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Headdress during public transit

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I recently completed my basic course in St-Jean and will be flying to my new unit via commercial air this coming week.  The instructions were to wear CADPAT with blue (air force) toque while in transit. 

Does this mean I wear my toque to the airport and then go bareheaded inside + on plane, and then toque again once we land?  Or does it mean I wear my toque to the airport, switch to the beret inside, and then back to the toque again once we land.  Obviously I'm not going to wear the toque indoors...but I'm not quite sure if bareheaded is OK either.  I know that headdresses can be removed while on public transit, but what about inside other buildings e.g. airport, taxi, etc.

Thanks in advance.

See page 2-3-3.

Common sense would dictate that you don't normally carry two sets of headdress, so one could excuse you for passing on the tuque in the airport and going bareheaded.

Now you have the dress manual so you have all the references.  :)
Occam said:

See page 2-3-3.

Common sense would dictate that you don't normally carry two sets of headdress, so one could excuse you for passing on the tuque in the airport and going bareheaded.

Now you have the dress manual so you have all the references.  :)

Good call on the Dress Manual.

Personally, I would still carry my beret, but maybe that's just me. Depending on how long one is in the terminal, the toque could get quite uncomfortable. You don't have to wear head dress on the aircraft.
Occam said:
Common sense would dictate that you don't normally carry two sets of headdress, so one could excuse you for passing on the tuque in the airport and going bareheaded.

Common sense? Good lord, what's that? Jokes aside, carrying two sets of headdress is not at all odd, I would instead consider it the norm.

To the original poster, we're currently in winter dress, which means the toque may be worn, not that it must be worn, you may certainly still wear your beret.

I would suggest that if you're going to be wandering around the airport for an extended period that yes, you should bring your beret, and wear it inside, if you feel your toque is too warm. For exact details on when and wear, the dress manual was posted.
Call me old school but unless you're working outside I'd be wearing your beret until seated in the plane.

My $0.02 worth

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Call me old school but unless you're working outside I'd be wearing your beret until seated in the plane.

My $0.02 worth


Bingo. Beret in public and removed once in the air. Replaced upon landing and until your in your cab.

General rule of thumb: Wear it if in public and not seated within a transportation vehicle. Once inside the vehicle, if the trip is more that fifteen minutes, take it off.

A beret shows your pride in your uniform. A touque, in public, makes you look like a janitor or a player in a pickup hockey game.
recceguy said:
A beret shows your pride in your uniform. A touque, in public, makes you look like a janitor or a player in a pickup hockey game.

I completely agree.
Am I to take it that the consensus is that the tuque should be worn in the field only, despite it being approved for winter wear with CADPAT at all times (according to the dress manual, anyways)?
Occam said:
Am I to take it that the consensus is that the tuque should be worn in the field only, despite it being approved for winter wear with CADPAT at all times (according to the dress manual, anyways)?

It should be worn when the weather requires it , wherever you are, if you haven't been specifically required to wear a different headdress. For example, on Remembrance Day, even if it is cold, you probably will not be in toques for the parade.

As for the particular question in this thread, I'd advise at least having your beret in your carry-on to wear when a headdress is appropriate and a toque isn't necessary, such as moving about inside the airports.  Also keep in mind that in the unlikely occurrence you get separated from your checked luggage, you won't want a toque to be your only headdress with that uniform for the few days it might take for your suitcases to catch up.
recceguy said:

Meaning either (a) you're a scholar or (b) you're old.

Possibly both.

(Though I've never thought of you as a scholar...)
Occam said:
Common sense would dictate that you don't normally carry two sets of headdress, so one could excuse you for passing on the tuque in the airport and going bareheaded.

I never leave home to go to work without my beret handy. Sure it sits in a pocket for 4 months when its cold, but you don't want to be "that guy" and need a beret for some indoor thing and not have it.
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail!! 

Better to have it on you than not have it and require it.
dapaterson said:
Meaning either (a) you're a scholar or (b) you're old.

Possibly both.

(Though I've never thought of you as a scholar...)
Thanks a lot dataperson, I think, and right back at you. ;)

I suppose us 'old schoolers' could have been more succinct for those that need the curly cue kiddy bracelets we see nursery school kids wearing at home and NDHQ. The majority of educated Canadians don't need point referenced instructions on what to wear in cold weather.

So for the people that work at lofty heights in Ottawa.

If you are walking, or standing, in a blinding snowstorm at -20, please wear your touque and save yourself from frostbite. Or brainfreeze, if you have your own. If you are walking from the door of your shack to the cab, from the cab into the airport, wear your beret. Do not sit in the airport\cab stand\bus station wearing a touque, wear your beret. People expect their military to look a certain way and present an image of professionalism. Looking like Big Joe Mufferaw isn't the way to do it.

Although given the myriad of uniform wearing habits of the supposed CF pers inhabiting the the Capital Region and the individualist habits of the same, thinking themselves above whatever the rest of have to do, I understand completely how there would be confusion when someone actually tells them what to do.
I guess I'm really old school!  I can't imagine traveling on posting in CADPAT.  If they're being directed to travel in uniform, they should be in service dress.  What's the world coming to? 
Pusser said:
I guess I'm really old school!  I can't imagine traveling on posting in CADPAT.  If they're being directed to travel in uniform, they should be in service dress.  What's the world coming to?

I didn't want to tackle that one and derail anything with too much info. I figured suffice to say, someone really needs to talk to whomever about their walking out policy.

It's fucked and will only lead to a further breakdown than we already have.
That's a nice rant, but it doesn't address the fact that the tuque is authorized winter dress with CADPAT.  If the powers that be were truly concerned about us looking foolish while walking around downtown Ottawa (or Toronto, or Halifax, or Edmonton, or...you get the point), they'd not have us walking around dressed like walking shrubbery in an urban environment.  The addition of a black, green or blue tuque is certainly not going to be tipping the public opinion of the CF.

I have an old beret which remains at work in the event that it's required for something, but otherwise I travel to and from work (via bus) in my tuque if the weather is cold enough.  The tuque was provided for comfort - an attribute which was largely ignored in previous versions of our uniforms.  I remember being forced to wear a peak cap in Halifax during the 75th anniversary year of the Navy because someone thought it would be nice to have us wear number 3's as walking out dress all year long.  Ever walked aross the MacDonald Bridge while wearing a peak cap in a snowstorm?  Let's not regress to that level of silliness again.
Feel better? It's not a rant, and you don't want to go toe to toe on time, as you brought it up. ;)

So what do you wear when you don't have\ need a touque? Your old beat up beret?

No one is denying 'comfort'. When it calls for it, wear it. There is a time and place for everything. Ever seen street punks with touques in the summer? Release the regs on touques and you'll see CF pers with touques in the summer, just cause it looks 'gangster'. We have dress regs for a reason. After 25 some years, you should know, and accept, that.

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