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First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

I went on youtube and searched for Sarnia police. 3rd video hit  highlights why the Sarnia police didn't remove the illegal roadblock.


In anyone wants to help out ::)

Items/donations needed for Chief Spence's camp on Victoria Island
by IPSMO on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 9:52pm ·

Below is a list of items needed at Chief Spence’s camp on Victoria Island, Ottawa, Algonquin Territory.

Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation, has been on a hunger strike since December 11th to bring to the awareness of Canadians and especially the Prime Minister and the Queens representative, the Governor General, the violations and ignoring of Treaties signed with First Nations which have led to the poverty of First Nations Peoples and exploitation of their land for the benefit of a few. To date, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has not responded to Chief Theresa Spence's demand.

    Bottled water.

    Clear Garbage Bags for clothes.

    long-johns, skirts, socks, hats, scarfs.




    Canned Goods.

    Moose, Deer, or Fish.

    Stove Pipe coming out of top of Tipi catching Fire need a modification.





    Canvas for shelter.


    Boots (Size 12)


    Money for gas.


You can donate and delivery these items directly to Victoria Island, if you live in Ottawa.

Or you can drop items off at Venus Envy (320 Lisgar St, 613-789-4646) and they will deliver everything to the camp this Friday evening.

If you can't make it to Victoria Island:

We asked the helpers at the camp for a bank account where people can donate gas money to. But there is none. So, we set up a temporary Paypal account for people who would like to donate money. This is the link:


We (IPSMO) will then issue a cheque to one of the responsible people at the camp. If you don't have a credit card to make a paypal donation, you can make a cheque payable to IPSMO with "to go to Chief Theresa Spence Camp" in the memo line and send it to


    c/o OPIRG-GRIPO Ottawa
    631 King Edward Ave. (3rd floor / 3ieme étage)
    Ottawa, ON K1N 7N8
    Algonquin Territory

Chief/Mayor Spence makes more in a month than I do in a year.  Why would I need to donate to her cause?

And why would she want the following during a hunger strike:


    Canned Goods.

    Moose, Deer, or Fish.

George Wallace said:

Chief/Mayor Spence makes more in a month than I do in a year.  Why would I need to donate to her cause?

To draw attention away from how much she actually makes?  Appearance is everything!
Her and her husband make more than 200K why are they looking for so much in the way of support?

In particular, why does somone on a hunger strike need eggs, canned goods, moose, deer, or fish?

Good grief....not only is she still fat after 21 days of hunger strike, but her feet are huge and swollen to size 12?

Why does this not jive?
Bluebulldog said:
Her and her husband make more than 200K why are they looking for so much in the way of support?

In particular, why does somone on a hunger strike need eggs, canned goods, moose, deer, or fish?

Good grief....not only is she still fat after 21 days of hunger strike, but her feet are huge and swollen to size 12?

Why does this not jive?

I would say its all for her entourage.
I would suggest that her "entourage" use their own funds (likely have more than most, or are otherwise subsidized anyway) and go to Mickey D's.  I am sure that they are probably regulars at a local brasserie in Gatineau already.

Chief Stoker said:
I would say its all for her entourage.

And they all wear:
Boots (Size 12)

(Here comes the Bill Cosby as Noah talking to God voice:)  RIGHT!?!
George Wallace said:
I would suggest that her "entourage" use their own funds (likely have more than most, or are otherwise subsidized anyway) and go to Mickey D's.  I am sure that they are probably regulars at a local brasserie in Gatineau already.

I wonder what the area will look like when they move out, I bet it won't look pretty.
Not much on that list that jives with their ancestral\ traditional way of life.

Shouldn't they be hunting and fishing for their food? Making their own clothing?

Christ, they can't even set up a teepee without setting it on fire ::)

And how many more donation bank accounts are going to get opened that can't be scrutinized? So far this will make two, I think, just for Spence's group alone.
I posted Ezra's video, with my own commentary, and links to some of the stuff he highlighted (the treaty, band financials) on my FB.  Some people have already begun to repost (so far the financials).  Here's hoping the attention she wanted backfires in her face.
The Ezra Levant video is excellent. I generally have only marginal time for him, because he tends to be merely the opposite side of the "media party" coin he lambastes. But in this case, he's done some very informative research. Shame few Canadians will likely see this.

For those with short attention spans, fast-forward to the 20 minute mark and just listen to the final 10 minutes.

A buddy just sent me another one of Ezra Lavant's opinion pieces.

I have to admit, before today, I never watched the guy....but his stock is rising with me.
Now we're getting to the crux, and more info backing up E Levant's Idle\Occupy link.

recceguy said:
Now we're getting to the crux, and more info backing up E Levant's Idle\Occupy link.


Was coming here to post that very link but was beat to it.  Interesting times we live in...

Are we going to see an insurgency here?

According to insurgency doctrine (from the 90s) we are seeing a rise in civil disobedience with traffic blockades etc.

The next phase is actively attacking police stations etc to show that the government is weak and cannot protect the public.

Are we there yet?

Edited - I am deeply disappointed in the Idle No More Movement. I thought they might seek gainful employment, alas this is not happening. :facepalm:
recceguy said:
Now we're getting to the crux, and more info backing up E Levant's Idle\Occupy link.


If this were a movie, the Link Diagram at the bottom of this article would be a targetting list that one would send to Jason Statham as "The Mechanic".    >:D
Jim Seggie said:

Are we going to see an insurgency here?

According to insurgency doctrine (from the 90s) we are seeing a rise in civil disobedience with traffic blockades etc.

The next phase is actively attacking police stations etc to show that the government is weak and cannot protect the public.

Are we there yet?

I don't know if the government has the political will to really do anything aggressive against the protesters. We seen it many times with road blocks and the like, usually started by the Mohawks. If the roadblocks continue will the government do something? It will be interesting to see.
I do not read SUN media articles often, but this one does publicize more information than most MSM reagrding the Chief's diet.

'Idle No More' protests sparked by chief's 'diet.' It's not a hunger strike
By Lorne Gunter ,QMI Agency
First posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 07:37 PM MST | Updated: Thursday, January 03, 2013 10:39 AM MST

During one of his famous hunger strikes for farm workers’ rights in the 1960s and 1970s, activist Cesar Chavez had to fight off a supporter who tried to force feed him orange juice. Despite his weakened condition, Chavez was able to knock the juice glass out of his supporter’s hand and angrily insist that even the consumption of juice would violate the spirit of his fast.

Contrast that with Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence. The Northern Ontario chief is claiming to be on a hunger strike until Prime Minister Stephen Harper agrees to meet with her to discuss Ottawa’s treaty obligations. But Spence is consuming broth “several times a day,” according to reports, plus several cups of tea and water.

That’s not a hunger strike, it’s a diet. Good for you, Chief Spence. You’ve joined the millions of Canadians who’ve pledged to drop a few pounds this New Year’s. A noble goal, to be sure, but hardly a great spiritual or political achievement.

If Spence’s claim to be on a hunger strike weren’t ridiculous enough, it was revealed Wednesday that she doesn’t want just any meeting with Prime Minister Harper. “This meeting has to be not just one day, it has to be at least a week or two weeks,” she insisted.

That’s delusional.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan has offered to meet with Spence. She has refused, insisting instead that she will only meet with the PM. And she won’t just take any meeting. She wants a fortnight.

You can bet Spence herself wouldn’t agree to meet for as long a week or two with any disgruntled resident of the northern reserve she so badly mismanages. If one of her own residents began fasting to back up his demands for a new house, for instance, you can bet Spence would refuse to see him for more than an hour or two. And she is the leader of a community of 1,800 or fewer.

Yet Spence sees nothing totally preposterous with her own demand that the PM meet with her for a week or two.

Remember, too, this is the same Theresa Spence whose remote community made national news last year when it was revealed that some residents were facing a winter in decrepit housing — including uninsulated tents.

Spence (and many of the same publicity-seeking opposition politicians who have rushed to her side this time) insisted the fault was Ottawa’s, even though the federal government had given her tiny community more than $90 million in the previous five years.

Spence herself had a comfortable office and home with a big-screen satellite television and high-speed internet. Her reserve had also received millions more from the Ontario government, from nearby mines and from casinos, and still was nearly $12 million in debt.

But the delusion goes well beyond Chief Spence to the greater Idle No More aboriginal movement that has so closely aligned itself with her protest.

Idle No More, which has been blockading train lines and organizing protests across the country, has convinced itself the federal government is surreptitiously changing federal law to make it easy for aboriginal governments to sell off land from their reserves.

That simply is not happening.

At the behest of elected reserve governments, Ottawa is changing the law to streamline the leasing of reserve land for casinos and other businesses.

At present, the Indian Act gives the federal government a very patronizing role in approving new leases. The new law would give greater control to elected on-reserve leaders.

But the rules making it difficult to sell reserve land permanently are not changing.

Like Spence, though, Idle No More supporters have deluded themselves into seeing Ottawa as out to get them.

Another chart showing the web these anarchist people belong to.


Mohawk Warriors, Unions and media. Hmmmmm :whistle: