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Helmet Cam


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I don't know if this is the right place to post this. I was wondering are helmet cam allowed in the Canadian Army overseas.
Hopefully when I am done my Infantry course I will have the opportunity to head over to Afghanistan and was just wondering if Helmet cams are allowed.

I do apologize if this was not the right place to post this.

If by "Helmet Cam" you mean scrim (that stuff that makes the helmet look like Sideshow Bob's coif), then no.  We have digital cam covered helmets.  No need for that "stuff" anymore (though some may debate this point, which is fair, this is my point).

Have a look at the pictures of troops overseas.  No scrim (on the current mission: there was some on the 2002 mission)
You will learn your fieldcraft once you are enrolled and go through your trade course.

The helmet comes with a slotted cam cover & a large band. the slots & band are there to affix additional cam.

Some additional cam - "scrim" and cam netting is permitted / tolerated - all depending who you work for & what he thinks of that...
Check the various photos coming out of our guys over there and you will see that besides the arid cam cover on the helmet there is no add-on skrim or such added, no real call for it as there is MUCH less foiliage there. We didn't add it in 2006 when I was there and from the photos I don't see anyone adding it since. Not required.
That being said geo, thought our current policy is not to have any? I know when we where in VA we were told ordered to remove all scrim and netting as current OPS don't need it.
I can understand over in the sandbox but...what about woodland terrain, etc?  I guess my way of thinking goes back to the "10 reasons why things are seen" and think of those 10 principles.  The purpose of the scrim was to break the obviously man-made shape and silhouette of a helmet.  So in some areas, you'd think it would be still 'permitted' or required.  CADPAT and all the IR defeating properties are fine, but the shape is still the shape...isn't it?
I thought he meant a helmet camera like this.

I think he is talking about a helmet mounted video camera. There were a couple guys on my roto that had them but the quality wasn't great, a little shaky and all over the place when they were in a TIC, which is where the best footage would come from.

With OPSEC and PERSEC in mind, don't go posting vids on the YouTube. You'll be in a world of shite if you do post vids violating those protocols.
We will have the ATS/Lightfighter Helmet Cam avalible shortly  :D
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
If by "Helmet Cam" you mean scrim (that stuff that makes the helmet look like Sideshow Bob's coif), then no.  We have digital cam covered helmets.  No need for that "stuff" anymore (though some may debate this point, which is fair, this is my point).

Have a look at the pictures of troops overseas.  No scrim (on the current mission: there was some on the 2002 mission)

Back to the Scrim......It, not being chemically treated, defeats the purpose of the chemically treated, IR defeating properties, of the Digital Cam cover.
While I cannot comment on the IR defeating properities of the current issue clothing/helmet cover, I can however comment on the non-IR shielded face that is directly below the helmet cover.  It WILL show up.  I thought the whole purpose of scrim was to break up the "why things are seen" rounded shape of a helmet?  If non-IR defeating scrim is put on top of an IR-Defeating helmet cover, what exactly is the difference?  As well, aren't all the troops oversea's wearing IR enhancing patches on their uniforms for IFF?

I agree that there is a time and place for IR and scrim.  I don't agree that scrim is never to be worn again.
You mean you never use that carcinogenic IR reflective Cam Paint?   ;D

I think I still have some behind my ears... ;D
Stop.  Your making my skin crawl just thinking about putting that stuff on.  :-)
On scrim...

There was a guy in my company that wore scrim on his helmet.  IIRC he cut up one of those IR defeating AR CADPAT cam covers and tied strips of it onto his scrim net instead of the standard burlap.  At the time, I thought it was a pretty good idea since it didn't seem to conflict with his MNVG mount and it broke up the outline of his helmet very well.  Even in the barren environment of Afghanistan, I found that this individual had employed the scrim net very effectivly.

I have a scrim net made out of the TW CADPAT cam cover cut into strips.  I never really considred the IR defeating capabilities of it, but found that it lasts longer and is less messy then burlap scrim.  I took the time to put it together once and after being kicked around, soaked, and abused it's still good to go for the odd time I need to wear it. The colours are good too. The fact that it defeats (near spectrum?) IR is a bonus, but IMHO the difference is negligable due to my non-IR defeating (although still handsome) face sitting just below it.

Just my .02
In my opinion, scrim is not necessary. 
I understand that the shape of a helmet is very unique.  Having said that, put two people about 100 m away from you, any terrain.  One with scrim, one without.  If your experiences are similar to mine, you'll see the scrim before the other. 
Try it out sometime.

But, then again, this is only my opinion.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this. I was wondering are helmet cam allowed in the Canadian Army overseas.
Hopefully when I am done my Infantry course I will have the opportunity to head over to Afghanistan and was just wondering if Helmet cams are allowed.

With the way the OP is worded it sounds to me as if he's talking about helmet cameras, not camo.