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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Good thing it doesn't matter what Canadians, or Gov of Canada for that matter, thinks. Israel will do what needs to be done, the gloves are off after Oct. You can't kill Hamas with words and convenings. With Rafah the last safe-haven for hamas and most of the gaza population sheltered there, casualties reported by hamas will only go up, whether real or not.
Your not inferring that Hamas I mean UNRWA would lie about causality rates would you?
Some recent Canadian polling results out ....
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Note the age split on this question ...
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... and here's how it was done
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More details in the link or in attached if link doesn't work for you.
Huh, so likelihood of being a genocidal antisemite is correlated with youth and femaleness.

Be curious so see how it correlates with political affiliations.

(Don't mind my cynicism...)
Correct, not entirely shocked, but still a bit shocked at the magnitude of the differences.

We now live in a post-truth world.

Farewell, Civilization.

We used to just refer to those as differences of opinion.

Be nice if we could all figure out how to rub along together.

We used to just refer to those as differences of opinion.

Be nice if we could all figure out how to rub along together.

Perhaps there is a saving grace.
Just a matter of letting them understand there is only a military solution.
Perhaps there is a saving grace.
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Just a matter of letting them understand there is only a military solution.

A good chunk of the population understands the desired end state, they just don't like the means of achieving it. That seems, unsurprisingly and traditionally, to be particularly true of the women and especially young women.

A good chunk of the population understands the desired end state, they just don't like the means of achieving it. That seems, unsurprisingly and traditionally, to be particularly true of the women and especially young women.

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Which holds true across all domains of political action and is why unsurprisingly and traditionally - as you say -, philosophers have seldom advocated for universal suffrage.

No one likes to see cops beat up criminals, but that's the price to pay for clean streets.
How likely is a ceasefire? Alot of variables in play it seems ...

Sky's military analyst Michael Clarke discusses whether Israel and Hamas are likely to agree to a military pause, potentially forestalling Israel's planned ground offensive in Rafah.Israel claims that Rafah, on the Gaza-Egypt border, is home to the last remaining Hamas stronghold in the region and signalled that its forces may soon target the city.An estimated 1.5 million people are sheltering in Rafah and the UK Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, has urged Israel to "stop and think" before taking any further action.

I will point out that any civilian killed during that raid was probably there voluntarily - which makes them complicit - or held by force, which is a trademark of terrorists. Terrorists love to take and abuse hostages but when faced with a real armed force (here the Israeli military) they lose....and lose badly.
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A good chunk of the population understands the desired end state, they just don't like the means of achieving it. That seems, unsurprisingly and traditionally, to be particularly true of the women and especially young women.

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Pretty solid argument that maybe the voting age should be 35 and higher.
Pretty solid argument that maybe the voting age should be 35 and higher.

I would say 25+. That way you'd still eliminate the radical left activist college/university types but still get the younger generation who've already entered the work force.
I would say 25+. That way you'd still eliminate the radical left activist college/university types but still get the younger generation who've already entered the work force.
Your wanting to remove a voting population based on their political leanings seems quite undemocratic.

How about adding an age limit say 65 when most retire so right wing old geezers can’t vote either? They will have left the workforce since the workforce is one of your qualifiers.

I’d rather tie voting to national service but failing that just keep it where it is. In fact I’d be ok lowering it but not without a qualifying factor (like NS, a test etc).

Follow the science? And the Guardian? ;)