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February 3rd BMQ

I set up a page on Facebook... it's called BMQ r0022E and r0023E. I think all ya'll need to do is search for it and then ask to join. It's a closed group for privacy.
Must be because of Facebook's weird privacy settings. If you want to add me to facebook, I can invite you to the group. My name is Carla Cyr. Or I can add you to mine, whatever works.
Come on people, don't be shy. Add colta on facebook and get into the group. It may be good to better know who you are going to spend the next 3 months with!
Just over a week left until your course starts.

Instead of spending your "last free time" before course sleeping in and splurging on food may I suggest waking up at 5am every day and (sometime during the day) going for short 5KM-6KM runs.
Just picked up some swiffer cloths and mr clean erasers for course. I heard they were a good idea to bring. Anybody else have the same idea??
I was thinking about picking up the same stuff. I guess we'll see, I still have a few more things to pick up before Sat.
Even if you decide not to grab it now, i'm sure the canex will have it once you get there.