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Well, i am into rock climbing ( soon to have my own wall just need the rocks) kayaking/ canoing, boating ( anything with a motor that goes fast) shooting with cadets and in my back yard ( pellet guns in yard) mountain biking, maybe going to get into the airsoft, skiing, snorkeling and when i turn the right age i wanna go parachuting. I also collect military gear I have Canadian, full swat gear and soon i will have some navy seal gear.
Hockey, Softball, Sailing and Weightlifting take up most of my time. I'm also an avid reader, I like everything, particularly Robert Ludlum and any military history.  8)
I Play Guitar, listen to music, attempt to play said music on said guitar....  ;D

I try to get out and go to the climbing gym every now and again, paintball when my budget allows for it. other then that, i just work and hang out with freinds....
I'm writing my first fantasy novel.  It's the first of a trilogy.  I'd say it's about 2/3 done now...with almost 100,000 words so far.
Reading and Photography, although since having a kid I have no time for either these days  :P

My best hobby is spending time with my family either doing something with guns or camping.  I also enjoy taking photos and scrapbooking since they go hand in hand.  Also, since we got this posting to a small town I have begin ceramics.  I like to read, but since becoming a mom I seem to read only books that begin with, "Once upon a time....." ha ha.  Lots of outdoors type people out there.
Working out, hiking, scuba diving and recently bought an RC Helicopter.........That one's gonna be expensive when I crash it
Hmm. Even with work I have time for this:

Music - I have over 100 cds and 60 cassettes and play the guitar, and own a harmonica and recorder. Listening to the Pixies as I write.
Reading - I have more books than I have shelf space, so my newest tomes find a home between my stereos (yes, stereos). Just finished reading "Field of Glory: the Battle of Crysler's Farm" by Donald E. Graves.
Modelling - I collect, assemble and paint miniatures. Ever heard of Warhammer? I'm Eldar and Wood Elf, and also have LOTR and Napoleonic figures too.
Exercise - Mostly running since my best friend left, as we used to hike all over the place. Now have to hike around work (walking around a grocery store for 5 hours 5 days a week should count). Weightlift daily (more or less ;)).
Play games - own a Super Nintendo and have played dungeons and dragons. Supposed to be playing rifts, too. In case you were wondering, I am a nerd. However, I used to play soccer and Football, and the CFL is pretty much the only thing I watch on TV.
I also have thousands of Trading cards.
Well, let's see here...

. Flying (that's a given. Just gotta wait a year for my recreational license).
. Photography, primarily airplanes taking off and landing at Calgary airport, and yes I have talked to the nice security officers about taking pictures of airplanes.
. Collecting models of commerical/modern military aircraft.
. Listening to Classic Rock/Old School Metal on the radio.
. My keen interest in computers. This also applies to flight simulator.
. Chatting with you guys on Army.ca. (BOY, I need to get out A LOT!)

Those are some of my hobbies. If you want more, ask.

I have always enjoyed woodworking - mostly building furniture.  This has turned out to be my second career, actually.

Always enjoyed reading (eclectic tastes - no one genre sticks out as a favourite or least favourit), ever since I can remember.

Computer programming (C, Visual Basic - usually database applications) - although that has dropped off significantly over the past few years.
1. SCUBA diving around local wrecks and reefs

2. Beach camping, bush camping and the Outback

3. Exploring new areas

4. Recreational shooting from time to time, and attending gun shows

5. Spear fishing with snorkel, its illegal to spear using SCUBA gear in Australia (I like spearing sting rays the best, they taste good)

6. Canoeing (my old red fibreglass Cdn 16ft canoe I brought out from Canada with me) on the estuaries and canal systems of the shark infested waters around Bribie Island. I have not tipped over YET   ;D

7. Collecting bayonets and other military stuff (from Boer War to present).

8. Military history (all)

9. Ute musters and Ford Falcon Utes; and

10. Day trips and weekend trips checking out local coastal and inland areas - this keeps my GF happy.
I like to collect/read maps (hence the name mappy).  I'm also into hiking, I play the guitar/cello/piano, and I'm also into ballet.
Shooting (mostly pistol)
Volunteering with the CCGA ( too much fun to be called anything other than a hobby)
Computers (gaming mostly)
Reading (fiction, biography, mystery)
I also love driving in the country, attending flea markets (in the country) Infact if I never had to go to the city again I wouldn't mind in the least.
Scale model building (when I have time)
A bit of photography
Riding horses.   
If I'm not at work or on the computer I'm usually at the barn.  :)

I also love to read, especially anything about ancient Egypt or other history.
I like to read, usually religious based literature or historical fiction, make beaded jewellery, like to cook(Italian or greek), like to sew and I absolutely adore the outdoors!!
Travel, photography, reading, fine cigars.

Oh yeah and odd jobs my wife finds for me to do, I absolutely love that because I seem to spend more time at them than the others combined. ::)
I wish my husband would do the odd jobs I give him, but I end up doing them because I want them done this year, not within the next decade...lol
Hey guys,

wel i have two bikes (read bicycles!) 1 road and 1 mountain - so that's where a lot of my money goes to! I enjoy cycling and followed the tour de france quite closely.
I have my own haress and shoes and try to get to the climbing gym when i can.

I also enjoy trail running and hit up the regular Gym 3 times a week and i am a huge History buff!.  And then the CIC Officer roll, which takes the most time.

that about does it i think


I'm mostly into computers myself. Online gaming with my buds ,tweaking my rig you know, surfing the net for army related news and stuff. I must be a computer geek of some sort.

I always compare different pieces of hardware ,see what's out there now and end up thinking about my next machine...

Then I go to the gym, to do something REALLY useful for myself!
I like to,
Visit the Gym
Martial Arts
Game Programming and Development
Read, usually the Bible. Sometime fiction such as Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson and books from J.R.R Tolkein. C.S Lewis.
Sparring with friends, fights such as UFC. Im hoping to get on the show sometime.
Fight and Stunt work such as Jakie Chans work, Although his work is not that impressive.