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Illegal to trap cats?

I must say that I love that mouse trap one.  I will have to try it -- while I'm at home of course.  Nothing is more fun that seeing a cat take off like a bat out of heII.

WRT the cats getting into the garden, try moth balls.  They hate them.  A hose works wonders and is pretty fun too (I'm so cruel).  As for the vinegar, tried it on a racoon (very watered down) that kept getting in to my garbage (yes, I have a bin).  Never had problems again.
There was an article on the news about this a short while ago. Apparently, an elderly man had the same problem as yourself, and took to using a leghold trap. He ended up catching a cat, and the "poor dear thing" was immediately made the victim and now he's in some serious shit.


I've heard using a hose to douse them works quite well also - do you have any mean-spirited kids?

Buy a Bunny Rabbit.  Bunnies provide hours of amusement for cats.  If you can keep the Bunny off the counters, yer laffin.

Ghost778 said:
I have a question about cats. I know, stupid forum to place it on but this is the only forum i post at actively.

Their are tons of cats around my neighbourhood. i live on a dead end street in a pretty slummy part of town.
There are tons and tons of cats.
Shouldn't be a big deal but they walk all over my truck with muddy paws, tear appart all the garbage bags on the street spreading garbage all over that the garbage men don't pcik up (I know i could get a plastic garbage can but the idiots here steal them or kids throw them in the river) and just recently the cats have begun ******** under the stairs beside my house.

I have no idea what to do with them. I used to let my dogs outside and they would chase the cats off the yard but i dont want them running into the street or actually biting the cat.
I've chased the cats away or gave them a kick but i feel a little dumb doing that, and im sure the neighbours will cryass
over it.
When i see the neighbours who own the cats, i tell them about whats going on and ask them if they can watch out for their cats. They of course say they cant be sure its their cat and theres nothing they can do. Ive seen people ignore their cats chewing at peoples garbage or walking on their cars.

I'm fed up.
I'm really considering going to the store and buying big rat traps. I'm going to stick the rat traps around where i put the garbage and under the stairs. Maybe put some raw tuna on the trap too.
Is that illegal?   Can i get in a lot of crap for leaving traps for "rats" around my yard?

This really works....................little bowls full of Antifreeze!!!!!!
CHIMO!!!!! said:
This really works....................little bowls full of Antifreeze!!!!!!

Antifreeze.....you are kidding right?

I sure hope he's kidding I've seen the effects of anti freeze on a animal. its quite possibly the most inhumane way to die.
Blindness, pain and hemorrhaging are all effect of the anti-freeze poisoning but the truly evil use it quite effectively because it is sweet and animals love the taste.
Of course I am kidding. It's just funny because I had this same conversation last evening!

If you don't like stray cats you could move to Wisconsin  :o

Wisconsin debates hunting cats that run wild

Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. - Feline lovers holding pictures of cats, clutching stuffed animals and wearing whiskers are facing off against hunters at meetings around Wisconsin to voice their opinion on whether to legalize cat hunting.

Residents in 72 counties were asked whether free-roaming cats â ” including any domestic cat that isn't under the owner's direct control or any cat without a collar â ” should be listed as an unprotected species. If listed as so, the cats could be hunted.

The proposal was one of several dozen included in a spring vote on hunting and fishing issues held by the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. The results, only advisory, get forwarded to the state Natural Resources Board.

Statewide results were expected Tuesday.

La Crosse firefighter Mark Smith, 48, helped spearhead the cat-hunting proposal. He wants Wisconsin to declare free-roaming wild cats an unprotected species, just like skunks or gophers. Anyone with a small-game license could shoot the cats at will.

At least two other upper Midwestern states, South Dakota and Minnesota, allow wild cats to be shot â ” and have for decades. Minnesota defines a wild, or feral, cat as one with no collar that does not show friendly behavior, said Kevin Kyle with that state's Department of Natural Resources.

Every year in Wisconsin alone, an estimated 2 million wild cats kill 47 million to 139 million songbirds, according to state officials. Despite the astounding numbers, Smith's plan has been met with fierce opposition from cat lovers.

Critics of Smith's idea organized Wisconsin Cat-Action Team and developed a Web site â ” dontshootthecat.com. Some argue it is better to trap wild cats, spay or neuter them, before releasing them.

In Madison, about 1,200 people attended the Monday evening meeting at the Alliant Center - more than the 250 or so in a typical year, but less than the 3,000 or so who took part in a debate in 2000 over whether to allow hunters to shoot mourning doves.

One of the attendees was Katy Francis, who wore cat ears, whiskers, a cat nose and a sign that read, "Too Cute to Kill.'' For Francis, "The cat hunting thing brought me out because it was very extreme.''
from here

Anti-freeze ::). just as sweet to little kids, as it is to animals, I'm sure. I think you should live trap them then either take them to, or have animal control pick them up. Let your neighbours know so they are not shocked when they find their cat  in the pound. After all you don't know it's their cat, right. I am a true dog person, and have not at this time found any cat worth having. I would not, however try to purposely hurt one. I have a few strays around my house, which I usually let my dog chase, Purely for a scare tactic, my dog is very fast, but the cats are always faster. Cat owners who let their cats roam, are in my opinion not acting in a very responsible manner, and accept the risk of their cat being live trapped, picked up by animal control, or being hit by a car. In my opinion some of these people would be the first to call the dog catcher, and grumble and complain if my Dog were allowed to freely run the neighbourhood, tearing apart garbage. The last time I had a cat rummaging at my house I chased him away three times before I put out a nice can of tuna for him, But not before I put a small dose of laxative in it, certainly not enough to hurt him, but I sure hope he crapped all over his owners house that night. Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be......
jasper said:
Anti-freeze ::). just as sweet to little kids, as it is to animals, I'm sure. I think you should live trap them then either take them to, or have animal control pick them up. Let your neighbours know so they are not shocked when they find their cat  in the pound. After all you don't know it's their cat, right. I am a true dog person, and have not at this time found any cat worth having. I would not, however try to purposely hurt one. I have a few strays around my house, which I usually let my dog chase, Purely for a scare tactic, my dog is very fast, but the cats are always faster. Cat owners who let their cats roam, are in my opinion not acting in a very responsible manner, and accept the risk of their cat being live trapped, picked up by animal control, or being hit by a car. In my opinion some of these people would be the first to call the dog catcher, and grumble and complain if my Dog were allowed to freely run the neighbourhood, tearing apart garbage. The last time I had a cat rummaging at my house I chased him away three times before I put out a nice can of tuna for him, But not before I put a small dose of laxative in it, certainly not enough to hurt him, but I sure hope he crapped all over his owners house that night. Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be......

HAHAHAHAHAHA I love it! Laxative!!!!!!!!!! Much better than Anti-freeze. Although, I am not sure that I know of many kids who will lick antifreeze out of a bowl under the steps
Hunting The Hunters - Wisconsin Cats Fight Back

Something tells me this could get ugly...

