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Grade 10 BMQ and Occupational Training

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Hello, I am about to start grade 10 and after this year, I want to apply to join the Reserves. I know that these questions have been asked before but its a pain to look for them when they are mushed up like that, so please don't flame me.

1. How am I going to finish BMQ if its going to take 11 weeks in Montreal if I have to go to school?

2. After BMQ, I have to go to the Occupational Training, which means it will take another few weeks somewhere else, how will this work out?

Basically, what I am asking is how I can finish BMQ and Occupational Training if I am in school?

Thanks in Advance
In the reserves your training is conducted on weekends and during the summer.
Use the search option, I'm sure there is large portion of this forum answering that question.

1. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/16884.0.html - Regarding Reserve BMQ

2. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/25044.0.html - Weekend Training

Now I don't mean to be rude but I typed "Reserve BMQ" in the Search and came up with this.

Take a look and read :D

Happy reading :O :D
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