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if you had to do it all over again

I've only been in just over 1 year now in the reserves, my time here has been golden and I wouldn't give it up for the world. Only difference maybe if I could go back in time is that I would have joined Reg Force like I was offered when I was 19... But I stayed home in "civvie" world for love.. Look where that ended up! I'm 25 this summer and she just broke off our engagement this past Saturday!!!

I might see you boys in Reg Force yet... I'm still young enough to join!

I would definitely do it again.

The only thing I would change was a situation that happen to me during basic training. I fell asleep sitting front row centre within 3 metres of the base's CO during his pep-talk. If anyone remember a young recruit doing that to the CO of Camp Wainwright. That was me.
If I had to do it all over again, I would join the Reg Force first, and then after 20 yrs, the Reserves instead of the 10.5 yrs Res and 3 Reg I have now.  I never would leave the military for a woman as I did way back when, only to have her leave me...

Hmmm....  You know what, I don't think I would change a thing.  If I had to do it all over again from the same point in time, things might have been so diferent, that I may not have wanted to continue on in the military.  Everything that happened in my career, the good and the bad, has had an impact on who and what I am today, and will continue to affect me into the future.

If I had to do it all over again,  I would do it exactly as I did in the past.
I sure would do it all over again. Looking back on life the only things that I would do differently are the personal things. The military part was great.
In a new york minute! Only regret was not enough call-out to Regs. Shoulda taken more pictures, especially of the ones no longer with us.
While I can sit here and say that I would change some of the stupid things I did, I know that that would just free me up to try some other dopey stuff.  >:D

Nope, I wouldn't change a thing......hmmmm, maybe that "spray paint in 2RCR barracks" thing........nahhhhhh. ;D
Hmmm...trying to shoot "roman candle" fireworks through the shack window.......naww also.