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Favorite Posting in Canada

If you could choose any posting in canada (out of the wings) what would it be?

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Can't believe that the Tac Hel units weren't included, I know that they are part of 1 Wing, Kingston but for me 427 SOA in Petawawa has been the best place to work. Awesome job and nice area.
Blackadder1916 said:
None of the above.

Ditto - unless you add St.John's NF.  No base there, but a good stopover place.  But then, I havent been to Greenwood, Ive heard its nice there...
WrenchBender said:
What about the OFF Wing postings,
Yellowknife (440 Sqn) part of 17 Wing
Esquimalt (443 Sqn) part of 12 Wing
Edmonton (408 Sqn) 1 Wing unit
Petawawa (427 Sqn) "    "    "
St Hubert (438 Sqn)  "  "    "
1 Wing Kingston has no aircraft
22 Wing North Bay has no aircraft

Don't forget Borden (400?/1Wg) and Ottawa (412/8Wg). 
I live in Gander, base is like a glorified station lol

Ranked 10th best town in Canada. If you are above 30 its great, its quiet, low crime, amazing outdoors, friendly people, everything is close, not far from the ocean, but if you have kids theyll be bored to tears and probably get into drugs and alcohol.

Also, this town gets some of the most snow in Canada.... but if you have a ski-doo it balances out lol
C1Dirty said:
Don't forget Borden (400?/1Wg) and Ottawa (412/8Wg). 
Borden is in the poll
Ottawa only has Pilots and Flt stewards
I did forget Gagetown though (403 Sqn/1 Wg)

Proud_Newfoundlander said:
I live in Gander......
.......if you have kids theyll be bored to tears and probably get into drugs and alcohol.

Pretty broad statement about today's kids.

My siblings (5) and I grew up, for the most part, on a station much smaller than Gander and with no town close by.  None of us got into drugs or alcohol.
Here in gander, the town was designed by older folks for older folks, theres nothing for teenagers to do really, but go out in the woods and get drunk and do drugs. I lived here since 94 and thats the way it is here, and more many many small communities
Somehow, I don't think Gander is any different than any other small town.  We grew up on a military base, built by the military, for the military.  There was nothing to do but go to the movies, go to the gym, go to the pool, hang out at the snack bar.....

But we digress.  Out of the list, I think I'd go back to Greenwood.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
we dont have a movie theatre, and u cant spend ur life at timmies :P

Fine, so all the teenagers that live in Gander are using drugs and alcohol.  Let's move on.... ::)
Even though I'm not AF, my options for postings (despite being 4 years away) are looking good. Esquimalt, or Halifax, and I've heard great things about both.

Proud_Newfoundlander said:
Well, most lol

Not very good with the obvious are you? And somehow I don't think a town full of kids getting smashed and high is something "lol" worthy.

Give your head a shake.
I've been in the shacks there on course; that sucks.  Greenwood isn't a bad area to live in though.  It depends what you're into I guess.

mr peabody said:
I've been in the shacks there on course; that sucks. 

I didnt live in the Shacks, i lived in Kingston.

Greenwood sucks big time if you are single. The Tuque and the Iron Pot are not what i call a nightlife. If you have a wife and kids its a bit better but you have to enjoy living 20 years behind your last posting.
mr peabody said:
It depends what you're into I guess.

That is the key, especially when you're young and single.  Some like the hunting and fishing in northern areas, others can't imagine being outside a city centre.

But you also have to think about the next stage of your life.  When you're a young single guy/girl, and your NOK is Mom, then the service helps pay your way home at XMas to visit (that once per year LTA). After you're a married MCpl with two kids, NOK is home (where the spouse lives), and the CF doesn't pay for those four plane tickets to fly across the country (because  Mom still expects to see the grandkids).

One estimate of the situation might encourage you to seek that posting near home for when the out of pocket travel expenses are going to kick into high gear.  When you're young and single, you'll pay for the tickets to go anywhere you want anyway.
I spent the first couple years of my time there as a young single Pte....  it really isn't that bad.  Acadia university is in Wolfville and there were plenty of women there. 

The Top Hat bites.... no question there, the Red Line is gone, but that sucked as well.  You've pretty much got to import a woman.... I ended up marrying a girl I met who was in Halifax on vacation from Ontario. 

To each their own.... I just spent a year in Comox and I would prefer not to return.
So how long is your type course in greenwood on the aurora?I heard it was like a year and a half with sucks ass!And how is the woman situation in comox?Is Courtenay a fair size city?