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Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

chanman said:
Are there tropical Leos? I can't recall any Leo users in the desert or tropics, unlike the Abrams, Chally 2, and LeClerc.

Because you don't recall any Leo users in the desert or tropics like the others, doesn't mean that they were not produced.  There were some built and put into competition with the others, for sale to many nations in that region.  In the business of selling arms to that region, other tanks were chosen for various reasons and incentives.
Australia mst have done something with their Leos - aren't they stationed in the north?
Jack - Trooper Hale of the Aussie tanker brotherhood has already offered his suggestions on how to handle a Leo at 50.

I've said it before kids, footy shorts (like soccer shorts but shorter) are the only thing to wear while your closed down! Oh and seeing as this is an armoured vehicles thing why havent the "endangered crew" got an esky of cold drinks on hand? I say they've got no one but themselves to blame.

Seriously though, closed down in the drivers hole i've been so hot i've thought i'd die, having a camel back and my shirt undone has saved my arse more then once. Its not unusual for temps to get to the high 50's and 60's down here in the vehicles. Its not fun but you've got to tolerate it and make yourself comfortable. Have water near by, undo the shirt and unblouse the pants. Hell, you could even roll your pants up a bit if your really keen.
Its pretty obvious that things get hot in Afghanistan, thus being in a big 60ton hulk of metal would make those inside more then a little bit sweaty.

Story is a bit of a non issue i reckon.
Same paper should print "Bullets endanger people fired at". 

« Last Edit: January 30, 2007, 06:03:40 by Hale » 

Only questions I have for the good trooper

How do you go hatches-down with a Bush Hat?
Is the Bush Hat Black?
How much cold beer does a Leo hold?
Kirkhill said:
Jack - Trooper Hale of the Aussie tanker brotherhood has already offered his suggestions on how to handle a Leo at 50.

Only questions I have for the good trooper

How do you go hatches-down with a Bush Hat?
Is the Bush Hat Black?
How much cold beer does a Leo hold?

Not to slam Hale (He was attatched to my Sqn this past summer) but he's referencing his driving M113s and not Leos.

However, he should have access to some info on the adaptations the Aussies have done to their Leo 1 fleet.

Thanks for squaring me away RBD

My curiousity WRT the other questions leaves me still looking for answers. 
Kirkhill said:
How do you go hatches-down with a Bush Hat?
Is the Bush Hat Black?
How much cold beer does a Leo hold?

1.  Helmet.
2.  Cadpat.
3.  Not enough to share.
36 cans will fit in the 36 Round bin......but they don't stay cool for long.........and in Afghanistan 250 7.62 rounds are more often the case.  ;D
I am the man known as Trooper Hale, but unfortunately, as RBD pointed out, i'm referencing my knowledge of M113 as opposed to the big brother. Even more unfortunate is that at this very moment i've no idea what, if any, mod's have been carried out on our Leopard's for the hot weather.
I'll look into it though so should have a response in a little bit for you all. My tankie co-worker is on leave but when's he's back i'll give some goss.

And about the bush hat (or "slouch hat" as its actually called) i couldnt tell you whether or not you could go closed down with it on, i leave wearing that sucker to my infantry breathen while i float around with my outragiously sexual black beret with silver badge. When i do wear a slouchy i do it with a emu feather sticking out, and i'd risk sticking my head out just to see the looks as the feather flails in the wind.
Hale said:

And about the bush hat (or "slouch hat" as its actually called) i couldnt tell you whether or not you could go closed down with it on, i leave wearing that sucker to my infantry breathen while i float around with my outragiously sexual black beret with silver badge. When i do wear a slouchy i do it with a emu feather sticking out, and i'd risk sticking my head out just to see the looks as the feather flails in the wind.

Shades of the flaming Light Horsemen....and I'd forgotten about the Aussie tendency to slouch along.  >:D
The Tank Regiment down here is based in Darwin, one of the hottest places in this country. I'm sure they've got a couple of tricks i can tell you about. I'll find out about it.
Just a couple of points.  As CSA-105 points out, TED drive was available, but at $160,000 per tank, was deemed to expensive.  Not by me, BTW!

The TED drive was actually easier on the batteries than the hydraulics.  The hydraulic pump in the tank draws 30 amps, and very quickly wears down the batteries.  The modified Leo1A3 that we had in Gagetown to trial the EMES 18 was indeed equipped with the TED, those of us on the project loved it.  A mod that would have been done would have moved the traverse gearbox from beside the commander to up beside the coax.

Rubber track pads are used primarily to stop the wear on the metal track.  The rubber wears out quickly, but it is still much cheaper than replacing the entire worn out track!
Now heres two snaps for you all to have a glance at, i think they show not only the Evolutionary changes that have designed each Corp, but also why an Armoured Corp digger would never go closed down while wearing a slouch hat.
The first, an Infantryman is noticable by not only his issued expression (also attached is the voice recording, "Kill, Kill, Kill" and "me sleep on dirt now") but his lack of Plume.
The next is an Armoured Warrior, noticable by not only is Natural pose and good looks but the swarm of ladies that surround him.
I think we can easily tell the superiour Corp now...

Sorry about the link but its the only way i can think of to show Bitmap images.
(Ayup, the sapper is still at work while everyone else is posturing)
Back on topic troops.

The Army.ca Staff
I believe that the need for air conditioning for the enclosed crewmen of AFVs for the Afghan summer is genuine.  It is based on operational effectiveness.  As I scored 51% in Grade 11 Electronics, however, I will leave the "how" to others.

To add to some other comments, please wear your PPE to include ballistic glasses even when you are closed-down.

I am sure that the simple installation of a number of small fans would be of an immediate help.  They wouldn't really have an affect in cooling down the temperature, but would at least provide some air circulation, which in turn helps the body cool.  They would not be the final solution, but would still be a small help.
There is a small system used on Danish Leo 1's.  It is a combined generator/air conditioner/heater, which the Danes have mounted in the coffin bin on the Leo1A3 turret.  It's not much of a generator, because it is limited to charging the batteries through the RBJ, but it does provide something like a 15 amp charge.  They cut a hole in the rear right side of the turret to allow for the heated/cooled air to enter the turret, behind the commander.  It has it's own fuel tank....because it's kind of hard to get fuel up there from the main tanks.

I bet that the current bins on the C2's would work as well.

Now that the Danes are in the process of parking all of their Leo 1', I wonder if these systems are available?

We have a great rapport with the Danes, I'm sure that they wouldn't mind helping us out!
Hello there just stumbled on this thread from MP.net

Kanada will deutsche Panzer für Afghanistan
10. Feb 12:50

Bald sollen deutsche «Leopard 2»-Kampfpanzer in den Kriegsgebieten Afghanistans an die Front - allerdings mit kanadischer Besatzung. Die Bundesregierung ist bereit, dem Deal zuzustimmen.

Kanada will für den Kampf gegen die Taliban in Afghanistan deutsche «Leopard 2»-Kampfpanzer einsetzen. Ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums bestätigte am Samstag einen Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazins «Der Spiegel» über eine entsprechende Anfrage der Regierung aus Ottawa. Die Panzer sollen mit kanadischer Besatzung zum Einsatz kommen.

Die kanadischen Streitkräfte benutzen bereits die ältere Version, den «Leo 1». Aber für den Kampf gegen die Taliban hätten die Kanadier gern das neuste auf dem Markt. Wie das Verteidigungsministerium mitteilte, haben die Kandaier daher angefragt, ob Deutschland etwa 20 «Leopard» in der neuen Version mit einem speziellen Schutz gegen Minen (A6M) bereitstellen könnte.
Vorteil: Höhere Feuerkraft
Weil der Hersteller Krauss-Maffei Wegmann diese nicht sofort liefern könne, will Kanada die Panzer aus deutschen Beständen für zwei Jahre leasen. Der Leo 2 besitzt dank einer leistungsstärkeren Munition eine höhere Feuerkraft als der Leo 1, ist mit einer 120 Millimeter-Kanone ausgerüstete, kann Ziele bis zu vier Kilometer Entfernung bekämpfen. Er hat einen 1200 KW-Motor und bringt es damit auf eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 70 Stundenkilometer, was für ein 60 Tonnen-Fahrzeug beachtlich ist.
Die Bundeswehr hat etwa 40 Stück vom Typ A6M. Weitere 80 «Leopard 2»-Panzer einer älteren Version will Kanada kaufen.

Exportrichtline umgehen

Das Verteidigungsministerium steht dem Sprecher zufolge diesem Anliegen grundsätzlich positiv gegenüber. Eine abschließende Entscheidung sei aber noch nicht gefallen. Vermutlich auch deshalb, weil bisher für alle Bundesregierungen galt, keine Rüstungsgüter in Spannungsgebiete zu exportieren. Der Bundessicherheitsrat - ein streng geheim tagender Unterausschuss des Kabinetts - hat über jeden Ausfuhrantrag zu befinden. In ihm sitzen die Kanzlerin, die Minister für Verteidigung, des Äußeren, Inneren, der Wirtschaft und Finanzen sowie der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr.

Politische Beobachter gehen indessen davon aus, dass sich der Bund der Anfrage aus Kanada auf keinen Fall verweigern möchte und deshalb nach Möglichkeiten sucht, die restriktive Exportrichtline zu umgehen. Ein Leasing-Geschäft käme Berlin daher sehr entgegen, da das Leasen deutscher Panzer streng genommen kein Exportgeschäft wäre. (nz)


Well Im not able to find english sources so I will some up the major points

-Canada is interested to use Leo 2 in AFG
-Spokesman from German MOD confirmend to the spiegel that Ottawa hast asked for Leo2 for AFG
-Canadians asked for 20 Leo 2A6 with Mine Protection
-It seems that they want to lease them from German Army until KMWEG is able to prduce new ones for Canada
-Canada also plans to get 80 older German Leo 2
-Leasing of the 20 Leo2A6 M for 2 Years

Nice step Canada so when German Politicians are not willing to fight so at least our Stealbeasts get their chance.

