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Happy Hallowe'en!

So, I just found out one of the balloons that hit me was filled with water and shaving cream. Anyone pull that one before? I still like eggs better  :D
Old Sweat said:
We have been giving out juice boxes - the real fruit ones - for several years now, and they are well received by both the kids and thier parents. Mind you, the kids are in such a good mood, they don't seem to mind it when I take aim and drop a box on one of their bags of chips.

Crunch, crunch, crunch again this year. The kids all seemed to enjoy it, as per normal.
Another successful All Hallows Eve. Some of the better costumes:
1. A deceased girl in a red dress (Little Dead Riding Hood)
2. Another girl with a machete through a box of Lucky Charms (a "cereal killer")
3. A girl covered in sponges ("I'm a self absorbed teenager"), and
4. One guy that did an awesome makeup job of having a skateboard protruding forward & aft!

Since several folks here noted my habit of providing libations to the accompanying parents....
One MILF  er, parent, was wearing some awe-inspiringly tight leather pants & boots, with a white lacy top - - clearly my kind of pirate. With a very light French accent, she said "trick or treat." Apparently, I responded, "you betcha' "
One neighbour came back three times "trick or treating" (the 3rd time she left with a mug of Baileys and shot of coffee [her son is clinically hyperactive - - I don't envy her morning]).
One guy, (he's Sigs, but he's OK), said to heck with the kids and sat on my porch drinking beer the rest of the night.

All in all....a good time was had. Sometimes suburbia's OK  :)
What a sad turn out for halloween. Only a couple people... Usually we get around a hundred or more in a night. I guess people are afraid of a little cold weather. When has cold weather stopped someone from getting candy? O wells HAPPY HALLOWEEN.
Well, I did dress up for work today too. I was an ape. I was a fine looking ape. I was a fine looking ape in an army.ca shirt. I have pics to prove it.  ;D
We got close to 200 tonight.Some really good costumes.Couple yummy mummys here also.Dressed as witches mostly (i.e short skirts and high black boots).Couple kids had it made,dad dragging them in a wagon right up to the door.Cutest kid of the night was a little girl dressed as Dora the explorer.(don't know who she is?wait till you have kids!)
And no I didn't go to the gym as stated earlier.

two words

peanut M&M's
Well, Tigger and Snow Black are finally sound asleep with the sound of firecrackers going off throughout the neighborhood.  Time to raid the goody bag.  >:D
It's the only day of the year that I can scare kids as much as possible and not end up in jail.

This year, I dug a shallow grave on my front lawn. At one end was a large cardboard tombstone painted by my two boys (Devil and Death) - or at least what paint did not end up on the floor, walls, furniture etcetera - and a large fake lily. The grave was lined with a Thermorest pad, on top of which was me dressed in black with a rubber skull mask and burlap thread scrim hair, covered by a US Army cam poncho and personal sized cam net. As kids approached, I'd sit up and loudly berate them for waking me from my rest.

Teenaged girls reacted the best - they watch horror movies. One leapt at least two feet into the air, limbs flailing wildly, accompanied by an ear-splitting shreik. Following re-entry into the atmosphere, she doubled over sputtering, choking, and eventually laughing equally hysterically.

I was a bit stiff this morning due to the unusual number of sit-ups performed, and I still have a shellscrape to fill in, but it was more than worth it.
muffin said:
Anyone else dress up today - we have a contest here at work...



Renaissance Vampiress... lol

We had one at Halifax in FAdmO too. My Admin Asst dressed as a witch and I could legitimately walk around all day and say "where is that witch?" ha ha and not get charged with harrassment.  ;D
On the morning show I listen to here in freddytown the host said he has some older kid come up and ask him if he ever had his pumpkin smashed? He replied his pumpkin didnt drink.

I thought it was funny.
Loachman, sounds like you had a blast.  Do you ever videotape that?  That would be hilarious to watch the reactions!
My wife took some photos of me lying and sitting up, but I haven't even seen them yet.

I should have thought to wear my nice, new red Army.ca T-shirt for the photo contest, but I didn't until it was too late.

I just noticed your pending career change - good luck with that.
Be sure to post the pics when you get them!

And thanks for the luck, just waiting on my offer msg now.  And everyone will know then, because once it's in, I'm posting the news all over!!  ;D LOL