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Going to Aldershot...

Crash300z said:
I just received my joining instructions this morning for BMQ at Aldershot July 4Th.
The clerk who gave me my papers told me that, when arriving at the camp, I don't have to
be dressed in uniform. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks for any help you can give.

Ladies and gentlemen reading this thread that are going to Aldershot on BMQ.

- yes you have alot of questions.
- yes in time you will have answers for all of them.
- yes it is normal to be curious.
- yes it is normal at first to question what people told you.

- no, you can not question what people tell you the SECOND you step foot in Aldershot. (if you want to enjoy your stay).
- no, the staff does not "have" to tell you what you are think you are entitled to know.  You don't know what you need to know.  Shut mouth, open ears.
- no, you should not "verify" information your staff gives you with...the cleaner, or MCpl Bloggins on the smoke area.  Your staff is your Chain of Command. 
- no, you can not normally break the Chain of Command (CoC). 
- Your job is simple.  To do what you are told, when you are told, how you are told to the VERY BEST of your ability.   That is Task 1.  Task 2 is to constantly try to be better at Task 1.  Thats it.  Don't make it more complicted than that.

- Remember where you fit in on the CoC. Yes, the bottom.  You are Pte Joker, not Gunnery Sgt Hartman.  Know your role.
- Remember, a Pte can NOT give a lawful command.  [Thats in QR & O's Volume II.  If you come out of BMQ knowing what that is, you probably became familiar with "Service Offences" (i.e. committed and were charged with one) and assumingly did NOT enjoy your visit to Aldershot]. 

Learn to Serve.  Shoot the foot...drive the body.  Remember your 2 tasks. 

Thats it, thats all.  Time to get on with it.

Good luck.

Colin P said:
Used to be a bit of a dump in the 80’s did they fix the place up yet?

Mind you, there was some good little restaurants in the towns and getting a big plate of Lobster chow mien for $4 was a treat for this West Coast boy.

Wasn’t there a night club there named “the big apple”?

Holy moley, it's been a while since you have been to the Valley.  The big apple hasnt been around for years, and i mean years.  Getting back to your originaly question,  they have actually put quite a bit of money into Aldershot over the past few years.  Even though I joined the Navy, i know quite a bit about Aldershot as I am from Kentville.  It was getting pretty run down up until they finally made some nice improvements to the place. 

For those going to Aldershot for any BMQ or courses in the summer, get ready for heat and humidity.  You are gonna sweat your bag off.
Ordinary Dummy said:
Holy moley, it's been a while since you have been to the Valley.  The big apple hasnt been around for years, and i mean years. 

Lets not talk about that, it makes me feel very, very old.  :'(
I know this is kind of off topic but what unit are you with? Im PLF on DP1 Infantry