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Go Habs, go!

HighlandIslander said:
Can't say I agree with you there. The Flyers are just a team of gray men. The Habs have speed and youth, the Bruins had heart, but Philadelphia, while technically a good team, is wholly unremarkable.

Montreal in 6.

Philadelphia has the goons though, and for every 2 or 3 infractions that get noticed and penalized 1 goes unnoticed by the refs and usually leads to a substantial oppourtunity for them. But the Flyers do have some very good talent in the form of Briere, Lupul, and Gagne when he's healthy. And the Flyers just eliminated one of the teams with the most heart in the run up to the post season.
I still think Pittsburgh v Washington would have been a better series to watch.

Makes me sad that the Habs are the only Canadian team left now, so I'm obligated by patriotism to cheer for them, but I don't have to like it!!!
PuckChaser said:
Makes me sad that the Habs are the only Canadian team left now, so I'm obligated by patriotism to cheer for them, but I don't have to like it!!!

Thank you for your support, however reluctant it is ...

Moody said:
I bet this guy never imagined being on the cover of the sun when he posed....

Hou! Cute!

but if he's francophone he won't probably know it until the cops get to him...
"Les deux solitudes" ain't a myth when thinking about news and informations.
  I am a big time Habs fan been so for a long time and in enemy territory LOL . Trenton is mostly Leaf and Sens fan I am one of the odd balls .  I think  they should ban the sell of Alcohol on game nights in the city during a sporting even if that's how they want to behave than they can do with out or the business that sell the liqour can pay for the Damages sense the police never seem to be able to arrest the ones who actually did the crimes .      Real Hockey fans don't need to do this and if they truly support the HABS quest for the cup than they won't .  It's truly sad how some people are looking for any excuse to cause trouble pathetic .

Must say that there were a lot of outraged people that night.
The police have been flooded by digital photos and film clips of the a$$holes performing pure-outright vandalism on public and private property.  This morning,s Gazette offers us about a dozen pics with a request by authorities for help in identificating the idiots.
They have arrested 5 to date... more to follow.
We had a lot of good parties in the Capital last year on Elgin with very minor issues and there was a lot of booze flowing. Not bragging, I just don't think booze alone is to blame.
Yrys said:
Can't find the "Halte là, les Canadiens sont la"

Go Habs Go
Go Habs Go
Go Habs Go

I'm not the only one missing it ...

Habs fans need to deep-six chant imported from Europe and bring back a classic

The song? Les Canadiens Sont La. When Les Glorieux took to the ice at the old Forum, when they scored a goal, the organist would pound out the rollicking, contagious Les Canadiens Sont La and thousands of voices would shake the rafters with "Halte La! Halte La! Halte La! Les Canadiens Sont La! Les Canadiens! Les Canadiens! Les Can-na-di-ENS ... sont ... LA!"
Well, I'm firmly on the Habs bandwagon (for now!)

Way to go, Habs.

Vern, my condolences.

Now, if only I weren't in Wainwright, Alberta.....
Habs are definately my playoff team, never thought I would hoping for them to win, but stranger things have happened.
Have to give my tip of the hat to Bob Gainey & Guy Carboneau for having cobbled together a team out of not very much indeed.... They are young enough that they will only get better next year - for the Stanley Cup to celebrate the Habs 100th

Maybe if we can somehow put together some chaps/Habs pics Vern will finally get on board  >:D
HighlandIslander said:
Maybe if we can somehow put together some chaps/Habs pics Vern will finally get on board  >:D

Shoot  >:(!

Why didn't you make your suggestion yesterday ? I've sent a link to Vern of a chaps, without asking anything for me in return.
Could have said : "I will send link if you publicly support the HABS!"  :D
Yrys said:
Shoot  >:(!

Why didn't you make your suggestion yesterday ? I've sent a link to Vern of a chaps, without asking anything for me in return.
Could have said : "I will send link if you publicly support the HABS!"  :D

Thanks for the link YRYS!!  >:D  :-*  And, as for the Habs ...

They still suck !!!
The Canadian in me wants to cheer for the Habs, as they're the only Canadian team left.
The Leafs fan in me wants to sulk in a corner with my arms crossed until next season. Then I remember that the Leafs aren't going to do any better next year. So I'll just sulk.  :(

And here I was about to go out, buy a pair of chaps and paint a Habs logo on my butt. You're only ruining it for yourself, Vern! Go Habs Go!
uncle-midget-boyd said:
The Canadian in me wants to cheer for the Habs, as they're the only Canadian team left.
The Leafs fan in me wants to sulk in a corner with my arms crossed until next season. Then I remember that the Leafs aren't going to do any better next year. So I'll just sulk.  :(


I only watch hockey until Boston is out -- and they're out. My season is done; my watching is done. I'll be back in the fall with my team. My colours just don't switch on/off that easily.  :)

I really couldn't care who wins now -- is that bad of me??  :-\
ArmyVern said:
They still suck !!!

I've never comment on the level of play of the Habs, for good reason : I don't watch hockey.
I can't event comment your assertion, because I don't read critics of hockey either.

I just want them to WIN  ;D !

I sense a difference  ??? between my experience and Vern experience of hockey  :)


still waiting for kilt picture