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General Infantry Questions

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Well, thanks for all the advice and info. I plan to keep pretty quiet about my reserve stuff if I can help it - just plan to shut up and do as I'm told by being a grey man. The way I look at it is if some troops want to ride around in a LAV - power to ya. If you want to jump out of planes - go for it. Everyone's got their own preference. I just happen to prefer being in a light battalion (see my previous post). I just got sworn in yesterday (again but for real this time). Then I'm taking off for the RCR Battle School in Meaford this Friday - I honestly don't think they're going to give me PPCLI. Little nervous as it's like stepping into the unknown and starting a new chapter in life but I'm looking forward to it and just want to get it on. From there it's a whole new adventure.   
mike01 said:
Well it is good to see someone full of piss and vinegar but you have to be careful not to step in the bullsh*t. Sounds good from the other side of the fence and not to discourage you since being in the light is a lot better than being a mech f*g. Still the best advice I can give you is not to have such high expectations since the army has an all round gay factor to it. Now that you want to do it full time, good. Better than a part time soldier. Just remember that you're playing with the big boys now. Noe of that "back in the mo" talk. There is a term we have in the PPCLI for those who come from magot to reg force without going through our battle school with the rest of the new guys- QUICK PIC. The worst is the maggots who came in with attitude and think they're hot **** with their 3yrs-and-already-a-Mcpl attitude. Just be aware of that. Other than that, have fun where ever you end up. Good on ya if you do get your jump course.

Is it that bad? I am in the process of CT to the regs. I was told I will get a complete bypass and direct to battalion. Any advise on how to limit this? I was also told I would pretty much get regement and battalion of my choice(i will beleive it when I see it). So pretty much....I am waiting to shoot on this one.
If you are a direct entry (and there has been quite a few) just keep quite, do your job proficiently and be/stay in shape.  In time you will be accepted.  DO NOT walk around like your the cock of the walk and think you know more then the next guy regardless of how long you have been in reserves or how many tours you've been on.
CFL said:
If you are a direct entry (and there has been quite a few) just keep quite, do your job proficiently and be/stay in shape.  In time you will be accepted.  DO NOT walk around like your the **** of the walk and think you know more then the next guy regardless of how long you have been in reserves or how many tours you've been on.

Thanks, just to make matters worse in that department. I was just told that I may get upwards of Cpl 0. Even though I only have 5 years in(i have my PLQ). So, ya, shut up, work my ass off and eventually it will be cool, gotchya.
Well SQ is almost over. So far so good. Nothing like being a Private again. I'm on my last week and we got 3 days left. I was expecting a 10 week course and not 7 weeks. The next DP 1 here in Meaford doesn't start until 21 August. Since I am planning on going PPCLI after Battle School anyways I have submitted my memo saying that I am requesting to have DP 1 in WATC Wainwright, AB. I am wondering if anyone out there knows when the next DP 1 in Wainwright is and roughly how many people are waiting (wondering if I have a chance of getting on it). I've been told by the acting crse officer that WATC only runs 3 reg force DP 1 Inf's a year. What I figure is if I can get onto a DP 1 before 21 August in Wainwright then I'll go because I don't want to wait 3 months to start DP 1 - I can be done the course by then. I also figure that since I plan on being posted out west after training anyways I may as well go and do my training in Wainwright. The main thing is I don't want to wait around for 3 months doing nothing. If anyone out there can help me out on this it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Kev T,

With regards to whether or not you are posted to a light batt, after awhile you'll realize that anyone in a unit that isn't your own is junk. If you're 3RCR, then 1RCR will probably be full of hammers. If you're 1RCR, then you'll scoff at the 3rd herd troops. There are those with the better judgement to know that each batt has its ups and downs, but really, I'm not one of them. 1RCR is better then 3RCR for a number of reasons:

1) I'm in 1RCR

2) 3RCR thinks they're better then us, which isn't cool at all.

3) My buddies are in 1RCR, and they're pretty checked out.

4) I'm in 1RCR

Catch my drift? Esprit de Corp, inter-unit rivalry, and god forbid "elitist" mentality is part of our culture. Its the sense of competition that makes one platoon try and pass another platoon on morning runs. The "We're better then them" state of mind is how we maintain a standard and push the limits. The "We're all part of the same team" thing is pure BS. That's what troops who can't compete tell themselves to feel better. This isn't official army policy, but its the way things are. This is how a professional army hones itself into a lean, keen, green machine.

P.S. Engineers are the exception. Everyone loves Combat Engineers. They're like us, but with a hard-on for explosions. ;D
Wonderbread said:
Kev T,

With regards to whether or not you are posted to a light batt, after awhile you'll realize that anyone in a unit that isn't your own is junk. If you're 3RCR, then 1RCR will probably be full of hammers. If you're 1RCR, then you'll scoff at the 3rd herd troops. There are those with the better judgement to know that each batt has its ups and downs, but really, I'm not one of them. 1RCR is better then 3RCR for a number of reasons:

1) I'm in 1RCR

2) 3RCR thinks they're better then us, which isn't cool at all.

3) My buddies are in 1RCR, and they're pretty checked out.

4) I'm in 1RCR

Catch my drift? Esprit de Corp, inter-unit rivalry, and god forbid "elitist" mentality is part of our culture. Its the sense of competition that makes one platoon try and pass another platoon on morning runs. The "We're better then them" state of mind is how we maintain a standard and push the limits. The "We're all part of the same team" thing is pure BS. That's what troops who can't compete tell themselves to feel better. This isn't official army policy, but its the way things are. This is how a professional army hones itself into a lean, keen, green machine.

P.S. Engineers are the exception. Everyone loves Combat Engineers. They're like us, but with a hard-on for explosions. ;D
all very true, except that 3 RCR is the better unit.
paracowboy said:
all very true, except that 3 RCR is the better unit.

....as long as by "better" you mean sub - patricia. Kind of like the "least worst", right?  ;)
OK, driver halt! I'm posted to 3 RCR this fall and I can guarantee you it is among the top 9 infantry battalions in the entire regular army. Of course, when I was in 1 RCR we always called 3 RCR the "C Team" or the "Junior Varsity Team" but I have since seen the light. Now I just have to think of clever titles for 1 RCR as they will no doubt be junk compared to the super soldiers I will work with at 3 Cluck.

Or not...


Mortar guy said:
OK, driver halt! I'm posted to 3 RCR this fall and I can guarantee you it is among the top 9 infantry battalions in the entire regular army. Of course, when I was in 1 RCR we always called 3 RCR the "C Team" or the "Junior Varsity Team" but I have since seen the light. Now I just have to think of clever titles for 1 RCR as they will no doubt be junk compared to the super soldiers I will work with at 3 Cluck.
Or not...
But, of course, 2 RCR wasn't even mentioned, because, as we all know it was THE BEST (regular) infantry battalion this side of Levis, QC: bar none!  1 RCR was referred to as a bunch of "Gara-troopers" when they were in London, and we just collected relief funds for them once they moved to Peta-wee-wee.  3 RCR?  Used to be the BEST collection of hockey players ever, but then the Soviets ruined all our cool postings and decided to "tear down this wall".  Now they are, well, I dunno, they are up in Pet as well, but Airbone Regiment (light)?

(Please take with salt, as appropriate)
vonGarvin said:
But, of course, 2 RCR wasn't even mentioned, because, as we all know it was THE BEST (regular) infantry battalion this side of Levis, QC: bar none! 

This is the first statement by you I can concur with 100%.

GO!!! said:
....as long as by "better" you mean sub - patricia. Kind of like the "least worst", right?  ;)
well, of course! Everyone in the CF realizes that!  :D
ah breadboy is just jealous cuz some of us get paid more then him :P
hey which units companies got first and second in the march and shoot competition last year? hmmmmmmmmm  ;D
take that you one junker!
Well good news. Found out there is a DP1 in Wainwright starting later this month, they're taking guys from Meaford, and I'm slated for it. Don't know when I'm going over but it's definitely working out. Everything is coming together.
Well this is it. My last day at LFCA TC Meaford. Myself and some others are leaving super early tomorrow morning (more like tonight) at O'Dark Stupid and heading over to WATC Wainwright. Never been there before but it works out great for me as I'll be closer to home and be trained by my regiment of choice. Perhaps it worked out better that I was sent out here in the beginning. It's actually good that it worked out this way for me as in the end I'll have traveled to a place I've never been, have been trained in Meaford and Wainwright, and will have a perspective of both. I also get a nice break in between courses not too long and not too short. Everything has worked out the way I wanted which is great. I believe our DP1 starts next week. I'm glad that SQ is over and I can progress to the next and final phase of my initial training. Now all I have is 10 weeks of solid pain and dedication to deal with. Not too sure if battle school is run much different at WATC than it is compared to here in Meaford. Anyways it should all work out and at the end of the summer/early September I should be good to go.
Well it's finally over. All my basic level training is complete. DP1 - BIQ ended at the end of August and I've been in 3 RCR for about 2 weeks now. Things are going well. My entire course was slated for 2 VP so I went back east and joined 3 RCR. It was a tough choice for me as I wanted to be a Patricia but at the same time I wanted to be in a light battalion. Location doesn't really matter as Shilo and Petawawa are both too far away from home to make any difference. In the end I decided on 3 RCR. Since I didn't take any summer leave because I was in battle school I'm taking it right now. In fact today is my first day of leave and my first time back home in like 6 months. It feels great! It's been a long road but I'm glad to be getting on with life and my career. As I'm now in a battalion that pretty much ends this thread. Thanks again for all the help and the answers to my earlier questions.
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