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Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement


We dig out the old Bofors L/70's that the RCN has finally retired from the MCDV's, paint them green (again) and hand those out instead.

Media will love it because 40mm is better than 35mm, right?
That would be nice, I just keeping it doable. The 35mm would bump up the tractor requirements and all the storage/stores ammunition handling. Maybe get them reactivated by the Regs as the start of their SHORAD program. GLDS can design a gun mount for the same guns used by the LAV's. This means Canadian work and dollars spent in Canada, more politically doable. It's the 75-85% solution. The footprint fits what we can expect for Armoury floor storage, vehicles, manpower and technical/maintenance support.
The 25mm Bushmaster cannon has no round that would work for Anti-Air effectively that won't cause major issues on misses.
You could shoot HEI-T, but any misses are going to land and cause major issues -- plus the 25mm FCS isn't useful for engaging targets like that. The Prefragmented radar proxy fuzed ammunition that is being marketed for that has such a terrible payload that no one had bothered with it.

You need a system designed for that role - the CAF has had the 35mm Skyguard systems previously - and frankly should have pulled them out of mothballs around 1 year ago...
GDLS would be better suited to build a 35mm GepAV off the LAV hull, with a FCS and Radar Targeting Link.
Sure that won't do the PRes any good - but...
I get the ammo limitations, but I still take the solution in lieu of a Double barrel shotgun. You would not use the current FCS I suspect, likley have to adapt for AA use. 20mm were effective, granted on larger targets. If we wait for the "right solution" we end up where we always are, with nothing.
The 25mm Bushmaster cannon has no round that would work for Anti-Air effectively that won't cause major issues on misses.
You could shoot HEI-T, but any misses are going to land and cause major issues -- plus the 25mm FCS isn't useful for engaging targets like that. The Prefragmented radar proxy fuzed ammunition that is being marketed for that has such a terrible payload that no one had bothered with it.

FWIW, 'friendly fire' casualty rates during the London Blitz were apparently quite modest...

I get the ammo limitations, but I still take the solution in lieu of a Double barrel shotgun. You would not use the current FCS I suspect, likley have to adapt for AA use. 20mm were effective, granted on larger targets. If we wait for the "right solution" we end up where we always are, with nothing.

We already have that in 35mm. Just have GDLS put it back in production and manufacture new ammo.
I jumped through the right hoops to get permission to have a licensed drone pilot within my training Coy fly his drone in one of our exercises last fall. It was an uphill battle to get it approved, but the imagery was really really cool.

And that fact that it's been done once means that I'll be able to get it approved again next time with a lot less effort.


And maybe you could handle a couple of teaching positions? :cool:
What the fuck is it with some of you and absolutely idiot vehicles?
I understand you live in the land of plenty and have many contacts and much experience but Canada doesn't have the budgets and industrial complex to just order up all the vehicles the US uses. People for the most part are just trying to add many capabilities on a budget and tend to lean toward product that is produced here to possibly make it more palatable to the general public and government. Finding a common platform that can be adapted to use multiple capabilities would be more acceptable. Constructive criticism and understanding is I'm sure always appreciated. However, sneering at those suggestions / proposals from on high, well that's just being a prick.
What the fuck is it with some of you and absolutely idiot vehicles?
In fairness, if we are looking at vehicles for the ResF going with an option that can be repaired at the local dealership rather than requiring a lowbed to the nearest base, where it will sit for 6-12 months waiting for repair(because we have no Veh Techs), isn't necessarily the worst option.

For the RegF the JTLV or LAV likely makes more sense.
In fairness, if we are looking at vehicles for the ResF going with an option that can be repaired at the local dealership rather than requiring a lowbed to the nearest base, where it will sit for 6-12 months waiting for repair(because we have no Veh Techs), isn't necessarily the worst option.

For the RegF the JTLV or LAV likely makes more sense.
Maybe centre those complex assets in reserve units closer to bases then? Seems like a decent idea to me.

I understand you live in the land of plenty and have many contacts and much experience but Canada doesn't have the budgets and industrial complex to just order up all the vehicles the US uses. People for the most part are just trying to add many capabilities on a budget and tend to lean toward product that is produced here to possibly make it more palatable to the general public and government. Finding a common platform that can be adapted to use multiple capabilities would be more acceptable. Constructive criticism and understanding is I'm sure always appreciated. However, sneering at those suggestions / proposals from on high, well that's just being a prick.

I think presenting any discussion here as some kind of real development is a bit optimistic. This is in par with venting at the mess, not informing the halls of power. Frankly our small budget means we should be buying existing, proven, already developed equipment. Not going it alone and spending money on R&D to drive up cost and time.
I think presenting any disc using here as some kind of real development is a bit optimistic. This is in par with venting at the mess, not informing the halls of power. Frankly our small budget means we should be buying existing, proven, already developed equipment. Not going it alone and spending money on R&D to drive up cost and time.

Why don't you like the LRSS, Aurora or any of a number of other pieces of equipment ;) ?
How is that different then the Avenger platform on the HMMWV
HMMWV is proven, Avenger is proven. They exist, work, and have already had the R&D done. I suspect Kevin is more on about Senator which is basically as protected as what I drove when I used to moonlight for Brinks. So heavier than a light vehicle, and unable to stop most credible threats.

I’d put it on TAPV if the back blast works out.
Why don't you like the LRSS, Aurora or any of a number of other pieces of equipment ;) ?
Well I’ll never see LRSS until someone at DLR drops their insane requirement that the thing can drive with the mast fully extended.
Guys the Senator is F550 with welded steel plate on it. Just buy a F550

I just watched the CBC video of the factory. Putting aside the terrible work the CBC did with it. The place and it's workshop gave me an industrial management headache. In no way does resemble a modern factory or assembly operation. It is closer to a large custom bodyshop than anything. No workflow no shop floor management tools. No QA. I would be surprised if they even know what Takt is.