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Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

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from my experience:

as for cells, computers, ipods, cd players, ect...you will probably have to lock it up for the 4 week indoc (first 4 wks), then you MAY be allowed to use it after 1800 hrs at the discretion of the staff. my course had people caught with phones when they weren't supposed to have them so we were only ever allowed them on weekends, except for the last week. and no you can't bring a phone to farnham, you'll pay if you get caught.

cameras...bring a disposable camera or you can buy one at the canex on base. you will want one. i brought mine to farnham and the staff didn't care, as long as you didn't act like a tourist. also, in farnham you get professional pics  taken, one of your platoon, one of each section, and one solo shot however you want if done. all for $40.

someone said earlier in this post to sleep on top of your covers using your other fire blanket. you can do this, but it depends on the duty staff what could happen. you're supposed to sleep in your bed so that you have to make it in the morning, all part of time management. i was in the blue sector and you have to keep your doors open at night so the duty staff can come in and do a weapon security check and look at you. i know that some people got jacked up for sleeping on the floor or on top of their blankets. it never happened to us, but i've heard some staff will wake the whole platoon up for drill practice in your skivies. besides, those fire blankets are damn itchy and it's much more comfortable to sleep in your bed.

Ordinary Dummy said:
one other thing i forgot to mention as well. one of the more popular items on the floor at the mega that was brought were portable DVD players.  alot of guys had them and alot of guys had movies sent from home after they found out there were allowed to have them on the floor after working hours.  some guys had laptops there as well with built in DVD players for entertainment as well.  helped pass the times on the floor especially on the weekends when we were confined to barracks.  we just stored them in the civi lock up and got in there when needed.

Tell me something, you can capitalize "DVD" but can't be bothered with the rest of your post? I wouldn't have really noticed or gave a damn but it really stands out.

The less valuable stuff you take on any course the better. Not from my experience but I have watched others agonize over lost/stolen/broken pieces of kit, expensive kit. I took a discman, disposable camera and books - but I never had much time to enjoy them. ;D
Portable dvd players are pretty common, I just finished week 6 at St Jean (at home for easter weekend right now) It gives you something to do while you spit shine your boots for hours (and I mean hours) on end. Mp3 players with speakers are good too.
Sorry banman, I didn't really proper grammar was that important here on the forums.  Call it force of habit to capitalize DVD.  I worked retail electronics for a number of years before getting into the forces so I guess it just became habit to capitalize those 3 letters.  When I type on most forums capital letters usually aren't a priority.  I will be sure to take better care of my grammar on these forums in the future and thank you for pointing out my wrong doing.  :salute:
Are you saying that will all the work you have to do, studying for classes, cleaning kit, high level physical training, etc.etc. you ave time to actually use all this stuff?  Other than a disposable camera I dont see where you have the time to call home to family all the time.  And a computer? "If needed it shall be provided".  Luxury, lad, luxury!

And they wonder why we old farts say that the new trainees are soft...

"How can you develop discipline and soldier in the field if you cant go without your walkman or ipod for 6 weeks?" as an instructor might say...
Ordinary Dummy,

Indeed we like to see the proper use of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. as it makes posts a whole lot easier to read and, IMO, contributes to the site's level of professionalism. You can find reference to this in the Army.ca Conduct Guidelines. You can also find debate on the matter in this thread.

Like I said, I wouldn't have said anything about your post had the letters "DVD" stood out to me so much. It's not a big deal ,consider it friendly advice before someone gets upset about it.

Thanks for the consideration and enjoy the site.

Unfortunatley, the rules of the school say that after working hours the recruits and candidates are allowed to have these little luxuries out and in use. That being said, if we as instructors find that the work is not getting done at night we are well within our power to banish said electronic diversions. Personnally I think it should be more like Cornwallis, common locker with a tape/cd player, a couple of magazines.(Those of you who did Cornwallis know the ones I mean). That's all that is really necessary. Things are very different now-a-days. Some is for the better, but at the same time, some is for the worse. We change what we can and accept what we can't .
Cheers Feet :cdn:
Piper, I agree 100%. Having a little music while you are working is a good way to get things done and at the same time unwind a little. My point is, if every other kid is wearing headphones and the rest are watching movies then you don't get the team-work and cohesion that you would have if the music was playing out loud. They tend to get isolated. Remember, most of these guys and girls are still fairly young, they won't necessarily govern themselves properly. Anyway, that is my little rant. If you have any thing to add, please do. Have a good weekend.
Feet :cdn:
When I did basic we weren't allowed alarm clocks till the beginning of week 5. All the rest of the electronics were held by the platoon staff, given back after week 4 and never to be seen Monday to Friday. In SQ we got  electronics priveledges for 1 weekend before we slipped the leash.

In Afghanistan will you just pop out for a DVD whenever you wish??

You will struggle with your own kit, let alone your stereo laptop digital camera and xbox on a rucksack march. If you can handle it all, try out for the olympics dude!

Go for a run once and a while rather than typing and gaming your tits off.
Hoover said:
In Afghanistan will you just pop out for a DVD whenever you wish??

Hate to hijack the thread, but you haven't been a sig op long, have you? :)
Read his bio, he hasn't even been out of country yet. Cut him a little slack, he will learn. Anyway my point for all this was that staff at CFLRS has the authority to remove any priviliges that recruits have if the work is not getting done. Not just electronics, but coffee, smoking, snacks. All of it. The harder you work, the more priviliges you get to keep. Simple as that.
Feet :cdn:
Alright, i think i have found the right thread at last.  Here's a list of items i would like to bring with me and use during basic and Sq if someone could tell me what most likely will and wont be allowed that would be great.

-Socks (not just any socks but a couple of nice pairs of cool max socks that i love to use while hiking)
-Digital watch with a built in alarm (i saw someone say they weren't allowed alarm clocks till the 5th week which is why I'm asking)
-electric razor (also will there be a place to charge it?)
-sunglasses(while on exercises will they let you wear them?)
-new balance runners (i also saw somewhere that you were issued runners but are you allowed to bring and use your own?)
-other assorted cool max gear i have accumulated over the years (under shirt, under armour, boxers)
-bible and crucifix (not for use obviously but do they allow religious material to be stowed with your gear?)

Also a few other things i was wondering about:
Do they let you use Febreze on your bunk? ( i can smell the barracks now)

Is there a requirement that deodorant be fragrance free? Mines not particularly fragrent (Speed stick Aqua sport) but they did say no perfumes

Will they let you keep your necklace on.  In this case i have a pressed leather crucifix on a leather thong given to me by my Baba.

Thanks for the feedback.
Do they let you use Febreze on your bunk? ( i can smell the barracks now)

The barracks will smell fine. It will actually be one of the cleanest places you have ever lived or worked.

(I had a room-mate who'd spray his pillow and sheets with disinfectant aerosol once a day... he was a bit of a germaphobe, so we all thought he was a bit nuts, though he never ever got so much as a cold, so maybe he was on to somthing)
I can answer a few of these as i have just graduated last month.

socks- no problem.  you will have to keep them in your personal box as you need to keep the regular issued socks out for inspections.
watch with alarm in it. - yes and u will be thankful u have it once you hit farnham.
electric razor.  similar to the socks.  you can use it everyday if you want but you will have to have a blade and shaving cream out on display in your locker for inspections.  as far as charging it, long as you are at the mega, np.  Once you hit farnham, you are pretty much SOL.
sunglasses.  i think this is determined by your staff but we were allowed to have sunglasses at farnham as long as they were black rimmed and non-mirrored lenses.
new balance runners.  we were allowed to have the issued pair and our own civi pair in our locker all the time.
cool max stuff.  you will have to keep this in the civi lockup as there wont be any place to keep this in your locker but you are more than welcome to have this in farnham.
bible and crucifix- again, this may be determined by your staff but our platoon was allowed.

Hope this helps.  Good luck.
Actually that was quite helpful; I think you covered just about everything I asked.  Thank you.
Ordinary Dummy said:
bible and crucifix- again, this may be determined by your staff but our platoon was allowed.

No instructing staff will take away a bible (Or any other religious implement for that matter).

That being said, make sure it's a small one (Easier for you). The little ones the gideons hand out are probably best.

As far as the crucifix? Is it big? If you desperately need it for some reason, I'd suggest taking a small one, as you likely won't be allowed to display it.
When you go, get an alarm clock with a built in CD player.  Trust me, it'll be worth the $50.  Cell phones are touch and go, at the discretion of the staff.  Extra clothes, take 2 pairs as you only wear them on the weekends you aren't CB'd.  Do NOT take any towels, you get some issued to you.  I know on my list that the recruitment center gave me it had towels on it. 

As for electronics such as camera's and DVD players...  Cameras are good.  Its your first course in the military.  Just don't take too many pic's and get caught with them of you in the shacks.  You can get them taken away by your staff.  Trust me.  DVD players aren't really useful until grad week.  Honestly you usually get from 18h00 till 23h00 for your personal time.  But you shouldn't really have any.  You have to polish your parade boots and oxfords.  Work on your ironing, because no matter how good it really is, its not good enough.  Get your folding to be tight and clean looking.  IF YOU ARE GOING TO ST JEAN, when you mark your kit, do not sew the tags on with the intent of never taking them off.  It seems as though after you leave the St Jean garrison, you have to remove them all.  AND you get a counselling if you get caught with one on your kit.  After you get all this finished for the night and you have a couple of extra hours, you really should be trying to help someone who isn't as good with their polishing/folding/ironing.  Your staff is looking to see how well you work together.  This is a good way to show it. 

Some off topic tips: 

When you are being inspected, and your Section Commander is going through all your gear, and they say something like you have dirt in your garbage can.  Reply with Yes and No answers only.  Don't start to babble.  That pisses them off.  IF they ASK you why, then just say something like you must have over looked it.  Or that its sneaky or something. 

When you're on course, You'll see troops with "A" flaps rather than the number of the week you're on.  Have some respect for them.  They aren't as lazy as some staff makes them seem.  They are usually injured recruits, or recruits quitting.  I've seen people disrespect PAT platoon and end up having to deal with them after they injure themselves. 

If you see a huge man with an airforce beret, AND he calls you his friend... Do your drill as best you can.  Sgt. Toutan will catch you doing half ass drill, and make you do drill for an hour outside of working hours until you get the point.  He was the most intense instructor I met, and the one instructor whose platoon i wish i was on. 
Thanks for the sleeping tips CJ!  Gunna keep that in mind for later. 

Not sure I would need a Cell phone though.  Ive never bothered with one as a civi, i dont think i will during training.  Although, having a digital camera...or any sort of camera for that matter would be kinda nice.  Sharing my experiences from BMQ would be nice.

I have spent half n hour searching the forums, and I can't find a topic like this, so forgive me if it is already posted. What are the items you should bring with you to basic training? What are some recommended ones...or is there a topic with a list of things to bring. Thanks
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