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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

1) "This summer, @AnitaAnandMP made significant announcements regarding @NORADCommand
modernization. How will these be implemented? @AndreaCharron
speaks to BGen McKenna, BGen Sabourin, Cheri Crosby, and Martin Tomkin on this episode of "DefenceDeconstructed" (Oct. 25)

2) Video of interview with CDS Gen. Eyre by US CSIS, Nov. 2:

Must be Remembrance Day. Defence is apparently “one of” Canadas top priorities. Until Monday.
Canada’s Defence Minister Anita Anand says boosting and protecting the country’s armed forces is a “top priority” amid a changing global geopolitical landscape, recruitment problems and ongoing efforts to address sexual misconduct in the military.
Defence minister says Canada's military is 'top priority' amid worries about 'darker' world

<remembers half of 19th C armoury being put out of bounds due to roof and other collapses and resulting leaks and safety hazards>
Must be Remembrance Day. Defence is apparently “one of” Canadas top priorities. Until Monday.
Canada’s Defence Minister Anita Anand says boosting and protecting the country’s armed forces is a “top priority” amid a changing global geopolitical landscape, recruitment problems and ongoing efforts to address sexual misconduct in the military.
Defence minister says Canada's military is 'top priority' amid worries about 'darker' world

Lies No GIF
Must be Remembrance Day. Defence is apparently “one of” Canadas top priorities. Until Monday.
Canada’s Defence Minister Anita Anand says boosting and protecting the country’s armed forces is a “top priority” amid a changing global geopolitical landscape, recruitment problems and ongoing efforts to address sexual misconduct in the military.
Defence minister says Canada's military is 'top priority' amid worries about 'darker' world

Her top priority, not necessarily the GoC's top priority.

Which, as MND, makes sense that the military would be her top priority :sneaky:
Rumour - unsubstantiated, just rumour, but from a source that I think is both "plugged in" and trustworthy - says that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's brief visit to Canada a couple of weeks ago was to deliver a fairly rude "dressing down" to Prime Minister Trudeau, DPM Freeland and Foreign Minister Joly. The same rumour says that MND Anand and her DM and their CDS were warned, a few weeks before the visit, of both the content and the tenor of Blinken's message.

The rumour says that Blinken delivered a stern warning that Canada must either shape up, including in defence spending and readiness, or risk being booted out of the Five Eyes and the G-7.
Rumour - unsubstantiated, just rumour, but from a source that I think is both "plugged in" and trustworthy - says that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's brief visit to Canada a couple of weeks ago was to deliver a fairly rude "dressing down" to Prime Minister Trudeau, DPM Freeland and Foreign Minister Joly. The same rumour says that MND Anand and her DM and their CDS were warned, a few weeks before the visit, of both the content and the tenor of Blinken's message.
Good. Needed to be done. Hard to claim to be a valued world partner in security and diplomacy when you are a laggard to defense commitments globally, and especially in the defence of your own air, sea, and dare I say land approaches.
The rumour says that Blinken delivered a stern warning that Canada must either shape up, including in defence spending and readiness, or risk being booted out of the Five Eyes and the G-7.
That might get Le Dauphin to pull his head out of his ass.

Prestige and platform mean more to him than doing the right thing. I hope we see action in this and not continued handwringing
I think that we are seeing, right now, a major, actually a complete 180° (3200 mils) course correction on the Indo-Pacific file. Barton will still get a seat at the table but his voice will go unheard. There will be a sop to the Trudeauites about working with China to combat climate change but, essentially, a team of policy professionals will Canadianize a strategy made in Washington, DC.

I also suspect that the CDS' Reconstitution programme is designed to "strike while the iron is hot" and Team Trudeau has little choice but too get on board the Biden Express which looks, to progressive Canadians, distressingly, like the Trump Express but, this time, with some oomph behind it.

Team Trudeau's trip to visit ASEAN is timely and a step in the right direction - part of the strategic fallout from Putin's misadventures in Ukraine is that ASEAN is going to become more and more important to both China and India and, therefore, more important to the US-led West, too.
I think that we are seeing, right now, a major, actually a complete 180° (3200 mils) course correction on the Indo-Pacific file. Barton will still get a seat at the table but his voice will go unheard. There will be a sop to the Trudeauites about working with China to combat climate change but, essentially, a team of policy professionals will Canadianize a strategy made in Washington, DC.

I also suspect that the CDS' Reconstitution programme is designed to "strike while the iron is hot" and Team Trudeau has little choice but too get on board the Biden Express which looks, to progressive Canadians, distressingly, like the Trump Express but, this time, with some oomph behind it.

Team Trudeau's trip to visit ASEAN is timely and a step in the right direction - part of the strategic fallout from Putin's misadventures in Ukraine is that ASEAN is going to become more and more important to both China and India and, therefore, more important to the US-led West, too.
When the CBC talking heads are taking the Trudeau Liberals to task for their China Policy you know there has been a shift in the tide.
When the CBC talking heads are taking the Trudeau Liberals to task for their China Policy you know there has been a shift in the tide.
Wait until Blinken’s next trip when he tells Le Dauphin to throttle back on state-run media, lest one be forced to look longingly at the G6 and wish you were still part of the club… 😉
Wait until Blinken’s next trip when he tells Le Dauphin to throttle back on state-run media, lest one be forced to look longingly at the G6 and wish you were still part of the club… 😉
When you're taking policy tips from the CCP, you're no longer an ally; you're a liability.

He'll the Huawei debacle was grounds enough for us to no longer receive FVEY status on things. This is a long time coming and I hope it sees the 3200mils backbearing @Edward Campbell speaks of.
I think that we are seeing, right now, a major, actually a complete 180° (3200 mils) course correction on the Indo-Pacific file. Barton will still get a seat at the table but his voice will go unheard. There will be a sop to the Trudeauites about working with China to combat climate change but, essentially, a team of policy professionals will Canadianize a strategy made in Washington, DC.

I also suspect that the CDS' Reconstitution programme is designed to "strike while the iron is hot" and Team Trudeau has little choice but too get on board the Biden Express which looks, to progressive Canadians, distressingly, like the Trump Express but, this time, with some oomph behind it.

Team Trudeau's trip to visit ASEAN is timely and a step in the right direction - part of the strategic fallout from Putin's misadventures in Ukraine is that ASEAN is going to become more and more important to both China and India and, therefore, more important to the US-led West, too.
Does this mean we were told to get a handle on Beijing’s influence operations? Because I sure wasn’t impressed with the PM’s response to the CSIS report on election interference here…
I also suspect that the CDS' Reconstitution programme is designed to "strike while the iron is hot" and Team Trudeau has little choice but too get on board the Biden Express which looks, to progressive Canadians, distressingly, like the Trump Express but, this time, with some oomph behind it.

If only the RCN would get onboard with the CDS direction; I genuinely worry that we are driving are ships/crews so hard that we will break the fleet doing low impact sailing. Not having enough time to get the ships up to basic SOLAS standards by having time for things like maintenance and adequate crew sizes means they won't be up to snuff if they need to go to any kind of combat standard.
Rumour - unsubstantiated, just rumour, but from a source that I think is both "plugged in" and trustworthy - says that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's brief visit to Canada a couple of weeks ago was to deliver a fairly rude "dressing down" to Prime Minister Trudeau, DPM Freeland and Foreign Minister Joly. The same rumour says that MND Anand and her DM and their CDS were warned, a few weeks before the visit, of both the content and the tenor of Blinken's message.

The rumour says that Blinken delivered a stern warning that Canada must either shape up, including in defence spending and readiness, or risk being booted out of the Five Eyes and the G-7.
Just as I suspected something like that would happen.

I hope it was given in a rude condescending fashion. Yeah I am an asshole I know.
Wait until Blinken’s next trip when he tells Le Dauphin to throttle back on state-run media, lest one be forced to look longingly at the G6 and wish you were still part of the club… 😉
That message will, I suspect, be delivered by this lady, and she may not even bother coming to Ottawa to deliver it.

Her "mandate" is: "to spur good-paying jobs, empower entrepreneurs to innovate and grow, and help American workers and businesses compete." Guess whose actions threaten the competitive status of American workers and businesses?
If only the RCN would get onboard with the CDS direction; I genuinely worry that we are driving are ships/crews so hard that we will break the fleet doing low impact sailing. Not having enough time to get the ships up to basic SOLAS standards by having time for things like maintenance and adequate crew sizes means they won't be up to snuff if they need to go to any kind of combat standard.
I don't think it's just the RCN that is dragging its heels on that.

Or so I hear.