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  • Thread starter Thread starter Berry2004
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hey everyone!

I just got accepted for the trade. I‘m leaving for Basic in 10 days. Just wondering what MOC in gagetown is like? Any tips? Also, how long do you wait after basic before going to gagetown? says online that you do a two week driver course in between is that still true? And after you complete your MOC what happens then? Do you get to pick your unit or do they just sent ya where they need ya? I‘m Super Pumped up and ready to go..these next few days are gonna drag on forever!
thx in advance!
Maybe you‘d like to share what MOC you got accepted into?
Based on where he posted, I would guesse 043 Combat Engineer.
ya sorry, guess I should of made it more clear...I got accepted for 043 Combat Engineer :)
when you are done your basic you can request a unit, however the better your PER the more likely you will get your request
He will not get a PER until after promoted Cpl. 
I've seen many a QL3 go trough CFSME and sometimes the students get the posting they want, sometimes they dont !!!  You state your preference and keep your fingers crossed !  Be ready for a tough and challenging course.
That would probably be what you are refering to...would make more sense.
  You will have your UER (unit employment record) started at this stage in your career as well.  Which will follow you throughout your career.  out!
Everyone from my course got posted to Edmonton...we graduate June 21st.  There may be three people from this course that end up in Valcartier..but thats it, the rest are Edmonton.
I does however matter how many opening there are at the unit you are requesting. If there is no room well youll have to pick another choice. I was lucky enough to get my first choice 4ESR. Good luck
i heard there talking about adding a second field troop to 4esr? can anyone back this up
George Wallace said:
They are?  There?  They're in Gagetown, are they?   Their CO would know.


dawson said:
i heard there talking about adding a second field troop to 4esr? can anyone back this up

I heard that they might actually be putting a Field Section embedded into 2 RCR.
dawson said:
i heard [they are] talking about adding a second field troop to 4esr? can anyone back this up
2023 said:
You heard wrong.
Actually, depending on who "they" are, he has heard correct.  As of the middle of last month the big thinkers who make things happen in the branch were looking at two field troops in 4 ESR.  However, this is a handfull of years down the road & things may change before that time.

Nfld Sapper said:
I heard that they might actually be putting a Field Section embedded into 2 RCR.
Do a search for the optimized battle group experiment.  This is happening now in 2 RCR and is more than a section.
Beg to differ......unless the 4 ESR Ops WO is a liar......and I am fairly sure it isn't happening unless things have changed since last Thursday. But hey, change is good...I guess.

He was saying that some elements of the ESCC only would be joining the 2 RCR team.

Chimo back at ya!
2023 said:
Beg to differ......
No, you are right.  A multi-year multi-arm Army level experiment is smaller than an engineer section.   ::)
