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Go figure. Who would have thought the military would take away our money.


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So after all this time of service, the military/government has finally found a way to say thank you for serving.  They now make it tax free when serving overseas.  Sounds good doesn't it.  But just like everything else, there's always a catch.  It's more to make us look one way while they start to take away something in another direction.  Yes.  I'm a reservist.  And no, I'm not in this for the money.  Although without it I would lose my home and everything I've worked so hard for in the last 10 years.  We have been away from home now for 6 months training to deploy to Afghanistan.  Because of being away from home we receive an allowance.  Which helps us in many ways.  Almost everyone travels home on weekends to see there family.  And that money covers your fuel there and back.  For some of us its more then 14 hour round trip.  But instead of giving us that money.  They have decided to place us under the "posted" category.  Now unlike a soldier who is posted.  Our families do not live near us.  And we cannot go home to them every night.  All I know is that I'm still happy I paid all that money to go see my family, but it really sucks that the military/government has decided that we are not good enough for that allowance.  And not too put down regular force at all.  I mean.  If I knew I was going to lose that money from the start.  I would have defiantly moved my family up there for the 6 months and fought for all the benefits that I should have been entitled to.

To what entitlements are you reffering to that have been taken away? how have you been posted when your "home" unit is still the unit from which you came.

Please your post need's some clarity so that the problem can be fully addressed.
Uh, I make 8 hour round trip most weekends and don't expect for the military to pay for it. Why do you?
I think he's referring to "Attach Posted", which, if I recall correctly, means no, you are not entitled to anything extra. If you were sent to Pet as Attach Posted, and you agreed to that by accepting the tasking, well there's not much for you to complain about. If you don't like it, you shouldn't have accepted it.

I'm not saying it's right, and I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm saying it's the conditions you accepted, so you have no where to look.

BTW, even if you moved your family up there while being attach posted, you still aren't entitled to anything extra. Of course, I'm no clerk, so hopefully one steps up to bat here....
This message deals with entitlements while attached posted:

Note, however, that we do not have all the facts.  We do not know the precise status under which THEONE is currently with their unit on task.  We do not know what agreements or waivers may have been signed; even if they weren't fully read and understood at the time.  We do not know what allowances were being received before this rant, or what he may now be getting, or what further changes to his benefits will occur as his status evolves with respect to the mission.

Any advice offered at this time is speculative without the ability to examine his file and see what basis for entitlements actually exists.

THEONE, I was alluding to the same thing in a previous comment (I think)

The reservists and regular force members(those form off base) working in petawawa for OP Archer ROTO 2 will not recieve any money from TD. Apparently it was suposed to be around $3000 to $3200 dollars.   The REAL kick in the nuts as I am told is that the reservists (and appropiate regs) from last tour recieved TD and the NEXT guys on roto 3 will recieve TD. it's just that us ROTO 2 guys fall in some kinda loop hole.

$3000 is a good chunck of money.  It's not a reserve vs regforce thing either.  Reg force soldiers get just as pissed off when they get dicked out of cash as reservists do.
Most other tours, if Im not mistaken, saw their augmentees get TD. (Paladium 8 and 13 did and both of those were 6 months worth of work up).
I have no idea why roto2 (oblivious to roto 1 and 3) won't get it.  I know a few guys who live 8 hours away. It's stupid to expect these guys to hang around in petawawa on week-ends for 6 months and then send them away for 6 months. Thats  a year away from their families, one fellow in my platoon just had a baby born to him and looses about $1000 a month working for the taskforce instead of his civilian job (though overseas he will break even he said)
Augmentees dump a lot of money into the local economy from buying food and alcohol to boots to cars and other things.

If we are attach posted and DON'T recieve TD doesn't that mean we are intitled to a whole slew of other things?

In the end the biggest point of contention for us I think was that the guys before us and after us get it.

Uh, I make 8 hour round trip most weekends and don't expect for the military to pay for it. Why do you?
because thats what TD is. Temporary duty.

Now unlike a soldier who is posted.  Our families do not live near us.
Exactly.  What benifits come with being attach posted?
Just so everyone knows.  I don't care too much about the money.  Its the fact that I was not attached posted before.  And they only decided this two weeks before we were sent home.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not trying to take anything thats not mine.  I just don't like being told that I'll be getting something and then someone taking it away from me at the last second.
THEONE said:
  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not trying to take anything thats not mine.  I just don't like being told that I'll be getting something and then someone taking it away from me at the last second.

Get used to it - the whole army works that way.
Is 6 months long enough for the member to use LTA to visit his family?

If you are attach-posted and leave your dependants at home you should also receive free R&Q and get Separation Expense - which equates to more than TD.

6 months is far too long for a TD contract - attach posting is more in works with how the DAODs define that kind of duty.

If you're going overseas, you're attach posted to your mounting unit. You'll find that the contract dates are usually ammended and somewhat seperated. This means that you dont get the benefits associated with being posted. Consider though, that part of the reason you're given TD is for the inconvenience of being away from your comforts.

We all deal with it. I was in Ont for part of my workup training, and all my buddies were going home on weekends...Those of us not from the area, suffered. Nature of the Green Machine.

Good luck.
Oh,  I'm already used to it.  As most people know.  Being in the military probably takes more out of you mentally then physically.  If they get a chance to screw you around they take it.  As long as it benefits them.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been threw this.  But like I said before.  It wouldn't bother me if my contract said that we wouldn't be getting it.  But my contract actually gave me TD.  That’s the main issue here.
define "They". I have a hard time imagining anyone devoting any time to finding ways to deliberately mess your pay. If it is that big a personal issue, address it via the CoC. Maybe you'll wake someone up somewhere, and something positive will come from it.
THEONE said:
Oh,  I'm already used to it.  As most people know.  Being in the military probably takes more out of you mentally then physically.  If they get a chance to screw you around they take it.  As long as it benefits them.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been threw this.  But like I said before.  It wouldn't bother me if my contract said that we wouldn't be getting it.  But my contract actually gave me TD.  That’s the main issue here.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but the army was far too busy taking a personal interest in screwing with me to spare anyone to screw with you.  Maybe it's just what it is, or Karma.
Kat Stevens said:
Sorry to bust your bubble, but the army was far too busy taking a personal interest in screwing with me to spare anyone to screw with you.  Maybe it's just what it is, or Karma.

Just wait until he figures out that TD is only for the first 30 days of temporary duty <tee hee>

Seriously though, there are reg force guys who would kill you off if they thought it would open a spot for them, and there are 10 more people waiting to take your spot should you decide to leave.

In short, the army may be ****ing you around - but there is no shortage of volunteers, so it can't be that bad!
The new CANFORGEN about attached postings and separation expense should be out soon, I saw the email today.

Effective 01 JUL 06, members on attached posting outside the geographic area of their home unit are entitled to TD, for up to one year in duration. The change is not retroactive though.

I thought TD was for 30 days, then after 30 days you get it still, but less.  Last time I got it, it was $17.50/day for the first 30 days, then $13.50/day after that.
Just talk to the media.. Every time we get screwed by DND, either with lacking equipment or pay, good old CTV news comes to the rescue and runs the story until CDS Rick starts to fork out the dough. I’m pretty sure it’s the only way to fastball issues like this.    :cdn:
greydak said:
Just talk to the media.. Every time we get screwed by DND, either with lacking equipment or pay, good old CTV news comes to the rescue and runs the story until CDS Rick starts to fork out the dough. I’m pretty sure it’s the only way to fastball issues like this.    :cdn:

Does anyone else here have a problem with attitudes like this one?