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Getting to St. Jean

So I would take a bus from Ottawa to Montreal then once I get to Montreal hop a cab to St. Jean. Am I getting close? :D
armyrules said:
Thanks for the directions Horse_Soldier are the bus and train arrivals that these really messed up times like 2 am?

The Voyageur/Greyhound busses leave every hour during the day.  Train is every couple of hours.  Metro goes all day/night long.  Busses from Longueuil to St-Jean used to run hourly from something like 6 AM to 11 PM - prolly still do, or do even better considering that anything within 50kms of Montreal these days is considered the suburbs.  It's a pretty easy run through.  The Montreal Voyageur station is smack on top of the Berri-Demontigny Metro station and the Longueuil Metro station is underneath a major south shore bus terminal.  It's the up and down that kills you  ;D  I remember one year lugging a kitbag and a set of downhill skis back to St-Jean after the holidays.  The frigging skis were a pain and a half up and down the escalators to/from the metro platforms.

Edit: Or you could take a taxi from the Voyageur station, or take a taxi from the Longueuil metro station.
Horse_Soldier said:
The Voyageur/Greyhound busses leave every hour during the day.  Train is every couple of hours.  Metro goes all day/night long.  Busses from Longueuil to St-Jean used to run hourly from something like 6 AM to 11 PM - prolly still do, or do even better considering that anything within 50kms of Montreal these days is considered the suburbs.  It's a pretty easy run through.  The Montreal Voyageur station is smack on top of the Berri-Demontigny Metro station and the Longueuil Metro station is underneath a major south shore bus terminal.  It's the up and down that kills you  ;D  I remember one year lugging a kitbag and a set of downhill skis back to St-Jean after the holidays.  The frigging skis were a pain and a half up and down the escalators to/from the metro platforms.

Edit: Or you could take a taxi from the Voyageur station, or take a taxi from the Longueuil metro station.

Not criticizing, just clarifying, to make sure armyrules doesn't get lost or stranded...Berri Demontigny station is now Berri-UQAM, and Longueuil is now Longueuil-Université de Sherbrooke, so don't panic if you don't find the old names. More importantly, though, the Metro, sadly, does not run all night, so if you took a night bus/train into town, bear in mind that the whole Metro system shuts down sometime between 0000 and 0100 and reopens somewhere around 0530.
Thanks for the info davidk now I won't get lost!! :salute: it would be really embarassing being late for BMQ. One question if I take the bus from Ottawa to Montreal then I take the bus to St Jean isn't that a lot of cab fare?
Hey Armyrules....didn't you just hand in your application??? THe last thing you should be worrying about is how to get to St Jean from Montreal....Worry about your tests and application first and then hope that you are merit listed...
DrSize said:
Hey Armyrules....didn't you just hand in your application??? THe last thing you should be worrying about is how to get to St Jean from Montreal....Worry about your tests and application first and then hope that you are merit listed...
    I know I shold be worrying but that is not my style Ithink that I am prepared I could go and write the tests tomorrow!! I'm ready to go man . The reason I posted this is that I just want to make sure beforehand so I don't get lost.
Given that I went back and forth from St Jean to Ottawa frequently for a year (say 2 times a month, roundtrip) and that I still use the same method to go to Montreal, heres the info for ya:

If you have a student card (and I believe they give military the same discount anyway, so) it is 40$ round trip. Might as well buy a roundtrip ticket, if you want to come back. Otherwise, it is 20$ plus tax.

Full price is 60 plus tax, (divide by two for the one way rate).

Tickets are all open ended.  I have a feeling the military would just ask for the receipt and pay y ou back for it, rather than buy the ticket for you, but then I dont work for a CFRC.

You take the bus from Ottawa, (either the bus station or St Laurent Shopping Centre, but bus station is a better idea) and it lets you off at the Central Station in Montreal.

You then get onto a metro, (2.75$) and take it to Bonaventure station. You walk up the escalators, and you will find your way to the Communter Bus Terminal.

You grab the 9-something... cant remember exactly, but its the only one to St Jean, and I believe its between 6-9$ cash (cant remember as I bought a booklet). The bus stops at the mall in St Jean, and you taxi from there.

(note that this is the "i make no money" route)

Or you can just taxi from the bus station in montreal, skipping the metro and commuter/city bus.

(this is the, "I have mommy/daddy's cash to spend or someone else is paying for it" route. :) )

You can also substitute in a flight/rail if you wanna spend more cash.

Thank you Meridian that helps I think I will got " I got no money" route thanks for the info.
When doing personal travel, take the "I've got no money route".

But when you're being posted (ie. first trip into St-Jean) then you can get the cab fare reimbursed from the Berri-UQAM station to St-Jean.
So do you guys think that I should take the "Have parents money" route becaue having to take the metro and I have never taken it before I just don't want to get lost and be late.
I have a feeling CFRC ottawa will give you advice on this, given that they deal with this all the time.

Check with them as to the best route to take...  My route is basically how I would do it if I was going home for the weekend.
I've done a quick search and can't seem to find much.

I was just wondering how transportation is arranged to and from the training courses.  I saw one thread mention a train.  Is transportation arranged by the CF or do we make our own way to a specified location?

There.....I did a SEARCH for you and merged three or four topics on the matter for your reading pleasure.

PS.  You'll never make General if you don't learn some of the Basics first.  ::)
George Wallace said:
PS.  You'll never make General if you don't learn some of the Basics first.  ::)

But I have to make general...  :'(

Thanks, my search was for "transportation" which came back null.  My fault for not trying more options.