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In defence of Lady Susan Hussey

Perhaps she should have replied "I'm sorry, I don't know where in Africa my family is from; perhaps your family, who kidnaped and enslaved mine, can give me some information?"

Fuck that racist cunt.

You're unusually colorful tonight.
Let me ask you this- imagine she was your grandmother. Or mother.

We have an (apparently) unwitnessed exchange between two people and you conclude based on…your extensive knowledge of Dame Hussey…that you you can drop the C bomb.

Well done.
I know my grandmothers, my mother, and their strengths and weaknesses. I have an idea of what they would have said, where and when. I know the discrimination faced by my non-English speaking grandmother throughout her life. The "speak white" comments. The folks who deliberately took advantage of her & my grandfather because of their lack of English language skills.

And I know the recurrent "oh, it doesn't mean anything" racism in Canada that we repeatedly deny, ignore, or say "well, at least we're not as bad as the Americans". My childhood neighbour observed "Canadians are at least as racist as Americans, they just do it at an individual, not so much at the national level".

The recurrent exclusion of people as "the other"; the recurrent "no, where are you really from" and all the other shit that is accepted (but is inherent national racism that we deny because we didn't fight a civil war to keep our slaves)... fuck that.

Look at Sarah Hussey, then look at the war hero, the Duke Of Sussex, who fled the UK with his biracial wife in no small part because of EDIT TO MEET SITE GUIDELINES like Sarah.

Who would you rather have a beer with? Sarah or Harry?
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My point is: you have no direct knowledge of the situation.

Neither do I.

All we know is what has been widely reported by one party.

But, hey, you carry whatever baggage you want. Me? I find it too difficult to get upset at every slight directed at me daily. Or all the slights my family members endured over the years.

I would also note that your language is probably in contravention of site guidelines, but I guess when you cloak yourself in moral superiority that is cool, huh?
Just for you, I have edited out my descriptive text. But the "what if / what about / only one side" gets old.
Perhaps she should have replied "I'm sorry, I don't know where in Africa my family is from; perhaps your family, who kidnaped and enslaved mine, can give me some information?"

EDIT to meet site guidelines.
Umm, the Europeans couldn’t last a day in Africa. It was other africans who kidnapped her family and sold them to the Europeans. And if not to Europeans the Middle East was a lucrative market as well.
Buddy I usually ask everyone where their family is from. For some reason my fascination of geography pushes my curiosity.

I bumped into a guy at the gym with an accent yesterday and asked him where he was from.

"Ukraine" he says.

I slapped him on the shoulder and said "Yes! Kick Russian ass!"

He looked confused, and slightly scared ;)
Ten years from now, any form of personal questions is going to be considered inappropriate.
Buddy I usually ask everyone where their family is from. For some reason my fascination of geography pushes my curiosity.
How many times do you ask again after they answer?
How many times do you ask again after they answer?
The conversation goes to landmarks and historical events of the region. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Red River Valley or the upper Nile Region.
The conversation goes to landmarks and historical events of the region. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Red River Valley or the upper Nile Region.

The fifth time around, this was the question.

Me: I am born here and am British.
SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?
The fifth time around, this was the question.
And I gave you my experience interacting with people I meet. If two British women have a spat, it’s their spat.

When I get the family question it’s Scotland and Ukraine. But it’s 200 years for one and a 150 for the other. But for some Canadians I’m still a settler.
What if someone asks you seven times in a single conversation and refuses to accept your answer?

What if that happens almost every time you meet someone?

What if, no matter what answer you give, they still insist that you are "outside" or "different"?
What if someone asks you seven times in a single conversation and refuses to accept your answer?

What if that happens almost every time you meet someone?

What if, no matter what answer you give, they still insist that you are "outside" or "different"
Did the lady in question really ask it seven times? If so that’s a bit much, but I wasn’t there so I won’t be the definitive judge on the incident. This seems to have really triggered you, but your triggers will not stop me from being generally curious about people and their lives.
Perhaps she should have replied "I'm sorry, I don't know where in Africa my family is from; perhaps your family, who kidnaped and enslaved mine, can give me some information?"

EDIT to meet site guidelines.
That's fucking bullshit. You go too far. I generally agree with your sardonic comments but this is over the top. The UK was the first major country to abolish slavery in 1833.
She’s 83. Raised to think a certain way as all the rest of us have been.

To call her a racist +**t was a bit much IMO.
In my experience there are racists everywhere - all races have them.