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Heart Issues


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I plan on joining the army be recently I have found out  that i have a heart mummer it could be nothing or something i don't know for sure yet as well i have sickle cell which means i can not fly in unpressurized aircraft  wish is pretty much anything other then a commercial air liner it looks like it could be a big problem can anyone give me some of the medial criteria recruits must meet?
If this heart murmur is something,
or you have sickle cell anemia,

either way:
You are unfit for military service.
Do you also have ponctuationitis ?

How about random grammar syndrome ?
Armymedic hit the nail right on the head.

You can read up on standards with this thread:

I was born with a heart murmur, and Im in. You will be required to have a Doctor fill some things out mind you.

As for the other problem, I guess you're up the creek.
After searching with the search up above, and reading through these forums the past few weeks, I figured it's time to post my dilemma.

I was born with a hole in my heart, had it repaired, and was left with a leaky valve and heart murmur. And, seeing as how I'm looking at waiting a few months to get in (Applying to Militia, hoping to be able to go all the way through) I figured I'd see if anybody knows if someone with this type of issue has gotten through. And if so, anything would be much appreciated.

And I obviously understand that this isn't some type of clinic, just curious to see if there is any chance of getting in.

Thank you.
And I obviously understand that this isn't some type of clinic, just curious to see if there is any chance of getting in.

Obviously you don't understand.  The answer is no and no but certainly apply and find out for yourself.
He may be blunt, but he is almost always 100% right.

Good luck.
I have a faint heart murmur and I've never had any trouble so far with my health.

I want more than anything to enlist and hopefully serve in Infantry but I'm not sure if this condition would disqualify me.

Also, I'm 18 right now and don't have much experience as far as interviews go or work so should I get some work experience before I go about enlisting?
If you have one of the innocent type murmurs (and most are), shouldn't be a big deal.  If you have a major valvular issue however, it could be a problem.


sddakto said:
Thanks, for a moment there I was worried.

Did your heart skip a beat?

Sorry - I couldn't help myself.

Best of luck to you - as medicineman said, you're probably good to go.  The best way to find out if this will be a hindrance is to apply at your local CFRC.

Ah I have another question. Is there any resource to locate the closest CFRC?

I've tried to search the forums but haven't found anything yet.
Go here:


If that link doesn't work go to  www.forces.ca and click on the "Locate Us" link.

Good luck to you.

sddakto said:
I'm 18 right now and don't have much experience as far as interviews go or work so should I get some work experience before I go about enlisting?

This is just my non-expert opinion.
If you are ready to work, apply to the CF now because it's the best job in the world.
Learn all you can about the CF, and the trade(s) you are interested in. Visit your local armoury. Talk to people informally. OBSERVE.
Call me old fashioned, but if it were me, for the interview, I would get a haircut, shine my shoes and wear a business suit. The woman or man interviewing you is going to look sharp, and so should you.

Short answer, yes you can.  See medicineman's answer above.  If you have the "non-lethal" kind, then it will not be an issue.  I have a murmur of some sorts, and am approaching 20 years continuous service, all of it in the infantry (and another 4.8 years reserve service prior to that).

Good luck!

mariomike said:
This is just my non-expert opinion.
If you are ready to work, apply to the CF now because it's the best job in the world.
Learn all you can about the CF, and the trade(s) you are interested in. Visit your local armoury. Talk to people informally. OBSERVE.
Call me old fashioned, but if it were me, for the interview, I would get a haircut, shine my shoes and wear a business suit. The woman or man interviewing you is going to look sharp, and so should you.

I've been researching the CF for a while, a lot more recently as I've become more serious about my plans to join. I'm just worried I'll be turned down because I haven't had any previous employment worth mentioning.

I guess it won't hurt to ask a recruiter about it, I'm sure there's been someone in my situation before.