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Frustrated .. I am seeing a red

I did my app at CFRC Hamilton in just under 3 months for everything.. they were all great to me, I never had a problem with any of them..Got voicemail but with any application process of any kind ( And i come from the police foundations application pool so i know what its like) just remained patient and let them did their job and everything worked for me.

Good luck and get into a good book or get out and enjoy the weather.
If it helps you with timelines, I put my application in June 15 and I'm going to BMQ end of August, 2010. Oh yea... That was June 15, of LAST year. I knew going it that this would be a long process. I've used the time to get ready for it. I've done the physical training to get ready for it, I've done some educational upgrades and I've done some part-time work to get me by financially until it happens.

As for your life being on "pause". I understand that. I was in a relationship for six years where my life felt on pause. The only way to get rid of that feeling is to do something else (in that case, I left my ex and onto new things)... and I suppose I've been on "pause" the past year too with the CF, waiting. However, maybe it's more like "slow-motion" because I'm not in the same place I was last year -- I'm still moving forward.

If it helps you out any, plan for your life in three-month increments. I couldn't plan anything long-term (like, attending a full-year of school in case I got called up and I didn't want to lose a full year of tuition if I had to leave) so instead, I planned short-term. I took a couple of classes that only lasted a few weeks to keep upgrading. I did short-term stints with personal trainers or fitness programs. I have accepted a short-term job to get me to the start of basic training.

I know it's frustrating. I know you want to get moving on with your life, especially if you're younger. But I've also learned that sometimes there are long 'breaks' between when we want things to happen and when they actually do and that these breaks happen for a reason. Just keep an eye out for them -- maybe you are meant to learn something or another opportunity will happen. Heck! Maybe even the dream trade you never knew existed, will be the one you get accepted into after all the others close.

So, just try to keep busy for now...
I don't really want to add to the list of people saying 'Deal with it, others have it worse than you.', but I think I will anyway.

When a re-apply in the fall, it will be my third application. I first applied in the fall of 2008, failed the medical, appealed it, file got closed, got through the medical, re-applied in the fall of 2009, re-did my interview, updated the medical, went on aircrew selection, failed for pilot but passed for ACSO, got a job offer for ACSO (conditional on the medical), and then my medical came back unfit for aircrew. (Biggest run-on sentence ever!) Now I'm going to pharmacy school in September and I'm going to re-apply for ROTP.

I do understand that it can be frustrating when you can't get a hold of someone, but you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. People have been working at getting an offer longer than you, and they've been working at it longer than me. If you really want it, you have to suck it up and do what you need to do. This won't be the hardest thing you do in life, let alone in the CF. So keep working at it, stay professional and take other people's advice.
armychick put it quite well.

I've had my application open since November 2009, and I won't get selected for a job offer (if I even receive one at all; but I'm staying positive) until at least next April. You should definitely look into doing all those things to become a stronger applicant for your next chance around. It really makes the difference in perspective, a year or two can seem like a very long time, but if you break it up into 3 or 4 month increments, and check some things off a to-do list, you'd be surprised at where the time goes.

As well, I must agree with hold_fast.

You didn't clearly state how far into your application you were. Have you completed your CFAT? There's a chance you may just simply have low marks which make you a lower priority for processing. Four months is a minuscule amount of time for something that could conceivably be the last job interview you ever have to do. There are countless people who stumble, pick themselves up, and come back stronger for life's challenges, and the Canadian Forces are looking for those types of people.

I would honestly say that in your initial posting, you don't really give that impression of someone who's willing to power through obstacles, regardless of how much discomfort it causes you in the short term.

I'm not trying to deride you or discourage you from applying; in fact, I wish you the best of luck. As no one here knows the whole story except you, you simply have to ask yourself a few things:

Is there truthfully nothing that is holding me back as a candidate?

Do I really want to endure however long it takes to see my file from start to finish?

Is the Canadian Forces the absolute best fit for me and am I willing to vigorously prove that to them through my actions, and not simply my complaints?

Best of luck.

Edit: I've shamelessly adopted MARS's (grammar junkies: if the name is one syllable, add the s!) tactic of highlighting other posters' (see?) names. I hope it's not copyrighted!
Mahaica said:
How can my life be on stand still for the Hamilton recruiters... Give me a straight answer please

The Armed Forces don't owe you a job. Try looking for a civvie job to tide you over until/if you get called. Everyone goes through the waiting but it makes it worth it when you get the phone call.
EpicBeardedMan said:
The Armed Forces don't owe you a job. Try looking for a civvie job to tide you over until/if you get called. Everyone goes through the waiting but it makes it worth it when you get the phone call.

When I signed up 22 odd years ago, I was told I'd have an 18 month wait for the trade I wanted - mind you I got a phone call 4 months later and was in Basic 4 months after that, but still had to wait.  The process is often tedious and long - if you don't think you can handle that, I'd suggest start looking for an alternate career.

Patience is key to CF recruiting, Its just that lots of people are applying these days regular and reserve.My experience in this matter is also similar, I've been at this for 8 months or so getting into reserves. Its just that the CF commercials you see are very effective these days in addition to the economy, stable careers are hard to find, thats why some believe the military could provide, I think otherwise. But i still have aspiration to join. According to my recruiters at my local CFRC, trades are all holed up for this training year Sep-April of 09-10. Wait until the next year, Im sure that the recruiters will be more than happy to help you, one less frustrated applicant equals one less person calling. Not saying that you spam their phone lines, its just that...Have you ever thought in the situation of the recruiters: making calls, paper work and then suddenly getting interrupted by an unhappy applicant who demands so much? I've been through that stage too, got over it. It maybe us or maybe its the process, the clerks aren't responsible for it, don't harass them for it. You can blame someone else...like the DND who makes up these policies. Maybe its flawed? Maybe its not? I'm not the one to comment on it since I'm not the professional in this process.

Your wait does sound 'tragic' My experience was tedious as well and similar or slightly longer than yours but I've faced the fact that its just how the CF works, a lot of testing processing etc for every applicant and such, rejections, low test scores, CFAT re-dos etc. I myself just reached the CFAT after a month of application hand-in, my scores were enough to qualify for most trades, and officers too but they do not disclose the scores just if you qualify for such and such....some policy of the DND  :camo: or state secret 8) and after that I met the Hiatus, which was a four month internal assessment of recruiting numbers for the area. Which brings life to a stage like yours.

But keep waiting, I guarantee you that you are not the only one waiting, I am too and so are hundreds or maybe thousand others across Canada. In the meantime find the time to work out, and try your best to excel in physique so that your can pass the physical tests and med or even BMQ. Its probably the only productive thing you can do now regarding a successful application. I've been doing that for 8 months now, and its got quite an impact on your muscle mass. Also don't call the CFRC that much, bi-weekly is maximum as recommended by some CFRC staff on this site, they are human too they got work, and processing thousands of other applicants like you too. Stay put, stay frosty,  :camo:stay patient...its what i'm doing now...and it works :nod:

kind Regards :salute:
untouchables said:
Your wait does sound 'tragic'

Not really tragic that he/she has to wait to get a career. Any career out there has a lengthy screening process, including fire fighters, police, and even some corporate jobs. It sucks but that's pretty much it.
For the OP:

- I waited to get in the CF (back in '89).  I had the *brilliant* idea I would get in quickly and quit my job.  Well...2 months later, I had to take a REALLY crappy job.  Picking mushrooms (at a plant, not the *funny* kind).  If your job now is better than that...count yourself lucky.

- after being in the CF for 17ish years, I applied for a change of occupation and components.  I applied for that in April...and waited until February of the next year.

- after that, I applied for another occupation transfer to my current trade.  I applied in Oct 2007, and did not get thru the process for that until March '09.

- after getting my OT, I then waited from March '09 until Jan of this year to begin training.

Seeing a pattern?

You don't have it rough with the timeline you've described.  I know people who applied for their OT to my current trade in Nov and got their OT 2-3 months later...I didn't feel wronged because mine took so long. 

I'd say back off abit with the CFRC staff...even you desribed your actions as "stalking". 

I have a perfectly good job.  ;D, however many a nights I lie awake dreaming

Why folks think I am dissolution is beyond me ?? I know .. keep on readin

I do not expect anyone to 'hand' me a job, I had a good CFAT score.  What I could not understand was why all the rescheduling. 

I have never been rude to any one at the office.  They are nice people there.  why would they not want me ? I am fabulous ..I would not mind marrying the bald head guy at the desk  ;D, if he is not married already ...

Anyway--- the rescheduling was due to foreign implication ... seem my mother who  is in another country that I haven't seen or spoken to in 19 yrs is holding up my application .... ouch 

see see .. they actually like me ... they really do .. so  I am not actually **** on my self  duh
some ppl on this site are just bitter 

To my com-padres that sent me emails .. hugs

I took all your advices....I bought 4 gossip rags and an electrical journal

The light at the end of the tunnel . I worked in a coal mine last year and one of there requirements for emergency  was to walk 8 km, 1.5 grade upwards with suit, helmet with light, oxygen tank on your back, steel toe shoes and the works. You had about 45kg on your person . A dolly cart drop u off at the bottom of this pitch black longwall mine, all u had was the emergency line and your head light.. you had 35 mins to get out.  I Remembered seeing a dot of light all the way at the top.... it was the opening of the mine shaft

Half way up this mine long walk.. I was on my hands and knees ... I could not look up. I remember when I thought I would fail.. some one was there . It was so pitch black... a tap on my shoulder and a few words of encouragement. 42 mins we took.. myself and this person.. we made it  with thermal coal in places where the sun don't shine...

Yes I wanted to change the topic ... I bet some one will dissect my words.. power on to the person. If you are in the area .. lets share stories .. lets wait together
Ok well...first you said:

Mahaica said:
I took my application in since early April, and so far no interview and no medical.  There is nothing holding my application.... only a million rescheduling from this office.  They build your hopes, scheduled you in ... then crash it a day before.  'Please call to reschedule'. 

And then you added:

Mahaica said:
Anyway--- the rescheduling was due to foreign implication ... seem my mother who  is in another country that I haven't seen or spoken to in 19 yrs is holding up my application .... ouch 

So I think now its clear that the delay in processing your file is because of the reason you listed above.

There are requirements that must be met for security clearances...once that is done, your file should move on like everyone else's.

Good luck!
Mahaica said:
Is it just me ? 
I applied in 2009,August and  I am waiting for 11 months now.
But I understand that I can not do nothing .I am waiting ....
I've been in the application cycle since October 09.  Originally I wanted to get into the combat arms trades, and decided on this about a week or so after they had all closed off.  Was told to wait until April when they might open up.  Somewhere along the lines my file got closed because of an office screw up, and I had to completely start my application from scratch in April, not a huge deal.  Anyways, April comes along, I apply for Armored and Artillery with high hopes, only to get them shot down a few weeks later by getting told they were closed. 

So I look at other options.  It seems like Sig-Op is a high in demand trade, and about the closest thing I'll get to Infantry.  I apply for it, AESOP, and one more.  I study up for all the trades I'm applying to, head out to CFRC Hamilton, do my medical, interview, CFAT.  Everything goes pretty well, I thought.  I was even told by one of the recruiters that I had a decent chance getting into AESOP based on my CFAT and interview, and if I didn't I was almost guaranteed to get into SIG-OP.  So I was pretty happy.  I call up my file clerk a few weeks later, as I was told to do, and I'm told that everything I applied for, once again, has been closed off. 

Now, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing.  I really want to get into the CF as quickly as possible for something that I'll enjoy.  Unfortunately, there's about 10 or so open NCM trades open, none of them being what I originally had in mind when I decided that I wanted to join the CF.  I've decided to try to apply to another few trades, my current dilemma is trying to get a hold of my file clerk, who for whatever reason is always at the CFRC, but never seems to answer the phone or return messages.  I'm sure they're extremely busy with people just like me though.

So yeah, it's extremely frustrating.  The only thing to do is keep occupied with real life in the meantime.  Working, working out, enjoying my current freedom and time with my friends while I still have a normal civilian life.  You can beat yourself up all day long about the past and how it **** all over you, but all that will accomplish is making you feel more miserable.  That's about the only advice I can give.       

I've been in the recruiting process since December 2009 and had my medical and interview this past Monday (12/07/10) and am waiting my two weeks for the reliability check. I was told Monday that there were still 17 sports open for NavCom and a friend of mine went into the CFRC today and asked what other Navy trades were still open and my trade had closed. Frustrating? Yes. Am I going to dwell on it and pout? No, because I'll just keep working at my job I am at now and hitting the gym and sports for when I do get in.
12 or 13 spots can fill up in the span of a day easily. Combat engineer and AEC op filled up for me with about 30 or more spots in that day that I was told. Remember its country wide, not just your city that the forces are hiring from.
The recruiter I spoke with was great and gave me a few other options I can look at in case the spots filled up. He also made it very clear that the 17 spots would go within a few days so I wouldn't be "shocked" when it happened. My friend was just asking to see how many were left since he was excited we both could end up Navy lol.
The way I look at it is I can sit here and go stir crazy for the next nine days, which won't change anything or keep busy at work and the gym. It's not going to change whats open or not :).

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping just a tad lol