bridge I can't afford to burn unless I know I've got a solid footing on my next career step.

I've only begun my application process, (AESOP) but things are looking promising so far. I've spoken with a recruiter about this and he was actually not sure of the answer. "I've never heard a question like this before" to be exact. (I'm puzzled how this could never be a past question, but anyway.)

I want to be absolutely sure that by the time I hit the BMQ, I'm ready to leap from the burning bridge and be completely certain there is a stable footing when I land. The last thing I want to do is hit BMQ, do the training, and whoops, something in paperwork kills my entire process. (I know nothing in life is certain, I could break my leg in BMQ on the first day walking up the stairs for all I know...)

At the moment, the only thing that I don't have an answer or solution for is my Security Clearance. From my understanding the AESOP position requires level 3... So it's a gauntlet, and takes a long time. My question is simple, can this process be started/completed before I move on to BMQ. I personally don't care if it extends my waiting for a year or longer. I just want to be sure that if something fails me, it does before I drop my current job. All the aptitude tests, interviews, etc that risk "bouncing" me before I start can be done before hitting the BMQ (and thus having to quit my job), except I don't know about the security clearance.

Worst nightmare... Everything lines up perfectly. I do the BMQ, the training, etc... And blow the security clearance... What happens to me?

I don't have a criminal record, never been charged with anything, the absolute worst thing I have ever done is gotten a single speeding ticket. My finances are in great condition, I own a new car, I own a house, bills are in perfect standing. I have good references, I have done police record checks and vulnerable sector checks in the past for volunteer work I do. I'm a Canadian born citizen and never traveled further out of country than the USA, and only for a maximum stint of 3 days I think... In theory, I don't see an issue passing this, but at the end of the day, I don't know anything about it, it's shrouded in mystery and confidentiality, so I have no way of classifying it. I know I can pass the BMQ, or SQ, or whatever training... There are countless videos and references and topics of what to expect... But I have no way of being certain about the clearance... And at worst case with any of my other "potentially bouncing" aptitude tests etc, I'll fail them before hitting BMQ and will not have burned my current job.

I know this is paranoid thinking, but I always look at situations from the worst case and work on them accordingly. This is the one area that I don't have visibility into, and therefore want to be ready for the worst outcome, even if it's not warranted.
Breaking it down, the questions are simple.
1) Can the security clearance be worked on before leaving to do BMQ and having to drop my current job?
2) If for some-god-aweful-who-knows-what reason I blow the clearance... What happens to me? What options do I have?

A secondary question (which I know has already been hashed and can't be answered, but I'll ask it anyway if anyone can comment.) what is involved in the level 3 clearance for AESOP? From my understanding there are different "branches" of level 3, but I don't have a solid understanding of what's different between them, and which one AESOP requires. (Again, from reading here it seems that, for example, a level 3 for comms, and level 3 for MP is different. Or one is tougher?)

Thank you to anyone who can offer some help. I know right away this is an "Oh crap not this question again..." type of topic but I can't find an answer to my particular situation. I've reached out to recruiting and couldn't get a definitive answer there either. So I'm somewhat at a loss.

Thanks again everyone for any help you can offer.
Hi, I just had my Pre-Assessment interview today. It went well and they are sending my file off. I lived in Egypt for 4 years (worked at a restaurant) and returned home to Canada in  2010. I do not have any relatives outside of the country. I know it would just be a guess but they said it can take up to 18 months to come back. Does it ever take that long? Has anyone hear had the same issue of living in Egypt?
Thanks in advance!

jdog said:
Good Morning,

Thanks again everyone for any help you can offer.

First, there are no different branches of level 3, there is only Level 3 - Top Secret. That's all.

Second, no, you can not get a head start on your security clearance. You will either start the application on basic training, or shortly after once you get to your first unit.

Third, from what you've said, if all of it is true, there is literally no reason to your application should be bounced. As long as you provide a complete and accurate application, you'll be fine. Applications for level 3 are taking up to a year or just over to finish processing.

Fourth, you don't actually need to have you security clearance to start working in your trade. Most trades need a certain level of security clearance in order that those member are fully operationally deployable, but during you every day work you won't necessarily needed. For example, as Naval Warfare Officer, I supposed to have a level 3 clearance. I joined in 2006, recieved my level 2 in 2008, and my level 3 in 2011. The first time I ever actually found myself in a situation where I actually needed my level 2 clearance wasn't until late 2011 when I did my first sail and had access to the ops room. Do you know how many times I've actually used/needed my level 3 clearance? 0. Never.

So, for you, I doubt you'll need your level 3 to actually do your job as an AESOP. However, it's possible that one or some of your trades courses will require you to have at least a level 2 security cleaner in order to attend. For example, in the last two years they've amended the curriculum for Naval Combat Information Operators (NCIOPs), and and now they need level 2 clearance in order to even attend their first career course.

If it turns out you need a minimum of level 2 clearance to attend one of your career courses shortly after basic training, there are two options. One is that you apply for level 2 instead of level 3, and the once you receive your level 2 you put in an application for an upgrade to level 2. The second option is you out in your application for for level 3 right away, and then you submit a request for them to give you a level 2 clearance while they are working on your level 3 (since the process of granting you a level 3 clearance is the same process as a level 2 clearance just with additional steps; they dig a little deeper).

So, in summary, you have nothing to worry about, don't fret it.

Credentials: I'm the Uniy Security Suoervisor at my unit and we've initiated 120 security clearance applications in the last 14 months.  About half a dozen were returned because we fucked up something stupid like when we entered someone's birth month as "01" meaning January instead of "10" for October. Not one, however, has been rejected/failed because they weren't deemed trustworthy of the clearance level being applied for.

Good luck.
neacha67 said:
Hi, I just had my Pre-Assessment interview today. It went well and they are sending my file off. I lived in Egypt for 4 years (worked at a restaurant) and returned home to Canada in  2010. I do not have any relatives outside of the country. I know it would just be a guess but they said it can take up to 18 months to come back. Does it ever take that long? Has anyone hear had the same issue of living in Egypt?
Thanks in advance!


What did they say could take up to 18 months exactly? Your whole application or just your security screening?
jdog said:
A secondary question (which I know has already been hashed and can't be answered, but I'll ask it anyway if anyone can comment.) what is involved in the level 3 clearance for AESOP? From my understanding there are different "branches" of level 3, but I don't have a solid understanding of what's different between them, and which one AESOP requires. (Again, from reading here it seems that, for example, a level 3 for comms, and level 3 for MP is different. Or one is tougher?)

In additional to the points Lumber has mentioned, perhaps take a moment to reflect on the question above, you asked.  Imagine how someone might view such a question: someone on the Internet is asking for details about TOP SECRET security clearance activities for a specific technical trade and the country's armed forces.  Except for unclassified information about basic processing and high-level policies about validity, applicability, etc., it probably stands to reason that details about a particular level of security clearance may actually be considered, for the most part, to be treated at the same level as the category itself.  I.e. specific details about TOP SECRET clearance may be, you know, TOP SECRET.  Do you really want to be asking the question you asked?  See what I mean?


neacha67 said:
Hi, I just had my Pre-Assessment interview today. It went well and they are sending my file off. I lived in Egypt for 4 years (worked at a restaurant) and returned home to Canada in  2010. I do not have any relatives outside of the country. I know it would just be a guess but they said it can take up to 18 months to come back. Does it ever take that long? Has anyone hear had the same issue of living in Egypt?
Thanks in advance!


That is accurate, applicants with foreign implications can take anywhere between 12-18 months (and I've seen some cases where it took longer) for the pre-sec to come back.  There have been a handful of cases where it went quicker but keep in mind that Recruiters should be helping to manage your expectations; if in one case a foreign implication file came back in 6 months and in every other case it took 18 months the recruiter won't tell you that it takes 6 months; they'll tell you that it take on average 18 months.
Thank you very much Lumber and Good2Golf!

I really appreciate the info and time for the replies. My apologies once again as I know the question is probably more paranoid and worrisome than what's actually needed... It's just I can't seem to find any decent reliable information online (which is understandable, as there really shouldn't be information about it just floating around), which just leads to a vicious circle.

I spoke to my recruiter about it a little more, and even he said with what he saw on my forms, there shouldn't be any problems. The only question I couldn't get an answer to was the worst case "What if I fail level 3?" and his reply "You won't".

My biggest fear is going through probably a year or more of training (this is after the year of applying and paperwork), and completely dumping my current career, to only land myself in limbo because of a failed clearance. (Again, yes, paranoid/worst-case scenario thinking... But sweating the small stuff is part of the Air side of things too.)

Thank you again gentlemen.

jdog said:
My biggest fear is going through probably a year or more of training (this is after the year of applying and paperwork), and completely dumping my current career, to only land myself in limbo because of a failed clearance. (Again, yes, paranoid/worst-case scenario thinking... But sweating the small stuff is part of the Air side of things too.)

Thank you again gentlemen.

You're fear is either extremely unfounded, or you're not telling us something. Did you get busted for pot possession at 16? Did you make fake credit cards applications at 17 and use them at movie theaters? Did you get caught trying to break into cars at 15?

Lumber said:
You're fear is either extremely unfounded, or you're not telling us something.

I'm confident it's unfounded and I'm uselessly worried after everything said.
Worst things I've ever done in my life that could affect me:
-Speeding ticket. (The only time I've ever been in "trouble" with the police).
-"Borrowed" the family car when I was 15. (Lived in middle of nowhere country, drove it up and down the road a couple times. Didn't get caught, so it's not like it's on my record.) ... Although the *** kicking I got from my mom was probably worse.

-No criminal record from youth or adult years.
-I pass a yearly criminal record check and vulnerable sector check for volunteer work I do... So I'm really doubting I'm gonna hit any brick walls.

Again... It's pure fear of the unknown at this point. If I jump from my current job, and something goes wrong, I am beyond screwed as I'm from such a rural area, there's no hope for me to get another job that can support my house/car/bills. But after what you guys have said, and my recruiter's reaction, I'm confident it won't be an issue for me.
(Never hurts to ask when you don't know right?)

At the end of the day, I can't do anything to guarantee I won't have any problems transitioning to the new career. I could break my leg in basic, come down with some crazy disease, or get hit by a car. The odds of those happening are probably higher.

Again, thanks for all the info and help. I'll try and update as things progress (I suppose I probably won't be able to give any more info at some point along the ride, but I'll do what I can until then).

EDIT - One of the biggest factors that leads to my fear... I've had my current job for nearly 13 years. Raised my kids with it, bought my house and car with it, and there's no hope for going back once I jump. So it's like playing Russian Roulette. If things don't work out, I'm very very screwed.
jdog said:
I'm confident it's unfounded and I'm uselessly worried after everything said.
Worst things I've ever done in my life that could affect me:
-Speeding ticket. (The only time I've ever been in "trouble" with the police).
-"Borrowed" the family car when I was 15. (Lived in middle of nowhere country, drove it up and down the road a couple times. Didn't get caught, so it's not like it's on my record.) ... Although the *** kicking I got from my mom was probably worse.

-No criminal record from youth or adult years.
-I pass a yearly criminal record check and vulnerable sector check for volunteer work I do... So I'm really doubting I'm gonna hit any brick walls.

Again... It's pure fear of the unknown at this point. If I jump from my current job, and something goes wrong, I am beyond screwed as I'm from such a rural area, there's no hope for me to get another job that can support my house/car/bills. But after what you guys have said, and my recruiter's reaction, I'm confident it won't be an issue for me.
(Never hurts to ask when you don't know right?)

At the end of the day, I can't do anything to guarantee I won't have any problems transitioning to the new career. I could break my leg in basic, come down with some crazy disease, or get hit by a car. The odds of those happening are probably higher.

Again, thanks for all the info and help. I'll try and update as things progress (I suppose I probably won't be able to give any more info at some point along the ride, but I'll do what I can until then).

EDIT - One of the biggest factors that leads to my fear... I've had my current job for nearly 13 years. Raised my kids with it, bought my house and car with it, and there's no hope for going back once I jump. So it's like playing Russian Roulette. If things don't work out, I'm very very screwed.

There are a ton of reasons that you could end up released; injury, poor performance, poor conduct, etc. As I've said, I've never seen anyone fail their security clearance application.

Worry about preparing yourself for basic training; exercise and eat healthy.
Lumber said:
Worry about preparing yourself for basic training; exercise and eat healthy.

Yeppers! Already in progress and it's working great. Full steam ahead!

Thanks again for all your help.
Stinton93 said:
Quick question for anyone out there with a similar experience or anyone willing to provide some insight,

For reference, see also.

OP: Stinton93
Does anyone know any reasons you could be denied level III clearance? Do arrests for any reason count?