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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

I for one always thought the CDS should have been a MG, with CCA, CRCN and CRCAF a 1* - a few OUTCAN 1*'s for a total of 6 max.
Makes it easier to cull Col's for 1* positions and the 1*'s should be keen to prove they should be the next 2* CDS.
Yeah but then we have an even quieter voice than the 3* NZ Chief of Defence Force :ROFLMAO:
So I went looking a bit and came across this statement which many of you have referenced around here:

Eyre blamed the military’s sexual misconduct crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic for the exodus.
“We need our mid-level leaders to dig deep and do this for the institution, to put service before self, not to retreat into retirement, but to advance forward and face the challenges head-on,” Eyre stated.

And, just... I mean... wow... ''Am I so out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong''
I just realized something... Governments in Canada have been working in secret to ensure the CAF upholds one of it's strongest traditions.

Canada has entered each World War woefully understaffed, and underequipped. As we sit on the brink of WWIII the government has worked tirelessly to set us up to maintain that proud tradition.

I guess I should write a thank you note to my MP.
I broadly agree with the idea but I find the "insurance" analogy too simplistic. Our issues aren't just limited to funding DND/CAF, but what we do with the money already given.

Yes, but the tech level was very different. Today's combat systems are so advanced that we can't roll out aircraft, ships, and tanks at the same rates as we did in WWII.
And the bureaucracy is as well
I just realized something... Governments in Canada have been working in secret to ensure the CAF upholds one of it's strongest traditions.

Canada has entered each World War woefully understaffed, and underequipped. As we sit on the brink of WWIII the government has worked tirelessly to set us up to maintain that proud tradition.

I guess I should write a thank you note to my MP.
Like they say, history rhymes ....
Sat down and started a quick and dirty list of stuff that assuming the Government is actually serious about rebuilding the beast . And assuming the beast it self can actually get out of it's own way.
This just what I came up with while sitting a work it's incredibly incomplete.
As I said it's just a start.
350 M1A1s lease or buy.
75 M109A7s lease .
75 Himars lease or buy.
75 M163A1 buy
500 M224A1 60 mm mortars Buy.
600 Oshkosh 8x8 tanker and drops capable trucks.
500 Javelin launchers
Stingers - lots !
This is all very tentative and set in marshmallow.
This is just for the Army and just the stuff we should be trying to get from the Americans. I haven't mentioned ammunition and with one exception I haven't touched logistics yet .
It's important enough to warrant a stand alone post of it's own.
Add a similar amount of M120/Soltam K6 120mm mortars and L9A1 51mm mortars. And more L16/M252 81mm mortars.

But, why Abrams and not the same number of Leopard 2s?
Agreed. Why not Leopards? We already use them, and the latest variants are arguably better that the latest Abrams.
Here is what really happens folks...
we get all that extra cash because for the Liberals its popular to stand off against Russia (need a competent military) so all that new cash gets broken down as
-20% more for Public works to pretend to look for more ships, planes, guns and drones. After 18 years we will have 3 new drones and 2 new patrol ships armed with C9s on pintle mount (yes I said C9s, gotta arm those new patrol ships), BUT defence procurement will have oodles of well paid civ employees
-15% for increased pay and benefits (I am all for fair pay but it gets to a point where the military ends up recruiting the wrong recruits)
-10% for new GOFO positions
-20% new social, culture and woke training for service members
-20% for temporary increase hiring of new recruits (the CAF, reserve and regular, will go on a hiring binge for 2-3 years and then suddenly turn the taps off
-15% upgrade all the existing and aging equipment

There. Wish I was wrong but I am not, sadly. The CAF and DND is so bloated with bureaucrats and BS, they don't know how to spend the money WISELY.
It seems to me that the invasion of Ukraine has made Canadians increasingly aware of the importance of having a strong and capable military. Hopefully our politicians will stop dithering.
Proably won't. As a general rule Canadians don't much care about our modern military posture unless its going into retirement homes, fighting fires or aid after a flood. We're really self centered IMO.