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Game Adjustment: Effect of initiative doubled!

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

After spending some time with the game, I've come to realize that Initiative was an underutilized attribute... It's effect compared to raising your Max CR was too weak, so as a result, I've doubled it's effectiveness. Now every point you spend on Initiative will knock 2 minutes off your CR refill timer.

And yes, it's retroactive! ArmyVern is going to be very happy. :) (On the other hand, I'm regretting spending just one point on it so far!)

As always, if you have problems or questions please let me know.

Cheers and good hunting.
That you kindly good sir.

I spent a lot of points of initiative early on, only to realize it wasn't nearly as usefull as I thought it would be.

This makes up for that a lot.
Oh, I'm happy. I was at the point where it was taking me two days to regenerate enough CR to level up.

Thanks Mike!

I wondered why I logged in and had a nearly full bar of CR, haha.

Thanks for this. Now if only I could figure out a way to make milpoints faster.... ;)
You need to make more insightful/humerous posts...    :nod:
Is the maximum bonus from initiative still 6 hours?
Sort of. The maximum is actually 18 hours, so it takes 6 hours to fully regen your CR. Instead of being able to raise your Initiative up to 1080 (18 hours under the old system) you can now only raise it to 540 (also, 18 hours... now that each point counts for 2 minutes...)
Seems like this is going to make Initiative way more pivotal, not so much at the lower levels but not something to neglect until you're higher. Thanks for the change, Mike!
PuckChaser said:
Seems like this is going to make Initiative way more pivotal, not so much at the lower levels but not something to neglect until you're higher. Thanks for the change, Mike!

True enough; I'm also at the point where reducing insurgencies are costing me -10 CR a click. To see it drop only 1% makes me grit my teeth.  :mad:  Even if I use my whole bar of 335CR to drop it, I'm only getting it down to the 40-50% range. By the time I regenerate another 10CR, it's already raised up 1 or 2 % again and my next -10 knocks it down 1% (2 if I'm lucky). Essentially, attempting to reduce it is a futile effort for me right now ... and my 335CR are just wasted there. It's like two steps forward and three steps back.

Am trying all kinds of different tricks to see how I can have a greater impact in that area without spending MPs anywhere as I try to get them up to the 200 level. Grrrrrrrrr.  :-\
It didn't regen the insurgencies that fast for me, it took me a day but I was able to hammer out the -11 and -12 CR AORs. It let Grim catch up a level on me, but was worth it to open up a high CE, low CR mission. You've already got a huge jump on initiative, will help you out on later levels now.
This is a good addition. I think I'm still going to focus on CR and AtD right now, but this is definitely something I'm going to have to consider on my next level up.
I'm not seeing any effect on my account. I just spent 5 points to theoretically drop by 10 minutes, but it's still taking me 24 minutes per point. It didn't budge a second. At that rate, I can do one action per day, as it takes hours and hours to regen enough.

Edit: now that I think about it, I doubt my CR regen timer has dropped since I started playing.
5 points = 10 minutes over 24 hours

Your Max CR is 67, so it should normally take 21:30 to regen one point. With 20 Initiative, that changes to 20:54 per point, which matches what I see when I visit your AO profile.

When you first start, your regen timer is 2:24:00 per point. :)
Ah, I understand now. I thought it was taken off the per point time, not a 24 hour period. Thanks.
Mike Bobbitt said:

After spending some time with the game, I've come to realize that Initiative was an underutilized attribute... It's effect compared to raising your Max CR was too weak, so as a result, I've doubled it's effectiveness. Now every point you spend on Initiative will knock 2 minutes off your CR refill timer.

And yes, it's retroactive! ArmyVern is going to be very happy. :) (On the other hand, I'm regretting spending just one point on it so far!)

As always, if you have problems or questions please let me know.

Cheers and good hunting.

Hmmm, question for you; either the 'retro-activeness' of this didn't kick in to my account ... or I am missing something in grasping the concept.

I've pumped 125 MPs into my "initiative" attribute. 125 = @ 1/minute = 2h & 5 minutes ... which is what my

Speeds up CR regen    02:05

still reads. 2:05.

Should that not now read 4:10 if each of my 125 initiative points are worth 2 minutes?

Maybe that's why I'm a sad panda today watching everyone catch up to me lately while it takes me a couple of days to regen barely enough to level up.  :'(  If it weren't for the "int" guys I've managed to get, it'd be taking 3 or 4 days to level up.

What am I doing wrong? I am playing the missions that are giving me the greater "feedback value" for my spent CE.
:D I'm glad you changed Initiative I quickly realized early on in the game that it was useless. It should be more useful now.
Very you're absolutely right... It was working properly, but it just wasn't showing up properly on the PER. I've fixed that now, thanks.