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General questions

Sapplicant said:

That picture illustrate a very weak situation, a CF-18 would make a pleasure to take them down in 2 sec! Nice try :)
BlueOne said:
I still think that's "impossible" to militarily bomb/takeover Canada.

This is not what you said in your post. You said that :

It's not possible to send planes/bombers neither over these oceans

Maybe you should be clear next time eh ?

and then you follow it up with :

That involve fighters to protect them, which involve a carrier

You know fighters can refuel in the air too right ?

then you posted this :

Sarah Palin, which is very dangerous to anyone who tries to cross the line

Poor attempt at humour and it makes your entire argument here nothing more that a bad joke.

I think the point is that it's a logistical challenge to invade a country on the other side of the largest ocean on the planet -- at the far end of a very long supply chain.  But it isn't insurmountable: aircraft can be made to travel that distance, and it wouldn't be the first surprise air attack from the western Pacific.
BlueOne said:
That picture illustrate a very weak situation, a CF-18 would make a pleasure to take them down in 2 sec! Nice try :)

What you don't see (actually probably one of the planes taking the photo) is the fighter screen around the AWACS.  I don't think those things fly by their lonesome.
BlueOne said:
No matter what, I still think that's "impossible" to militarily bomb/takeover Canada.

Why? The US could do it right now if they wanted to. Also, what if an attacking country simply set up positions in Greenland and used it as a base to fly bombing runs into Canada? Wouldn't be too hard.
Anyways, I agree with N. McKay...I mean in the 1900s there have been two world wars where countries have invaded others from opposite sides of the world. Canada surely could be bombed, and Canada is also not immune to takeover, however unlikely it really is.
dangles said:
Canada surely could be bombed,

In fact, Canada was indeed bombed once upon a time, from a country clear accross the Pacific ocean:

CDN Aviator said:
In fact, Canada was indeed bombed once upon a time, from a country clear accross the Pacific ocean:


Not to mention the German U-boat offensives in our waters...Nowadays submarines can carry nuclear weapons...

Yeah but you guys are talking of 1945...

My only point, not to argue with you but just to point out the fact that we have plenty of satellites and now at the age of electronic war... Comm. Search trade guys could tell you more on this. I would be quite surprised if USA ever invade us, they are our allies. We are members of NATO and former Commonwealth. Sorry but I still think Canada is out of reach of China.
Where there's a will, there's way, and the numbers already exist on Canadian soil that it could be easily accomplished...not trying to kick the hornets nest, just hypothetically speaking.
BlueOne said:
Yeah but you guys are talking of 1945...

My only point, not to argue with you but just to point out the fact that we have plenty of satellites and now at the age of electronic war... Comm. Search trade guys could tell you more on this. I would be quite surprised if USA ever invade us, they are our allies. We are members of NATO and former Commonwealth. Sorry but I still think Canada is out of reach of China.

You're not doing yourself any favours, or silencing the peanut gallery. Trust me. Best to listen to the SME's, which neither you nor I are. Just give it a rest.
BlueOne said:
Yeah but you guys are talking of 1945...

My only point, not to argue with you but just to point out the fact that we have plenty of satellites and now at the age of electronic war... Comm. Search trade guys could tell you more on this. I would be quite surprised if USA ever invade us, they are our allies. We are members of NATO and former Commonwealth. Sorry but I still think Canada is out of reach of China.

Read more and post less you are out of your lane and your league.
This is your friendly warning.

Milnet.Ca Staff
By The Way...I thought the whole Japanese balloon attack thing was hilarious...it's like Canada's version of 5 o'clock Charlie, would have made for a great "Corner Gas" episode.
Waters81 said:
By The Way...I thought the whole Japanese balloon attack thing was hilarious...

I'm sure the parents of the 5 children that were killed by the balloons didn't find it quite as amusing.  ::)
jeffb said:
I'm sure the parents of the 5 children that were killed by the balloons didn't find it quite as amusing.  ::)
Excuse me for a moment, I seem to have a foot in my mouth...oh wait, that would be mine.
Milpoints inbound. At least you admit when you've stepped on your dick, unlike some others.
I've re-read myself yesterday night and sent apologies to Ex-Dragoon personally.

Since then, now I feel like I must do the same in public. I did wrong.
I'm here to learn and will try my best. Lesson learned.


edit: Just remembered what shame felt like...