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Has anyone heard of Red Friday's?

Well, it looks like it is a well known idea.  So why don't we go for it?  And take it one step further:  if you see someone that is wearing red on a Friday, thank them for supporting the troops, even if they don't realize that they donned red on that day. 
Seriously, Dorosh, is there anything positive in your life?  You have been a serious wet blanket of late.  Have a coffee and a Pall Mall and R E L A X. 8)
zipperhead_cop said:
Well, it looks like it is a well known idea.  So why don't we go for it?  And take it one step further:  if you see someone that is wearing red on a Friday, thank them for supporting the troops, even if they don't realize that they donned red on that day. 
Seriously, Dorosh, is there anything positive in your life?  You have been a serious wet blanket of late.  Have a coffee and a Pall Mall and R E L A X. 8)


I thought you've been around here long enough to know that Mr. Dorosh doesn't have a sense of humour!!! "Resistance is futile, you will be assimillated into my no-humour world of influence!"...

Just kidding, Dorosh is a good guy from what I've seen although I've had a spat with him once, but he's a good guy. I think he's too knowledgable for his own good at times, all that information floating around in that head has got to have done some damage over the years! Military history overload.

Back on topic---> I'm going to push this thing as hard as I can, even promote it at work...

Idea people, maybe not such a good one but maybe a good one...

Maybe we could organize something amongst ourselves to have some company make us red T-shirts that simply say, "Support our Troops" with a Canadian Flag somewhere in there???? If we all pitch in I'm sure we could get a good deal. What about the company Mr. Bobbitt gets his Army.ca goodies from???

Any takers/ideas???
zipperhead_cop said:
Well, it looks like it is a well known idea.  So why don't we go for it?  And take it one step further:  if you see someone that is wearing red on a Friday, thank them for supporting the troops, even if they don't realize that they donned red on that day. 

The only thing lamer than this idea was the "Blue Jeans Day" at the University of Calgary - given that about 99 percent of the student population wore blue jeans to class every day anyway, some genius got the softball idea to announce that wearing blue jeans on Blue Jean Day meant you supported homosexuals.  Supported them in what, I don't know - existence, I guess.

So let's just declare that anyone wearing sunglasses on a sunny day supports the military.  Or better yet, we can have Umbrella Day where you carry an umbrella to show your support for the military. But pick a day it is raining, or we'll look like dweebs.

Or how about shoelace day?  ;) Risky, cause business women wear pumps and some guys wear loafers. Undershort Day is largely unverifiable, so that's out.

Oxygen Day has possibilities, though. 

I say anyone who draws oxygen into their lungs next Tuesday is showing their support for the military!

Someone get the CDS on the horn, we should mint a pin for our uniforms.
Idea people, maybe not such a good one but maybe a good one...

Maybe we could organize something amongst ourselves to have some company make us red T-shirts that simply say, "Support our Troops" with a Canadian Flag somewhere in there???? If we all pitch in I'm sure we could get a good deal. What about the company Mr. Bobbitt gets his Army.ca goodies from???

Very interesting idea.  Similar to the Support our Troops magnets for cars.

If you need a supplier for quality t-shirts at the cheapest prices then why not use our own resident surplus guru, who has
connections literally all over the world.  (Sgt. Bilko)

Making the items is the EASY part.  Promoting is a whole different kettle of fish. 
But... I'm game if a few other people are willing.

We'd need a website of our own and someone to run it.
Tons of shameless self promotion, but as a chaplain I'm sure I'm can do that.
Capital - to finance the materials

And of course, be non profit.

Any takers?
Got the e-mail also, sent it around and will wear red, can’t hurt and may be the start of something!
Colin P said:
Got the e-mail also, sent it around and will wear red, can’t hurt and may be the start of something!

I suspect people will just assume you are a Calgary Flames fan, since it is the playoffs and Calgary hockey fans have traditionally shown their support for the team by ... wearing red...

Perhaps some sort of CADPAT ribbon or somefink would be a little easier to not misinterpret...

T-shirts are ok as underwear, and not to be snarky, but a lot of people work in jobs where they have dress standards, be it McDonald's where your paper hat is already colour preselected, right up to the CEO who is expected to wear a collar and tie.  (Could be a red tie, but he could be a Flames fan too).

Can't we just do the traditional thing we do to prove we support the military - cut our hair unfashionably short and wear PT strip out to dinner? :D

Edit for homonyms. Ugh.
Maybe we could organize something amongst ourselves to have some company make us red T-shirts that simply say, "Support our Troops" with a Canadian Flag somewhere in there? If we all pitch in I'm sure we could get a good deal. What about the company Mr. Bobbitt gets his Army.ca goodies from???

I just noticed in the local Barrie paper tonight that the Legion here in town has some shirts ready to go.  They are white with red lettering and a flag.  The proceeds go to the Legion and the Army, Navy and Air Force Club.
Trinity said:
Very interesting idea.  Similar to the Support our Troops magnets for cars.

If you need a supplier for quality t-shirts at the cheapest prices then why not use our own resident surplus guru, who has
connections literally all over the world.  (Sgt. Bilko)

Making the items is the EASY part.  Promoting is a whole different kettle of fish. 
But... I'm game if a few other people are willing.

We'd need a website of our own and someone to run it.
Tons of shameless self promotion, but as a chaplain I'm sure I'm can do that.
Capital - to finance the materials

And of course, be non profit.

Any takers?

I certainly like that idea. I would buy one for sure.....or two or three or four...  :-\
Hmmm, might want to ask for a pay raise ;D

c1984ml said:
I just noticed in the local Barrie paper tonight that the Legion here in town has some shirts ready to go.  They are white with red lettering and a flag.  The proceeds go to the Legion and the Army, Navy and Air Force Club.

Did it mention a price? I live in Barrie and will run down to the Legion this Friday and pick a couple up.
Michael Dorosh said:
The only thing lamer than this idea was the "Blue Jeans Day" at the University of Calgary - given that about 99 percent of the student population wore blue jeans to class every day anyway, some genius got the softball idea to announce that wearing blue jeans on Blue Jean Day meant you supported homosexuals.  Supported them in what, I don't know - existence, I guess.

So let's just declare that anyone wearing sunglasses on a sunny day supports the military.  Or better yet, we can have Umbrella Day where you carry an umbrella to show your support for the military. But pick a day it is raining, or we'll look like dweebs.

Or how about shoelace day?  ;) Risky, cause business women wear pumps and some guys wear loafers. Undershort Day is largely unverifiable, so that's out.

Oxygen Day has possibilities, though. 

I say anyone who draws oxygen into their lungs next Tuesday is showing their support for the military!

Someone get the CDS on the horn, we should mint a pin for our uniforms.

Hehehe I'm sorry...  I haven't been around for a while, being locked away in ValCatraz and Gagetown for a while, with no access to the outside world, but coming back to something like this makes my day.  Heheh hilarious!  Thanks MD, nice classic display in sarcasm.  Loved it.  ;D
Gentlemen and Ladies

This is now being promoted on radio stations in Ontario c100 fm and 920am  and possibly more to come
military granny said:
Gentlemen and Ladies
This is now being promoted on radio stations in Ontario c100 fm and 920am  and possibly more to come

Those radio stations are HALIFAX, NS area, not Ontario.
It is great that the whole country is getting in line to support the Ottawa Senators 'turn the town Red' on Friday the 21st of April as they take on Tampa in the ScotiaBank Center.  ;D
George Wallace said:
Ottawa Senators 'turn the town Red' on Friday the 21st of April as they take on Tampa in the ScotiaBank Center.   ;D

What, isn't it enough that Ottawa steals all our oil money now they are stealing our ideas to support hockey.  I believe the "C of Red" has been around for a couple of years, even if it did take a 7 year hiatus.
You touchy feely whiners have won.

I'm wearing red underpants today.  And I'm not a Flames fan.

Honk if you can feel the love.