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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

The RCAF is getting ball hats at some point?

"Getting" implies they will be issued, for free. Nope, they'll be available from the canex for purchase if they can figure out the quality issues. I'll just end up taking a picture of the color + logo then head over to Lids and make a custom one that fits. All heads are the same size so I'm sure the Canex will provide fits for all!
"Getting" implies they will be issued, for free. Nope, they'll be available from the canex for purchase if they can figure out the quality issues.

That’s it. Off you go!

Surprise Youre Coming With Me GIF by Hollyoaks

you aren't being fair, it is a personal pledge by Justin, not by Canada

I don't believe so. I understood that Trudeau personally pledged 50 MCAD/MUSD on behalf of Canada and that the money was to come out of public coffers.
Not so sure about the above.

If you add multiple weeks of what has just occurred regarding these unknown source of balloons popping up over various places in NA, specifically moving them down from Alaska/Yukon to more mundane places like Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, North Bay, Sherbrooke, Kansas City, Sacramento, Boise, Tallahassee, Atlanta, New Orleans, Houston, etc and you'll start to see yammering about the need for more funding of the CAF. If it continues to be ONLY US fighters shooting down balloons across Canadian airspace then the pressure will be on for the Petit Dauphin to do something.
I expect the issue will be "managed" just enough to contain the political damage, regardless what kind of haphazard react-now-plan-later stuff is paid for. At best something resembling a TAPV program for the aerospace folks will come out of it.
I expect the issue will be "managed" just enough to contain the political damage, regardless what kind of haphazard react-now-plan-later stuff is paid for. At best something resembling a TAPV program for the aerospace folks will come out of it

Beyond what Biden/Blinken/Austin order Canada to buy, I suspect you’re right.
Beyond what Biden/Blinken/Austin order Canada to buy, I suspect you’re right.
Biden order? What ice cream? He couldnt tell you the difference between a balloon and missile.

But I'm sure someone in the administration maybe to figure something out.

Listening to the news conference an hour ago gives me no confidence in Whitehouse leadership. They had to sideline KJP for it too.

How is the PM and his def min sound better?
• F35 (check)
• NASAMS for UKR (check)
• P-8 (follow-on)
• Additional SM-3 in advance of CSC w potential land-launch sites (follow-on)
• etc…

Perhaps you took my ‘Biden’ too literally?

I don’t think he actually determines the defense investment package that Canada is being directed, any more than Trudeau could explain how Quantum computers work…
Honestly, at this point; almost a full year after the largest land war in a generation has started in Europe, Trudeau has more drive and desire to arm a Mr. Potato head than the CAF.
Well harrumph we have to be inclusive and woke first and make sure the troops can identify as whatever they want!!!
Then maybe we can talk about scary weapons….
Well harrumph we have to be inclusive and woke first and make sure the troops can identify as whatever they want!!!
Then maybe we can talk about scary weapons….
Im going to disagree with this sentiment.

We do need to work on inclusion and creating a safe environment for all CAF/DND members. It's a priority, especially for those of us in or with loved ones in the "Alphabet Mafia."

Trudeau doing fuck all to rearm the CAF, provide anything close to a proper Defence Policy, or course correct our Foreign Policy (even in the face of blatant incursions and affronts by China) has nothing to do with "wokeness"; it has everything with him and his party being unable or unwilling to think past Election 2025 or "Life after Parliament" to see what is best for the country. They simply cannot be bothered to do what's right, when they can conveniently shove their heads in the sand while the USAF gives top cover.

We can have culture change and rearm the CAF at the same time. They aren't mutually exclusive activities.
I thought it would be a UOR because of Ukraine
Someone ran to The Brick for Interm Convening Table (ICT) capability. ICT system will be replaced by the Future acheivement Convening Table System (FaCTs) and will incorporate the Large Information Edifice System (LIES) So the FaCTS and LIES program office is stood up we should have a solution
Im going to disagree with this sentiment.

We do need to work on inclusion and creating a safe environment for all CAF/DND members. It's a priority, especially for those of us in or with loved ones in the "Alphabet Mafia."

We can have culture change and rearm the CAF at the same time. They aren't mutually exclusive activities.
The fact we need to make treating people with respect a priority is a sign we probably need to get better regardless of any other activity
Trudeau doing fuck all to rearm the CAF, provide anything close to a proper Defence Policy, or course correct our Foreign Policy (even in the face of blatant incursions and affronts by China) has nothing to do with "wokeness"; it has everything with him and his party being unable or unwilling to think past Election 2025 or "Life after Parliament" to see what is best for the country. They simply cannot be bothered to do what's right, when they can conveniently shove their heads in the sand while the USAF gives top cover.
This. This. This.

Wokeness may be one of his symptoms but the illness is much deeper.
So, what has the CAF gotten under the current govt?

  • delayed fighters etc
  • Pot is legal!
  • beards!
  • new dress regs

Not really…stellar. So what files have moved are the “little value to combat/operational capability” ones…

It’s a sad state of affairs we’re in. But it’s not like all previous governments were hitting home runs on this subj before the current one either…

Defence doesn’t matter much to Canadians for some decades now, and that is something politicians are fully aware of that.
Perhaps control of DND should be turned over to the senate defense committee?
that thought has some merit although much of the senate is beholden to Trudeau for their paychecks it would still bridge much of the bipartisan gap if they were the ones actually running the place, including the defense minister selected by them and appointed to cabinet with a vote on all defense related subjects.