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Idea: Physical fitness samples.


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Hello folks,

Some time back while reading through the application samples in the 'The Recruiting Process' forum, I thought of something that may be of interest / value to the Milnet community.

The idea is thus: physical fitness samples.

Background: Many people aiming to join the Forces (including myself) are working towards the fitness standard necessary to meet and exceed the physical demands placed on us in BMQ and once out in the field. It is amazing how much people can progress in a month of focused physical activity. Why don't we each share our progress just as applicants do in the applicants section?

Like the application samples, there will be a lot we share in common, but there are also unique backgrounds that give us and future applicants insight into what we have in common, and how far we can progress in fitness in a period of time, to aid all of us in judging and being prepared for future challenges.

Format: I was thinking of something like a monthly summary of current physical abilities in the popular metrics that the Forces measure in the CF Express and other fitness tests, like: max # of flat-out pushups & situps, longest distance we can run, and results of distance runs, such as the 2.4KM run of the CF Express, or other distance-time results.

Other ideas include height and weight, or BMI, and possibly even body fat %, to see how people progress in this area and juxtapose changes in areas like weight, body fat%, and BMI with progress in running, and the other work metrics. No expectations as far as trends or expected outcomes, but this could be motivational for people.

May I request your feedback and / or suggestions on this idea?

