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For those opposed to actions in the middle east

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Over in Afghan or down in Iraq
The Soldiers stand ready with orders to attack

They follow their orders, they fight with all heart
A long time from their families they are apart

A lot of them have seen their best friends die
Started by a war, that was started on a lie

We fight by policy and orders pre-set
Rules of engagement and sanctions cannot be bent

Bodies are scattered as far as you can see
With soldiers that died to protect you and me

Yet the people at home sit and watch CNN
Stating this is only for oil and this should immediately end

I do not care how this war have began
Was it oil or WMD or just because they can

The fact still remains that our soldiers are over there
Fighting for us with all they got, because those soldiers still care

So instead of picketing to have this war stopped
Writing letters to government, and protests a lot

We should stand behind, all of our guys
Dressed in green as almost 3000 have died

Support all the troops and encourage them on
By prayers, letters, and even by song

We are proud of you guys for all that you give
Knowing you may die to make sure that we live

Whether it’s down in Iraq to make a stand
Or over in Afgan looking for the Taliban

It does not matter if its England, Canada, or the U.S.
Let our troops know they are the best

I hope you know how thankful we are,
that you fight for us near and fight for us a far

So people of the world lets stand and unite
And back our troops with all of our might

I cannot support them with money or more
As I work for low wages and I am quite poor

The only thing I can offer is the offer of me
So I stared the process to join your team

So 6 months from now you may shead a tear
When I say go home buddy, I got it from here

So to support the military, by career with them has just begun
To support the Military, What have you done?


(sorry but the protester realli p*ssed me off)
Just a whimsical thought
as I lay here on my cot.

Anti-war protesters with blinders on,
questioning why we have gone.

Saying these wars are for oil,
while in the Oil Patch they still toil.

Oil companies have clued in
to the Protester's din.

Saying we're short in supply;
of the oil on which we rely.

Their only solution can be
in the pockets of you and me.

Who is really the blame for higher prices at the pump,
but the protester's words causing the slump.

Their words of protest
not really in jest

have influenced Oil Company Execs
to raise their specs.

Pump prices are on the rise
due to our protesters; Quelle surprise.
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.
artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.

You picked the wrong day to spout crap like that

artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.

Nice... your first post here.. Welcome. 

You've just insulted many soldiers that surf here.  We are not Victims.  We are soldiers.  We accept the risks and responsibilities
that come with our job.  We are not politicians, we are soldiers.  We do not make the policy of where we go, we just go.

1) NEVER confuse us with politicians and policy.  We do because we are told. 
2) Victims don't volunteer.

Say hi to Pike for me, will you!

edit.. as per my colleague..  I think your timing is poor and most likely malicious.  I don't throw stones at your house,
so why do it to the people who serve this country.  The soldiers are never right nor wrong.  We are soldiers. 

I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.
Wouldn't it be ironic if Canadians were hated because people like you were too afraid to stand up for freedom and rights
of others or put your life on the line when mattered and we dropped the ball in the international community?  I would think
thats more likely, those who COULD and choose not to .... are worse than those who try (and suceed or fail)
artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.
Sorry, but I take offence to your inference that "Americans are the most hated people in the world".
I also take offence to your revisionist/conspiracy theorist opinion that this war was "initiated by the US and her allies." 
Fact: on 11 September, 2001, almost 3000 innocents died in the US, among them over 20 Canadians.
Fact: NATO invoked article 5, collective defence vs. an attack launched from abroad.
Fact: Canada is one of the US's allies.
Fact: Canada has long been named on the A-Q hitlist.

I shall say no more in fear of letting my emotions get the better of me
artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.

I suppose it is lost on you that Canadians and Americans are indistinguishable to most people in the world outside of western europe...
artsee I  hope your name and face are never posted on this or and other forum because I know as the mother of one of those soldier over there I would be willing to kick your a**  once for every person serving
artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.

For your sake, I'm going to assume you're some naive kid spouting opinions you've heard but do not understand.

You've come to the wrong place, on the wrong day, to utter such uninformed, unsubstantiated, unconsidered nonsense.

military granny said:
artsee I  hope your name and face are never posted on this or and other forum because I know as the mother of one of those soldier over there I would be willing to kick your a**  once for every person serving

Kick my ass?  Come on and try!  This is a political thread, dude.  I'm free to speak my piece.  I may not be a soldier but my folks are working for the government.  Civilians do sacrifice as much as soldiers do.  I'm not bashing the Americans 'cause many of my friends and relatives are Americans.  The point that I was trying to raise was to remind our soldiers (like you) that you should be cautious in playing another country's card.  I happen to be a visible minority and don't look like you guys in the mainstream; but I'm a Canadian.  I happen to be more of a Canadian than American.  There's no point crying over this issue and attacking me for my honest opinion.
artsee said:
Kick my ***?  Come on and try!  This is a political thread, dude.  I'm free to speak my piece.  I may not be a soldier but my folks are working for the government.  Civilians do sacrifice as much as soldiers do.  I'm not bashing the Americans 'cause many of my friends and relatives are Americans.  The point that I was trying to raise was to remind our soldiers (like you) that you should be cautious in playing another country's card.  I happen to be a visible minority and don't look like you guys in the mainstream; but I'm a Canadian.  I happen to be more of a Canadian than American.  There's no point crying over this issue and attacking me for my honest opinion.

No one is attacking you because you are stating your opinion, they are correcting your opinion because it is

1) Wrong

2) Offensive to many people here

3) Inflammatory

Furthermore, since you are not in the military, how are you in any way qualified to state how much soldiers "sacrifice"?

My parents work for the government too - and they are the first to tell me exactly how hard we work for those paycheques in comparison to them!!
artsee, you have no clue what you're talking about.

today is not the right day to come here and post your mindless drivel.

Take the advice given to you by the other members of this site or find out what the warning system is like.

Normally I would attempt to compose a structured, well worded rebuttal to what you have said. The thing is that guys like you usually stay here for a very short amount of time before progressing to "read only" status and so my efforts would be wasted.

The ball is in your court.

Army.ca Staff
I've asked him to take 4 days off from posting and decide how he wants to portray himself to army.ca. 
He found himself the wrong spot to be...his mouth is free to run off because of my two grandfathers and all of the great men and women of this country who are serving their country or have served...and that is my right to free speech...

My apologies to all of you for this civilian's obvious lack of tact... :rage:

artsee said:
Four more Canadian soldiers were killed increasing the number of casualties in Afghanistan.  Who knows how many more victims to come.  There's absolutely nothing wrong performing as peacekeeping force in other countries.  Nothing's wrong joining the international forces rebuilding another nation.  However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game.  Americans are the most hated people in the world while we Canadians used to be one of the most liked.  But as we gradually take an active part in a war that was initiated by the US and her allies, we have become targets of their enemies.  I hate to see the day when Canadians are no longer safe travelling and being hated like the Americans.

I am biting!

Sorry mods.

What an offensive post pal!

Infact, you almost make me almost want to projectile spew!


I call, them SOLDIERS and MEN who had the ballz to answer the call for Canada. A lot more than you could ever muster in a thousand lifetimes.

You spout political anti US BS when these brave men have not even had their remains returned home. How GUTLESS and YELLOW of you to make such spineless comments.

Totally disgusted,


PS - A visible minority eh, I bet a comment like this where you (or your family) come from would land you in some crap dirt gaol cell, with a bit of torture thrown in. You're bloody lucky to live in Canada! Don't forget that, you're warm, well fed, and sleep in a warm bed, while others defend whats right in a hostile land and live in conditions, seeing things which would have you crapping your pants and trembling like a dog shyting razor blades.

Shame on ya!

Sleep well tonight and have another slice of pizza.

Wrong site. Give it up and move on.

But before you go, remember, don't shyte in your own nest, or take your newly adopted country for granted.
Hot Lips said:
He found himself the wrong spot to be...his mouth is free to run off because of my two grandfathers and all of the great men and women of this country who are serving their country or have served...and that is my right to free speech...

My apologies to all of you for this civilian's obvious lack of tact... :rage:


Hey 'Margret' no need to apologise for this limp wristed o2 bandit, he can't help it.

Nice pic and great quote on your MSN proflie BTW ;D

Cold beers,

Ok first of all I'm not defending Artsee or taking side here, but I do fail to see the offensive part in what he said.

I re-read his post a few times and I think that is the phrase getting to people's head.

"However, let's not commit the mistake of playing the American game."

Now I don't think he was pointing at the soldiers serving the country. The way I read it (I might be wrong so if there are any grammar expert please correct me) I think he includes the entire country civilian and military and the general way we (as a country) act on the international scene.

Political opinion is one thing, supporting our troops wherever they are is another thing.

We might not agree with every single decision our leaders take but every person in this country should support our troops regardless of the political motivations. (wish for their well being, not necessarly for the goals they are trying to reach)

Also I'm not saying that americans are the most hated people around the world and that canadians are the most liked BUT it is a fact that a significant number of american tourists buy canadian flags patch for their bags when they travel to feel more secure.

Overall I raise my glass for people serving our great country.
You know what will make me "spew"? 

One more Canadian defining themselves by declaring themselves NOT to be American.

How about just defining yourselves as Canadian?  Your screw-ups are your own.  Your successes are your own.
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