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I need real help


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Hi there, I have applied for steward. I did my interview and it was a great success... My interview officer told me I was the perfect candidate for the trade I chose. During the interview (May26th) he showed me how many position were available and there were 15.
2 weeks ago he left on course. He had not left his files to another person so unfortunatly I have lost my position for steward because as I heard today there are no steward positions left. I feel I have suffered due to his absence and I dont feel it is fair. As I already have BMQ, why would they send someone who has to do BMQ all over instead of me? I have 9 months in and released 4C because I wanted steward. No one could possibly want steward more than I do right now.
The recruiting center doesnt seem to think this is urgent but I feel I have already waisted time. I feel like they didnt get the file done fast enough so I missed my shot but its because he just left and failed to inform me or get someone to replace him or something. I cant get a hold of someone who knows what to do.
Ive tried calling the RC, Ive tried emailing... Everyone I speak to seems to not have a clue or not be in the right position to do anything. Is there anyone in the right position and cares enough to somewhat give me answers or explain some stuff. I really wish someone could help me out ... people dont WANT to be steward I DO. why cant I get that chance before someone who is simply doing it cuz they cant do anything else and theyre app went in faster... its just not fair. The interview guy like gave me false hope. He told me he hasnt seen someone so dedicated to that trade and that I was a great candidate. Why didnt he push or keep me informed on what was going on... no he just booked it and left me in the dark.
Anyone, anything helps. Its a bigggg downer and it kills to know that they dont even have someone who picks up after him once he leaves, like there isnt even someone i can talk to... its not fun.
Please, if anyone can help I'll give my phone number I want some real help someone who truely cares...
How do you know the other people didn't really want the trade as well?  Having been through the recruiting selection once before, you must have some idea how the system works.  People are merit listed based on their qualifications (CFAT score, medical, etc) among other things.  Not solely on their desire to be a certain trade.  Having done BMQ doesn't mean much.  Having been in and quit, might mean more.

You will just have to patient and wait until the trade opens again.

As an aside, please learn to use proper sentences, paragraphs, etc.  I barely skimmed your post, just to get the gist of it, because it was too hard to read.

Also, you could have added this to either of your other threads about needing help:

Here's the thing. I just need tips and possible advice


Unfortunately things happen, people get loaded onto course, trades open and close. To be honest I think the best thing you could possibly do at the moment is breathe, remember that it's not all about you, there are many other people who want to be stewards and that are qualified for it as well. And probably there's alot of them that didn't make it in before the trade closed. Given that you have no proof that the trade waseven  open when your case manager was sent on course, blaming him or her is not going to do you any good. If there are positions open and there are people who are merit listed above you, unless a bunch of people say no, they aren't going to make it all the way down the list, so chances are there's alot of people in your shoes waiting to get the call.

Now, square up, breathe, pull up the big boy pants and go down to your local CFRC. Be very polite and ask the nice individual at the desk if you could speak with a case manager/recruiter and have a look at your file. Again, be polite, smile and be paitent. There might not be someone in that day to see you, so book an appointment and keep it and when you talk to the case manager do not even try for the sympathy card because it's not a really great attitude to have and it most likely won't get you anywhere. Heck you might even get lucky and find out that there's an offer in for you, but if not suckit up and wait like everyone else.

Edited to Add:

PMedMoe also has a point. The CF in my experiance will always look at a C4 or any other release article as a red flag. So yes, you've done BMQ but you also quit on the orignal trade you signed up for and they will be careful about giving you a second oppertunity because who knows. maybe 9 months down the line you'll decide you don't really want to be a steward and then that training is again wasted. It takes alot of money to train any trade so they aren't just going to push you through because you were in before.
First of all I will put in the disclaimer that I acknowledge the recruiting process is not perfect and that from reading through the recruiting threads on this site frustrating things like lost files do happen.

With that said, the recruiting staff are doing the best that they can with the resources they are given and it is the applicants responsibility to make sure that they have the initiative and persistence to work through any adversity that presents itself. To me your post reads like a rant complaining about the 'unfair treatment' you have received. If the steward spots are gone, they are gone, accept it and move forward in the most positive manner possible, whether that be with another trade or holding out until more positions open up.

Also, my sympathy is somewhat dampened considering this is your second time through the process though I will do my best not to pass judgment on that given that I have limited knowledge surrounding the specifics of your original release.

  I agree with CAT.  Take a deep breath and relax.  It'll happen.  You already have bmq, so you should be a desirable applicant.  Unless you were a shit-pump of course and it's all on record.
  I just gotta ask.....why steward so badly? :o

PS---I know many stewards and have worked with them so I'm not slagging!
Wow, I didnt think I would get positive responses, at first it was a shock to me unfortunatly. It all just happened and, turthfully, I didnt get the chance to really relax. I appologize!
I will not back down, I have alot of confidence and I know that they are doing what they can. I did rant, I did vent and I appologize, I felt hopeless. I do know that steward positions can or cannot open up like any other trade. I freaked out! Of course, I didnt react properly and I do not expect pitty.
I just know so many people in the trade that want to get out and are ungrateful for the opportunity they have as a steward. I got out (4C) not realizing what kind of opportunity I have been given. But I was a sig op and ... anyways long story short I lost my father and wanted to make HIM proud without thinking of myself. After realizing that I decided to get out and do something I want. I want a career with unlimited opportunities in the feild I enjoy. Which is hotel management and Accomodations. LOVE IT!
I dont feel more qualified than anyone else, again I was venting (Sorry guys) but I do feel like Basic DOES count.
Anyway, I am staying as positive as possible right now and trying to simply get answers and I dislike not being aware of what is going on. I do understand what kind of stress and work that the RC in ottawa may have but then can up the "polite-ness" over there a tad.
I am confident that they will not forget about me, Im just sitting ducks and hopeing for a position to open up. I love the trade and I really enjoy the NAVY lifestyle. I simply needed reassurance.
Again, I appologize guys. Thanks for the positive replies though...
forgetjohnson said:
I just know so many people in the trade that want to get out and are ungrateful for the opportunity they have

Just as you did with your former trade.
I would be interested to know how you would react in the civillian world if you interviewed for a job that you so really badly wanted but it was given to another qualified candidate? Would that be unfair and unjust and would it be a matter of pursuing outside sympathy and support for?

I have been quais-lost in the muddle of the recruiting system and I have patiently yet persistently followed up and I have received the answered that I required, as well, I calmly (outwardedly) waiting when I was told that answers would take time to procure. Patience often comes with experience and I wonder if being given the opportunity (ever time something doesn't go perfectly it is an opportunity) to take time and reflect and mature and grow will be a benefit to you. 

edit: in my time writing this post, the original writer responded. I feel like my response to taking the opportunity to reflect has been validated.

  That's more like it..lol.  I know TONS of guys who have been given second chances at another career after VR'ing etc.  They usually turn out much happier and more interested in putting in the effort after getting that second chance.
  I have  a good buddy of mine who failed off his NWT course( definately not a tech type)......and when he learned about steward, he went for it and has never looked back.  He loves it.
  Good luck

You are getting good advice from senior members. Here is some more:

forgetjohnson said:
really PedMoe was that really necessary? Your right but did you really have to point that out?

Well, yes, as you seem to keep pointing out that you want this trade much more than they do.  I am sure that when you got your position as a Sig Op, someone else was in your shoes and felt the same way.

Seriously, as others have stated (and you yourself), calm down, breathe, and wait it out.  If you really want the trade, it will be worth the wait.

But I don't think you'll be doing much Hotel Management and Accommodations in the CF.
gunnars said:
I would be interested to know how you would react in the civillian world if you interviewed for a job that you so really badly wanted but it was given to another qualified candidate? Would that be unfair and unjust and would it be a matter of pursuing outside sympathy and support for?

I have been quais-lost in the muddle of the recruiting system and I have patiently yet persistently followed up and I have received the answered that I required, as well, I calmly (outwardedly) waiting when I was told that answers would take time to procure. Patience often comes with experience and I wonder if being given the opportunity (ever time something doesn't go perfectly it is an opportunity) to take time and reflect and mature and grow will be a benefit to you. 

edit: in my time writing this post, the original writer responded. I feel like my response to taking the opportunity to reflect has been validated.
Ive done civilian interviews.
Definitely not the same thing.
But that's irrelevant.
PMedMoe said:
I am sure that when you got your position as a Sig Op, someone else was in your shoes and felt the same way.

Seriously, as others have stated (and you yourself), calm down, breathe, and wait it out.  If you really want the trade, it will be worth the wait.

But I don't think you'll be doing much Hotel Management and Accommodations in the CF.

Your right it will be worth the wait. Yes, someone most likely felt the way I did when I left Sig Op and I got out and gave that person the opportunity to take my place because I didnt want it. I knew "he" would be more grateful than my self.
Do you know much about the steward trade? Because if you do, Fill me in because I want to know more. ;) I can never know enough, even though I know quite a bit.
forgetjohnson said:
Do you know much about the steward trade? Because if you do, Fill me in because I want to know more. ;) I can never know enough, even though I know quite a bit.

Topic: "Navy Steward": 

Topic: "Wanted: A Steward's Insight":

Topic: "Steward training?":

Got it, thanks guys
I will, and always knew I would, be patient. I vented. *Gosh* No big deal.
Easy guys...
Thanks for the good input and wish me luck.
I'm not usually like this but my career in the Navy means more to me than anything in world (Just like everyone else in the CF). Thought I could find some decent info and some decent people. Thanks to the people who didn't judge me. To the others, Find something better to do than to insult people online. I understand Im not the first to vent and rant online but still... easy... gosh... I (As others may) just got attacked! Not fun...
Take care guys
Any other advice, or words of wisdom, would be great ... keep posting...
You were anything but attacked. You got called on certain things that you posted that had you thought about and reworded, things may have been different. Think before you post, as many read what you say and will judge you for that.

Milnet.ca Staff
Hey Johnson, keep your head. Sometimes no news is good news.  I didn't see anywhere that you were not merit listed ? Maybe your call IS comming? Maybe it isn't. I don't believe your MCC/Recruiter scrapped your app.

Hang tough. You never know, await word from your MCC /Recruiter once they return.

Stay and think positive. It's the Secret...
Totally agree with what was previously said.    I'm just curious - why not just go to the RC in person?  I had to do that when I suddenly lost contact with my file manager (she deployed - it happens).  My file was just sitting in a drawer in her desk.  I went down, talked to a rather friendly fellow and got things straightened out rather quickly.  Go in person - it's not the end of the world if you do.  Just stay calm...