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Gotta Love the Drone!!

Haywire said:
Ok......so there have been drones in the past, and there are drones now..... What drones do what, and what they look like, are beyond me. However, in my original post, as I stated, I was told by a soldier who was involved in that firefight, that a drone carrying hellfire missiles, went airborne and lit up the ground. He described the drone as being.....and I quote...."like a stealth" in appearance. He used the stealth as a visual reference because he knew I know what a stealth is/looks like. I did some googling, and posted the original pic, not as being the exact aircraft, but as a similar concept..... A drone plane with stealth like characteristics.
That drone COULD have been any of the drones we've been debating about, or, it COULD have been a new drone, which is seeing it's first combat testing. Who knows.....all I know is what I've been told by someone who has NEVER lied to me about anything before in his life (that I know of anyway).
Now......when do I get my "verbal warning" removed???

In about 2 seconds i'm going to get a verbal too as i am just about to "google" you a new atitude.  Your original source may never have lied to you but that doesnt mean he has any more of a clue about things that fly than you do.

Haywire said:
Now......when do I get my "verbal warning" removed???

Might I suggest that you take the time now to read the Rules of Conduct for this site and find the answer to that question yourself.
Quote from Haywire,
Now......when do I get my "verbal warning" removed???

Its in the PM I sent you,.......however you are partially correct, it might not last one week. :-X
The adress of this forum should be changed to www.army.cuba instead of army.ca, because this forum is communist at the very least. I make a statement, I back up my facts. I debate about a probable reality..... And now I'm being crucified! This country and our military is supposed to be based around honor, and integrity, and this forum is anything but.....
I have proven the existance of these things, and someone else has proven that Canada used different types of drones as well. I have also proven my fact that stealth aircraft were airborne in the 60's. Thankfully, I was not in Afghanistan with a digital camera during the first mentioned firefight, so I cannot prove EXACTLY what kind of aircraft we're talking about here. All I can do is relay an eyewitness report.
I do think I deserve an explanation as to why everyone is so against me, and what I've said.....What have I said that's bad enough to have so many take it so personally?
I may not be a soldier, but I was a civillian contracted unarmed combat instructor for 2 years, where I trained unarmed combat instructors in NOTL (Back then it was a reserve base, UCA were sent there for my training. I believe the base is now either closed, or a military museum). I've worked with many soldiers of ALL ranks, and I'm telling you.....THIS is NOT the army way!
Now get mad and ban me if you wish, but you'll be banning me knowing that I've done nothing wrong, and though I MAY not have been right.....at the same time.....I was not wrong either.
Haywire said:
The address of this forum should be changed to www.army.cuba instead of army.ca, because this forum is communist at the very least.

If it was army.cuba you wouldn't be posting freely here and neither would the troops.

Haywire said:
I make a statement, I back up my facts. I debate about a probable reality.....

The difference is that you "debate" this with a group of people to whom it is not probable reality; these are the people who know the reality because they work with it day in, day out.

Haywire said:
All I can do is relay an eyewitness report.

That equates to "a friend of a friend of a friend."

Haywire said:
I do think I deserve an explanation as to why everyone is so against me, and what I've said.....

It isn't usually what is said, but *HOW* it is said.
Haywire said:
The adress of this forum should be changed to www.army.cuba instead of army.ca, because this forum is communist at the very least. I make a statement, I back up my facts. I debate about a probable reality..... And now I'm being crucified! This country and our military is supposed to be based around honor, and integrity, and this forum is anything but.....
I have proven the existance of these things, and someone else has proven that Canada used different types of drones as well. I have also proven my fact that stealth aircraft were airborne in the 60's. Thankfully, I was not in Afghanistan with a digital camera during the first mentioned firefight, so I cannot prove EXACTLY what kind of aircraft we're talking about here. All I can do is relay an eyewitness report.
I do think I deserve an explanation as to why everyone is so against me, and what I've said.....What have I said that's bad enough to have so many take it so personally?
I may not be a soldier, but I was a civillian contracted unarmed combat instructor for 2 years, where I trained unarmed combat instructors in NOTL (Back then it was a reserve base, UCA were sent there for my training. I believe the base is now either closed, or a military museum). I've worked with many soldiers of ALL ranks, and I'm telling you.....THIS is NOT the army way!
Now get mad and ban me if you wish, but you'll be banning me knowing that I've done nothing wrong, and though I MAY not have been right.....at the same time.....I was not wrong either.

There is not a single serving or former member of the CF who needs a lesson from you on what military service means.  Since YOU have never served a single day in uniform.......STAY IN YOUR LANE
The adress of this forum should be changed to www.army.cuba instead of army.ca, because this forum is communist at the very least. I make a statement, I back up my facts.

Oh, this is NOT going to be pretty...

I'm lost (but making good time)!

Where is NOTL?  The Base you claim to be a Reserve Base.

Who are the ACU?  What does teaching them unarmed combat have to do with this topic?

Now on the question of facts; we still haven't got a reply to the source of this mysterious 'Drone Bomber' that was recently retired.  I am sure anyone with some time in the CF, would have heard about it.  Surely one of those people is on this site.  So far no confirmation or source has been provided. 
Now on the question of facts; we still haven't got a reply to the source of this mysterious 'Drone Bomber' that was recently retired.  I am sure anyone with some time in the CF, would have heard about it.  Surely one of those people is on this site.  So far no confirmation or source has been provided. 

Well, George- it was a "secret" bomber, after all! ;)
The "Army" way is to speak about the things you have direct knowledge of, ask questions on things you don't know and qualify any speculation etc.

WRT the firefight, you have not "proven" anything at all, simply repeated heresay evidence by someone who claims to have been there. (This being the internet, I can also claim to have been there, or anywhere else for that matter.) Since you are insisting we take an unsubstantiated report which is at almost complete varience with what people who actually work with this stuff or are in theater KNOW, then you should not be surprised the reaction is a bit........cold.

You jump around throwing out red herrings (UACV program, URL's of all kinds of related topics), but I notice you have not backed any of your substantive claims (Canadian UAV bomber retired last year, drone (of any sort) being used in support of the firefight). It may well be possible a drone was dispatched to observe, but as I have noted, only the CIA control the armed Predators, and they would be unleashed against an identified High Value Target (HVT) such as an AQ leadership figure.

Summary: you have "proven" nothing, and are debating about an alternative reality, not a probable, possible or (best of all) real reality.
Since YOU have never served a single day in uniform.......STAY IN YOUR LANE
Like I said......I've trained men in uniform.....AND I pay thier wages.....which in tern support thier famillies! I am in my lane! Take a step back soldier! Soldiers bleed the same color blood as civillians! They are no different than the rest of us! Just because I run into burning buildings for a living instead of into a swealtering hot smelly desert, doesn't mean they're any better than I am, or visa versa. And my uniform's yellow......yours is green.....what's the difference??? We're all in the business of saving lives and trying to better humanity. While you may be overseas fighting the "dark skinned villian", it may be me running into a building to save one of your familly members! Don't you dare talk down to me like I'm just a "civie", because us "civies" are the ones taking care of YOUR loved ones while you're overseas! We're supposed to be one nation......not a country divided up of "Civies" and "Soldiers". People like you make me sick, and are also the reason why good soldiers are turned into legends!

And a_majoor......
WRT the firefight, you have not "proven" anything at all, simply repeated heresay evidence by someone who claims to have been there.
He watched one of his close friends die.....so have some respect and STFU!

(Canadian UAV bomber retired last year, drone (of any sort) being used in support of the firefight).
Who the hell said that the UCAV was Canadian???? I seem to recall saying it was a U.S. Aircraft Dumbass!

It may well be possible a drone was dispatched to observe, but as I have noted, only the CIA control the armed Predators
We're not talking about Predators.....they're old and slow, and can only carry 2 Hellfire missiles.....read the previous posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well turns out you were right Haywire, your "verbal warning" didn't last a week......
Haywire said:
Like I said......I've trained men in uniform.....AND I pay thier wages.....which in tern support thier famillies! I am in my lane! Take a step back soldier! Soldiers bleed the same color blood as civillians! They are no different than the rest of us! Just because I run into burning buildings for a living instead of into a swealtering hot smelly desert, doesn't mean they're any better than I am, or visa versa. And my uniform's yellow......yours is green.....what's the difference??? We're all in the business of saving lives and trying to better humanity. While you may be overseas fighting the "dark skinned villian", it may be me running into a building to save one of your familly members! Don't you dare talk down to me like I'm just a "civie", because us "civies" are the ones taking care of YOUR loved ones while you're overseas! We're supposed to be one nation......not a country divided up of "Civies" and "Soldiers". People like you make me sick, and are also the reason why good soldiers are turned into legends!

Don't ever come across with this attitude again.  "......AND I pay thier wages.....which in tern support thier famillies!"  We can say the same about you.  At the same time it gives you no right, even as a Tax Paying A-Hat to demand that things be open to you just because you Pay Friggin Taxes.

I'll use your own words...."People like you make me sick,......Don't you dare talk down to me......" and as for "...because us "civies" are the ones taking care of YOUR loved ones while you're overseas!"; well you can stick it where the sun don't shine.

Time for you to take a Siesta, before you rile up the rest of the CF.......................don't even bother coming up with a smart arse reply......it'll only inflame me and others more.
I locked this one in haste as it has produced some good info that many of us had no idea about.......but please keep it on topic. [Drones, if I can remember back that far]
Jantor said:
You're welcome

I seem to recall that the U.S.A.F used the Firebee in Vietnam for photo-reconnisance and I saw a picture of a Lanc with one slung under the wing in a magazine some time ago.
yes back to drone's.
also in use back then was a russian made jet engine drone,can't remember the name exactly,The chinese ended up using them for their,projects,using reverse engineering,Now it comes to me, a Lavochin,I beleive I spelled that right,could fly about 600 mph .

Hello gentlemen/ladies

I've been a lurker on the site for a while and have posted on occasion; however through my own negligence forgot both my original handle and password form over a year ago.

I have had the opportunity to work as the Troop Commander for the Surveillance and Target Acquisition Troop at the FAS (Field Arty School) and have had some exposure to UAV's now... ;)

One possible drone that haywire was talking about (and -with a generous stretch- may have been one of the only credible things he spouted) was the CL-227 Sentinel "Flying Peanut" http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/cl-327.htm (hopefully link works, I'm new to this)  the Peanut started with the Locating Troop at the Arty School in 1988, and there is one sitting in the main hall there now...

More recent UAV applications besides the Sperwer have included the Silver Fox (mini UAV) http://www.acrtucson.com/UAV/silverfox/index.htm a joint project between Army and Navy, and was a test bed for different technologies and Applications, not operational.  Another is the Vindicator target Drone that was a AD target that has now been modified by Meggitt Defence Systems Canada, to carry a payload and is currently in use by my troop as a surrogate Small UAV Trainer.  The most recent acquisition is the Isreali Elbit Systems Sky Lark UAV, that will become operational likely before year end. http://www.elbitsystems.com/lobmainpage.asp?id=764


Thank you very much for the update. As a mud gunner from the bad old days, and an ex-CIG, it is gratifying to see real progress after many years of wheel spinning and frustration. I was on RV 89 when the then ad hoc drone troop learned that it was for the chop. The TSM, who had been my driver in Germany many years before, asked me to talk to the NCMs as their collective morale was lower that whale poop. (That may have really been a dumb idea, but I think I was able to convince them what goes around, comes around.)
that is a great link ,thank you,I have never been able to see a picture of  the sentinel,
