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For those opposed to actions in the middle east

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Collin.T said:

Wikipedia is one of the greatest thing about the internet.


Oh, my, Gawd.

Do you have an inkling of what reliable research and scholarship is???  Has anyone ever taught you to think critically??  Of course not.  If they had, you would have quickly discerned that the reason Wikipedia compares so well with scholarly works is that many people posting there do THEIR research within the confirmed sources!!

Shake your head.  Wikipedia is a great place to start researching - it is a terrible place to quote as a source - because it ISN'T!!!
Wesley H. Allen said:
I am biting!

Sorry mods.

What an offensive post pal!

Infact, you almost make me almost want to projectile spew!


I call, them SOLDIERS and MEN who had the ballz to answer the call for Canada. A lot more than you could ever muster in a thousand lifetimes.

You spout political anti US BS when these brave men have not even had their remains returned home. How GUTLESS and YELLOW of you to make such spineless comments.

Totally disgusted,


PS - A visible minority eh, I bet a comment like this where you (or your family) come from would land you in some crap dirt gaol cell, with a bit of torture thrown in. You're bloody lucky to live in Canada! Don't forget that, you're warm, well fed, and sleep in a warm bed, while others defend whats right in a hostile land and live in conditions, seeing things which would have you crapping your pants and trembling like a dog shyting razor blades.

Shame on ya!

Sleep well tonight and have another slice of pizza.

Wrong site. Give it up and move on.

But before you go, remember, don't shyte in your own nest, or take your newly adopted country for granted.

The above is a racist remark.  While it's true that unlike the US military that has quite a lot of visible minorities and we in Canadian Army doesn't have too many, such remark against visible minority must not be tolerated in this forum.  In fact, we need to recruit and attract more minorities to the Canadian Army instead of bashing the non-whites.
GOJI said:
The above is a racist remark.  While it's true that unlike the US military that has quite a lot of visible minorities and we in Canadian Army doesn't have too many, such remark against visible minority must not be tolerated in this forum.  In fact, we need to recruit and attract more minorities to the Canadian Army instead of bashing the non-whites.

Actually no, we need to recruit fit, motivated Canadians into the Canadian Forces, citizens who embody values such as courage, endurance and devotion to duty and are willing to lay down their lives for Canada to protect those values, and are also willing to work hard to instill those values in the next generations of recruits.

Wes was calling out the poster hiding behind the "visible minority" label in an attempt to disarm criticism of his post and short circuit subsequent debate. I personally don't care who that person was or his/her/it's point of origin, they made an unwarranted and poorly thought out post and were properly slammed for it. Good posters get praised for making well thought out and provocative arguments, also without reference to their origin.

+1 for Wes

such remark against visible minority must not be tolerated in this forum

Well, first of all, this is a private forum. The owner ultimately decides what is tolerated and what is not....

In fact, we need to recruit and attract more minorities to the Canadian Army

What experience or knowledge are you basing this statement on?

GOJI said:
The above is a racist remark.  While it's true that unlike the US military that has quite a lot of visible minorities and we in Canadian Army doesn't have too many, such remark against visible minority must not be tolerated in this forum.  In fact, we need to recruit and attract more minorities to the Canadian Army instead of bashing the non-whites.

I don't see any specific racist comments in Wes' post. He does not single out any minority group, or make any stereotypical comments.

Seem to me, you're trying to stir the pot. I didn't see anything in the post "bashing the non-whites" as you so put it.

And I can tell you that there are visible minorities serving in the CF. I don't know if you serve, but a lot of us do, and will attest to this.

Point of interest, try filling out your profile. Some of us may take you more seriously.

GOJI said:
The above is a racist remark.  While it's true that unlike the US military that has quite a lot of visible minorities and we in Canadian Army doesn't have too many, such remark against visible minority must not be tolerated in this forum.  In fact, we need to recruit and attract more minorities to the Canadian Army instead of bashing the non-whites.

Welcome back and goodbye artsee.

a_majoor said:
Actually no, we need to recruit fit, motivated Canadians into the Canadian Forces, citizens who embody values such as courage, endurance and devotion to duty and are willing to lay down their lives for Canada to protect those values, and are also willing to work hard to instill those values in the next generations of recruits.

Wes was calling out the poster hiding behind the "visible minority" label in an attempt to disarm criticism of his post and short circuit subsequent debate. I personally don't care who that person was or his/her/it's point of origin, they made an unwarranted and poorly thought out post and were properly slammed for it. Good posters get praised for making well thought out and provocative arguments, also without reference to their origin.

+1 for Wes

Thanks Mate!

Canadians, Australians, and Americans. We all are nations built of immigrants in the first place, aren't we. Even the indiginous came accross the Bearing Straight, or up thru South and Central America thousands of years ago. Its a moot point to even argue. Aboriginal Aussies came across the land bridge from Indonesia and surrounding areas some say anywhere from 10-40 thousand years back, bringing dogs with them, now called Dingos, and even they are called native animals now.

I just tell it like it is, and there definatly was nothing racist about what I said. I do have a brain, respect for the CF, ADF, Mike Bobbit, this site and its genuine members. I am certainlly not about to make an ass of myself. Sometimes many of these left wing rat bags, would not no the truth if it came and bit (teeth into flesh and all) them in the bum! Wait, only if they read it in some left wing 'free the whales' tabloid. Sometimes the reality of today (outside a classroom or speak easy) is too offensive for the granola eaters out there.

Minorities? Shyte! I am one myself here, oh wait, we have another Canuck in my  unit, so I am not alone afterall, that two out of a whole regular army regiment . I know what its like to be singled out because of being different. My accent for example, ( if I hear another beaver, lumberjack, or moose joke I'll scream, plus I am often singled out as a Septic Tank - rhyming slang for Yank - or if they want to know a real bear story - or do you guys really plug your cars in at night) and I have had to stand my ground on the odd occasion, so this person who was banned over his low-life comment is better off snivelling over a warm beer and a bong with some of his own kind as far as I am concerned.

In reality, I dont care where anyone comes from as long as he/she tows the line, is hopelessly dedicated to his new country, has adopted the duties and responsibilites of his new country, and accepted his new home whole heartedly. I did. No big deal. It aint easy being far awway from where you come from. I have worked with many Aussies from a different heritage than north western Europe, and they have been bloody good soldiers, proud to be part of the team, and just as Australian as I am, and I was born in Saskatoon!

Ah, another cold beer on a tropical autumn night. XXXX Gold please. Thanks hun  ;D


A visible minority eh, I bet a comment like this where you (or your family) come from would land you in some crap dirt gaol cell, with a bit of torture thrown in. You're bloody lucky to live in Canada! Don't forget that

I agree this is absolutely a thoughtless statement. What a stupid and ridiclous thing to say.
Yes Canada is a wonderful and safe place to live, but no thanks to extrmists like your self -Pal.
Guess said:
I agree this is absolutely a thoughtless statement. What a stupid and ridiclous thing to say.
Yes Canada is a wonderful and safe place to live, but no thanks to extrmists like your self -Pal.
I disagree with you. It is precisely because of men like Wes that Canada is "a wonderful and safe place to live", since he has spent several years making it so, in Her uniform.
Why do so many "visible minorities" come to Canada? Because of precisely the reasons Wes stated. So, where in that statement is the "stupid and ridiclous" part? Or is it the blunt honesty that bothers you?

+2 for Wes.
Kick my ***?  Come on and try!  This is a political thread, dude.  I'm free to speak my piece.  I may not be a soldier but my folks are working for the government.  Civilians do sacrifice as much as soldiers do.  I'm not bashing the Americans 'cause many of my friends and relatives are Americans.  The point that I was trying to raise was to remind our soldiers (like you) that you should be cautious in playing another country's card.  I happen to be a visible minority and don't look like you guys in the mainstream; but I'm a Canadian.  I happen to be more of a Canadian than American.  There's no point crying over this issue and attacking me for my honest opinion.

The only people that have the right to say their Canadian, are people that are willing and have gone overseas to help fight for this nation. As far as I'm concerned the only true Canadian's are the veterans we have here at home, and those who are buried overseas because they paid the ultimate sacrifice to hear you spew your garbage.

As for all this America bashing, I've got nothing negative to say about American's, I heard a story from some of my colleagues that while they were travelling to a new base in combats an American came up and thanked them for what they were doing, while a Canadian was asking them how they felt about being lied to by their government about Sept 11.
Futuretrooper said:
The only people that have the right to say their Canadian, are people that are willing and have gone overseas to help fight for this nation. 

So my parents aren't Canadian?

My disabled brother isn't Canadian?

I think your opinion.. on who has the right to say their Canadian needs to be seriously revamped!!!
Padre, calm down.  The poor lad has been forced to watch Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers for two consecutive years now.  His mind is jello.
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