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gifts from a civy to soldiers in kandahar

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my aunti has some friends (comms) serving in kandahar right now. she wants to send them a care package and asked me for ideas of what to put in. ive never been overseas so i didnt have much advice to offer other than a small poster with messages of support for the soldiers. she is also gonna put in some baked cookies. but other than the cookies and the poster, do any of u have any ideas of things there short on in kandahar that my aunti could give these guys? shes lookinjg for stuff thats small and relatively inexpensive that these guys can share.

any ideas?
If she has a sense of humour: gay porn

No, but seriously, candies, tins of Tims, hometown newspapers.  Letters, puzzle magazines, even sports magazines and the like.
juice crystals the guys are asking for gatoraid but i don't think it matters which type, reading material,cards.
Mail them some cans of tims and a small coffee brewer.

I know that's what I would want.
I've had some success with small packs of handi-wipes, as well as cough drops and the stuff mentioned above.

Let's see....what did I want when I was there (just got back last night btw)

Home made treats are always good.

Personal coffee brewer....my wife is now gold in my eyes.

New DVDs or CDs...mind you they can buy those in KAF now at the PX.

Magazines...be they porn or not.

If it's around Xmas time...some lights and some other yule tide goodies.

Letters from home for sure....perhapse with some recent pictures of loved ones.

Some sort of odour eater powder for the boots and sneakers.

Hope that helps

Franko said:
Let's see....what did I want when I was there (just got back last night btw)

Yeah..i noticed the pics...

Welcome back to the snow.. (snicker)
Bit of a change going from + 35 to - 25 in a day.

Mind you I'm the only one in my court with a sun tan!    ;D

Franko said:
Mind you I'm the only one in my court with a sun tan!    ;D

Too bad some people might take your tan for a windburn (eg: snowboarder from Turin!) :-P

Anyway, welcome back, get some rest (you deserve it)!
When my dad was over there and family members were send over care packages he always asked for timmy's and some good reading material
Well I think timmies won't be a problem anymore because I saw on the news that they will open a timmies counter in kandahar for canadian soldiers... wow !

Cheers, and that's nice you're back home safe Franko!
NiTz said:
Well I think timmies won't be a problem anymore because I saw on the news that they will open a timmies counter in kandahar for canadian soldiers... wow !
Perhaps you should send them Starbucks then. ;)
Wet wipes, reading material, personal comfort items. Short wave radio (the kind with the hand crank generator is pretty cool)

Try hooking up with a local school and have the kids send letters. Whenever I got them in Bosnia, I usually spent the rest of the day laughing (where do kids think of these things?).

The troops probably have almost any material want or need satisfied over there, what they want is a connection with the "real world" in Canada.

Best regards
A_majoor.  I like your idea about a short wave radio, I would never have thought of that.

I know if I were overseas a cool thing to get would be newspaper clippings from my local municipal newspaper.

Socks; Wigwam Ingenius are awesome.  You can never have too many socks.

Grundig Short wave radio is good, but this is better: www.worldspace.com

Portable DVD Players are becoming quite popular. 