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Gaining Weight and Running


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Hello, Ok im 125lbs and I am trying to add 10-20lbs in 3-4months. Now my problem is I have a very high metabalisim and I cant eat / buy enough food to gain weight. But what makes it worse is that I have to run more, I need to be running every other day at least. Now this is a big problem for me as that is something my gym trainer is telling me to avoid because it is burning to many calories off of me. Any suggestions? Also this may sound very stupid, but I had to ask somewhere.
I'm no expert, but I've had some experience with this.

Being 125 lbs is not necessarily bad.  You just need a combination of cardio fitness,
muscle strength and endurance.  You likely want to gain weight, but you may want more
muscle mass than flab.  Flab hower, stores water and it not bad to have some during
longer marches. 

Personally, I found no problem running (cardio exercises) and weight training, as long
as you eat the right amounts.  Try to figure out food groups where a meal or snack
is made up of "70% carbs and 30% protein" (70/30) and "40% carbs and 60% protein"
(40/60), where the % represents mass.  Eat your three meals a day.  30 to 60 minutes
before exercising, eat a small snack of 70/30.  Milk, cheese, fish, meat, eggs, soybean are
good examples of complete protein sources.  Breads, cereals, vegetables, pastas, are carb
sourcs examples. Protein powder isn't necessary if you eat well.  30 minutes after your
exercise rountine, eat a snack of 70/30.  You meals on training days should be 70/30.  Just
before bed, eat a snack of 40/60.  Non-training days keep meals close to 40/60.  The
carbs are for energy, the protein (complete protein sources) for muscle repair.  You may
want to train 3-5 times a week (cardio+weights) depending on your methods. Drink lots
of water.  Eat.

Good luck.
Warvstar said:
Hello, Ok im 125lbs and I am trying to add 10-20lbs in 3-4months. Now my problem is I have a very high metabalisim and I cant eat / buy enough food to gain weight. But what makes it worse is that I have to run more, I need to be running every other day at least. Now this is a big problem for me as that is something my gym trainer is telling me to avoid because it is burning to many calories off of me. Any suggestions? Also this may sound very stupid, but I had to ask somewhere.

Sounds like supplements such as N-Large 2 are right up your alley. A "hardgainer" friend of mine used NL2 and lifted weights consistently and gained about 8 lbs in 40-45 days, not too shabby.
the above posts are really good advice.
Just be careful about some of the supplements. Creatine monohydrate will pack on a lot of weight in a hurry (mostly water, mind you), but too much weight too fast can cause stress to your knees when running. Other than that, you're 18, right? Your metabolism isn't going to slow down for several years yet. Don't get too caught up in trying to get big. It leads to too many problems, physical and otherwise. Stay away from the 'shortcuts' out there. They aren't worth it. Avoid fast food, junk food, and booze. The first two have no nutritional value, and will set your gains back, the third will actively work against your efforts as booze is a catobolic agent and will eat away at muscle tissue. (But, then again, All Things In Moderation, right?  ;) )
Thanks for replys guys, I thought I would mention that I have used Protein powder and Creatine(3-4 months) with not much result. Im going to go back on them because I dont think I can get enough protein any other way. I have stayed away from "WeightGainers" because I have not found any proof they are long term safe. Ok well ill try adding Creatine back into my workout. Oh and yes im 18.
If you want to gain weight, you MUST pay close attention to your diet. By this I mean write down a meal plan detailing your daily calorie intake and specifying the amount of protein, carbs and fat. An ideal split would be 5o/35/15 (50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat). You should try to eat at least 5 meals per day and drink lots of water. At 125lbs, yo should try to consume 3000 calories a day for some solid weight gain.

To many kids neglect their diet and turn to supplements when they don't see gains. Supplements are just supplements, not substitutes for a solid meal plan, adequate rest, and hard training.

Your trainer is right by telling you to avoid hardcore cardio workouts if your goal is to gain mass. However, since you're training for the army, you'll have to make some kind of compromise. I would suggest training with weights 3X per week, Mon, Wed, Fri, and incorporate only big, compound movements such as Bench, Squat, Rows, Deadlifts, Chins, etc. forum.bodybuilding.com is a good resource.

Do cardio 3x per week and avoid cardio sessions the day of, or after a leg workout. You should start off running 3-5k per session and gradually build up to 10k.
Bert's percentages were wrong. Fat is an essential nutrient, and it must be a part of your diet. 15-25% fat in your diet is the target. You can't go on a strict carbs and protein diet without severe adverse effects.
paracowboy said:
the above posts are really good advice.
Just be careful about some of the supplements. Creatine monohydrate will pack on a lot of weight in a hurry (mostly water, mind you), but too much weight too fast can cause stress to your knees when running. Other than that, you're 18, right? Your metabolism isn't going to slow down for several years yet. Don't get too caught up in trying to get big. It leads to too many problems, physical and otherwise. Stay away from the 'shortcuts' out there. They aren't worth it. Avoid fast food, junk food, and booze. The first two have no nutritional value, and will set your gains back, the third will actively work against your efforts as booze is a catobolic agent and will eat away at muscle tissue. (But, then again, All Things In Moderation, right?  ;) )

Good stuff in there- also though Alcohol will raise your estrogen and drop your testosterone.

Warvstar said:
Thanks for replys guys, I thought I would mention that I have used Protein powder and Creatine(3-4 months) with not much result. Im going to go back on them because I dont think I can get enough protein any other way. I have stayed away from "WeightGainers" because I have not found any proof they are long term safe. Ok well ill try adding Creatine back into my workout. Oh and yes im 18.

Weight gainers are a safe as food.

BKells said:
Bert's percentages were wrong. Fat is an essential nutrient, and it must be a part of your diet. 15-25% fat in your diet is the target. You can't go on a strict carbs and protein diet without severe adverse effects.

Most pros and fitness models go for 30/40/30 Carbs,Protien,fats(from my reading of course). Its calories that count, not a magic number of fat grams. BKells is much closer than Bert,
BKells said:
Bert's percentages were wrong. Fat is an essential nutrient, and it must be a part of your diet. 15-25% fat in your diet is the target. You can't go on a strict carbs and protein diet without severe adverse effects.

I'm so glad someone mentioned that! I nearly panicked as no one mentioned including fat into the diet as fat is essential for a lot of things. 

In a few short paragraphs and particularily on a public forum, its hard to be precise and present
a complete diet and exercise program.    Better to go ask a fitness pro.

The context is it takes energy to run the body, energy use muscles and energy to repair the muscle
tissue.   Energy comes from sugars broken down from simple carbs, complex carbs, glucides, and
fats. Complete protein is used by the body processes to repair the muscle tissue.   If you're exercising,
you need the energy.   When at rest and particularily at night when you're sleeping, the body spends
time repairing itself and focusing meals protein rich close to rest times are more benefiical.   Diet is
important and anyone considering exercise and increasing muscle mass, will have to look at calories
consumed vrs used and the best food types to achieve a well balanced diet.   The issue of carbs
and fats in't the point, just a preference.

This is an interesting site for diet/training.

Ok I knew fat was essiantianl. Also I have emailed that muscle now guy in the past. Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
wow i wish i had that problem. mine is the exact opposite. i weigh about 270 and am trying to loose about 50 pounds, 30 would be nice. i have a really slow metabolism. i don't eat a lot but i still seem to stay the same weight or gain some. to give you an idea of how big i am i am 6'4'' i am not sure what someone of my hight and size should weigh.
-Hutch- said:
wow i wish i had that problem. mine is the exact opposite. i weigh about 270 and am trying to loose about 50 pounds, 30 would be nice. i have a really slow metabolism. i don't eat a lot but i still seem to stay the same weight or gain some. to give you an idea of how big i am i am 6'4'' i am not sure what someone of my hight and size should weigh.

You should eat more frequantly, like 6 meals a day(raises metabolisim). Drink lots of water(same?). Maybe less milk or low fat milk. Anyway thats my suggestions.
Warvstar said:
You should eat more frequently, like 6 meals a day(raises metabolism). Drink lots of water(same?). Maybe less milk or low fat milk. Anyway thats my suggestions.

ya i have been told to eat more. is that 6 meals or 3 meals and 3 snack in between those meals? i don't really have time to eat that much though, and if i do eat that much i would probably gain weight.
-Hutch- said:
ya i have been told to eat more. is that 6 meals or 3 meals and 3 snack in between those meals? i don't really have time to eat that much though, and if i do eat that much i would probably gain weight.
6 snack-size meals. A meal isn't necessarily as much food as we Norte Americanos stuff down our gullets. A sandwich is a meal in this instance. You're trying to ensure that your body is receiving nutrients steadily. This tells it that it doesn't need to store calories as fat tissue, and can pass any excess calories out as waste. (This is why crash diets don't work - your body thinks it's starving and tries to store every calorie as fat.) When you don't have time to make meals, this is where I recommend meal-replacement shakes, or weight-gainer/protein shakes. They're instant and easy to digest. But it can add up money-wise. I'd suggest just packing a large lunch, and only eating small amounts of it more frequently. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism becomes, so try to eat a snack every 2 hours. (This backfires on guys whenthey go to the field, but that's an issue we'll deal with later.)
ya i usually never pack a lunch. i don't take a bag to school, don't need to. it gives me a reason to eat more often. lol
Exactly what para said, in your case.. losing weight right? You would take smaller more frequent meals. or maybe even take a protein bar. Again if you drink milk as much as I do (4 glasses a day) then you definetly should consider low fat or soy milk. Anyway im not a pro at this but I have allot of experiance with nutrition, when I started this thread it was mainly for inspiration(to get me to acually do it) and confirmation on things. Thanks for the help guys.

Oh yea also try fitday.com it is awesome for traking your diet and activity level.
Warvstar you need to do some more research into things. Weight gainers are perfectly safe, to say otherwise is along the same lines of ignorant thought as those who say protein powders are unnatural.

The only real fundamental differences between protein powder and weight gainers like N-Large and stuff is the carb count per scoop and (sometimes) the way the powder was processed/created (egg...isolate..cold whey processed..soy...etc etc) with weight gainers the processing is usually done to leave sugars both complex and simple more intact to be used.

-Hutch- said:
wow i wish i had that problem. mine is the exact opposite. i weigh about 270 and am trying to loose about 50 pounds, 30 would be nice. i have a really slow metabolism. i don't eat a lot but i still seem to stay the same weight or gain some. to give you an idea of how big i am i am 6'4'' i am not sure what someone of my hight and size should weigh.

Another good idea is to do weight training, as muscle constantly burns calories & should help you out there.  If you can afford it, see a personal trainer for tips too. Or maybe you have a friend somewhere in the biz...
Steve said:
Warvstar you need to do some more research into things. Weight gainers are perfectly safe, to say otherwise is along the same lines of ignorant thought as those who say protein powders are unnatural.

The only real fundamental differences between protein powder and weight gainers like N-Large and stuff is the carb count per scoop and (sometimes) the way the powder was processed/created (egg...isolate..cold whey processed..soy...etc etc) with weight gainers the processing is usually done to leave sugars both complex and simple more intact to be used.

Ok first I dont think I said there unsafe but rather untested(some of them), or at least thats what I thought I said. Anyway I just get the Protein powder and add my own calories. I did consider buying the Weight Gainer from GNC.. Mega Mass? Anyway thanks for the help.