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"girl pushups"

Petamocto said:
Best one spotted in KAF was one we called "Reaper Chi...Pilot".

She wasn't a Pilot. She sat in the other seat.

But she liked her job and was very good at it.
Loachman said:
But she liked her job and was very good at it.

My friend there is no need to defend her, because I can guarantee you not a single Canadian I knew ever said a bad word about her.

In fact, we were devastated when someone else came to the CUBs/BUBs instead of her.
I'm not defending her because, as you said, there is no need - just making a slight correction.

I had the pleasure of spending some time in a Reaper Ground Control Station with her and her Pilot during a mission.

The UAV/GCS envy would have been far worse (even their airconditioning worked) were it not for the fact that I knew that I'd go back to flying for real.
Back to the subject of girlie push-ups... my trainer calls them "half-push-ups" (though, I like to call them girlie ones!)

He said that if you lean forward when you do them (so, forward AND down) that you are almost carrying your full amount of weight. So, the trick is... lean forward first and THEN go down. Definitely not the same as a regular girlie push-up and if you think of it -- the only part of your weight you are NOT carrying is the calves and feet.

Plain girlie push-ups got me NO WHERE with regular ones... until I did the leaning forward thing. Now, I can do regular push-ups in just two weeks (or, four sessions)...

I'll be honest I hate girls push-up and I'm a girl...

Try strenghtening your back and your abs (squats are good, for sure. Better if you can add weight).
Annnddd... try to do them with your legs wide open first. For your arms , the larger they are, the less your triceps are working and the less heighted your push ups will be. So start wide...then just adjust as you get stronger.
Something especialy good for the push ups is the burpees. Because you get out of breath and you do one push up at the time (wich you can do with all your power), you work anaerobicaly and that's good. Plus, you'll get more strenght in your back, abdominals and legs...
Technoviking said:
Hey Lil_T.

Glad you see the humour in that.  (Of course, the army isnt' for girls, or boys for that matter.  It's for men and women.  "Girl" pushups have no place!  I think you agree)

And the pic is funny, appropriate or not ;D

+1 to Technoviking
*rightclick, save, email home.  ;D
armychick2009 said:
my trainer calls them "half-push-ups"(though, I like to call them girlie ones!)

so half means girlie? Now I'm laughing like hell !! >_> ...
Hi all, I just want to give my two cents. I wouldn't say I am really good at it. But when I was  around 14-15 I used to be able to do over 50 push ups without much of a problem. Of course at first I wasn't doing more than 20, but I did as much as I could once per day so eventually I was able to do many more. Then I stopped for several years.
Now I am 20 and I started doing them again to prepare for basic training. I recommend the following simple schedule, I can't say that it will work for everyone as everyone is different but it works perfectly for me.
Basically every day you do 2 sets of push ups. Take 1-2 min break between the sets.
The first day just do as much as you can until your muscles start burning (don't wait till you fall down from exhaustion). And every day after that do 1-3 push ups more for each set than you did the day before.
For example on the first day you were able to do 15 push ups and 8 push ups on the second set.
So next day will be perhaps 17-9, next day 19-11, then 21-13, etc. Eventually anyone should be able to do 100 push-ups. Because there has not been a single day where I wasn't able to do 2 more push ups than the day before. Right now I am at 48-40.
2 important things:
- make sure you don't take a day or two off, if you take 2 days off you will find that you will be able to do only like 3/4 of what you could do just 2 days ago
- stick to the schedule, don't add more than 3 push ups per day even if you feel like you can do more. This is just to be safe, and I am a very conservative person. And more importantly, always add at least 1 more every day no matter what.
armychick2009 said:
Back to the subject of girlie push-ups... my trainer calls them "half-push-ups" (though, I like to call them girlie ones!)

He said that if you lean forward when you do them (so, forward AND down) that you are almost carrying your full amount of weight. So, the trick is... lean forward first and THEN go down. Definitely not the same as a regular girlie push-up and if you think of it -- the only part of your weight you are NOT carrying is the calves and feet.

I believe one bio-mechanical factor that you are over looking is lever length.  Not only are you losing the weight of your calves and feet, but you are also decreasing the distance of the centre of gravity from the fulcrum (knees for girl push-ups and toes for regular) of the lever that is you body.  Therefore the amount of force required to move the weight of the body significantly increases beyond the weight of someones lower legs.

As a trainer I believe the best way to train push-ups is to do them according to EXPRES protocols but at an angle on a Smith Machine.  AS you get better doing the reps, you can decrease the the angle until you are on the floor.

***See attachment for Smith Machine