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Infantry Helmets


The Young One

Hello...I have a question that I have always wondered about....I have noticed Infantry Helmets differ from country to country....Can anybody tell me why the Canadian Army‘s Standard Infantry Helmet looks the way it does??? (purpose/advantages)
It‘s shaped the way it its for a number of reasons one is for protection of the back of the neck/ top of the back from fragments if the member goes down for cover and puts his /her head towards the blast it has a lip that allows a conical area of protection that expands down the body if the fragments are blown in that direction. it also allows a bit of air flow under the helmet , not that I‘ve seen that happen
Ya, there is some airflow. Well... maybe that’s only me, my head was small for the helmet.

But it is very comfortable(personally)
Given that you are a cadet, I don‘t imagine you‘ve worn one much. The helmets are pretty comfortable once you finally get the suspension right, and they do allow for a good bit of ventilation. The nice feature though it is rarely used is the sun flap on the cover that keeps your neck from getting too sun****ed.

The worst problem is that they don‘t interact well with the AN/PRC 522 set and it‘s hard to get a sight picture from the prone if you‘re wearing one. I suppose the helmet should be designed to protect the masses who don‘t wear radios, but it‘s still a nuisance.
I thought it was designed to maximize the flow of rainwater down the back of your neck?

It also doesn‘t hurt that we now look like the Waffen-SS with our dot camo and Fritz helmets. All they need to do is issue us Schmeissers and potatomasher grenades and we‘ll be set.
"Given that you are a cadet, I don‘t imagine you‘ve worn one much"

You needed to bring that up why?
All the replys were very informative..Thank you!!!!
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] "Given that you are a cadet, I don‘t imagine you‘ve worn one much"

You needed to bring that up why? [/qb]
Everyone able to answer if not the whole question should answer? shall they not?

I really do not like to criticize people, but..
"Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, do we not revenge?"

Well Ghost, you are not completely at fault with my "releasing steam" action, it was merely the straw that broke the Camels back.

"criticize us, do we not reprehend ourselves?"

Stating I’m just a "Cadet" is of a normal tone I often hear from a lot of people. But Adding the assumed sarcasm with "You needed to bring that up why?" was the straw.

I may "only" be a cadet, but I as a person, do not appreciate the confounded words from such a man. I work and is working very hard as a Cadet, I recognize myself to be one of the best, as well as regarded to be one.
The work, experience, and difficulty I have endured as a Cadet is meaningless to me when someone speaks negatively to me as a Cadet.
But especially from the audience, I have come to think of as "forum family"
It upsets me how people feel that way, but most importantly why.

That’s all I have to say.
Everyone able to answer if not the whole question should answer? shall they not?

I really do not like to criticize people, but..
"Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, do we not revenge?"

Well Ghost, you are not completely at fault with my "releasing steam" action, it was merely the straw that broke the Camels back.

"criticize us, do we not reprehend ourselves?"

Stating I’m just a "Cadet" is of a normal tone I often hear from a lot of people. But Adding the assumed sarcasm with "You needed to bring that up why?" was the straw.

I may "only" be a cadet, but I as a person, do not appreciate the confounded words from such a man. I work and is working very hard as a Cadet, I recognize myself to be one of the best, as well as regarded to be one.
The work, experience, and difficulty I have endured as a Cadet is meaningless to me when someone speaks negatively to me as a Cadet.
But especially from the audience, I have come to think of as "forum family"
It upsets me how people feel that way, but most importantly why.

That’s all I have to say.
Huh? What do these big words and metaphors have to do with anything? When people talk down to you it makes you mad... I got that part. But that still doesn‘t explain how you became a qualified Master Helmeteer. Everyone knows that course isn‘t open to cadets!!!
Dano i was asking redeye what relivence you being a cadet had on anything and why it was even worth bringing up. If you‘ve worn the helmet or have any practical knowledge on it than you have just as much say as anyone else. I was on your side for that one killer ;)
Ghost was defending you Dano...you gotta read it a bit more carefully
Dano, I wasn‘t meaning to demean your cadet experience at all - I‘m an ex-Cadet myself - and an air cadet at that, so I can‘t start slagging Cadets. I didn‘t say you were "only a cadet", merely that I as a cadet, it seems logical to assume that you don‘t have a tremendous amount of exposure to all the kit.

Granted, I came to that conclusion based on a few encounters with a small minority of Cadets who think they know everything about everything, who really annoy me. From seeing your posts, you‘re generally well informed and an excellent contributor to the forums.

In that sense, Ghost did ask a legitimate question of me and not of you - which it seems you‘ve somewhat misread. I stand reproved, and shall cease to wallow in my ignorance.

Fritz SS looking helmet, sorry Mike but it looks more like a mushroom then a german WW2 skull cap.
Anywho, were is that JTF 2 manual you had posted, it does not seem to work anymore, could you post it one more time as the guys at my work are waiting to see it.
And i saw Redeye has an ocdt and those guys love to be razzed, it‘s my way of making friends :)

Not to go off topic but the reserves atleast could bennifit a great deal from teaching some of the survival and out doorish type classes that cadets teach.
Oh, yes. I must have not read it correctly.
I remember that when I was looking through the posts, I was just skim reading for certain points.
I must have missed Redeyes post, and saw Ghost‘s post instead. I was a little steamed, so I was hasty in my remark.
I obviously mistook you‘re post as I thought you we‘re referring it to me. Sorry Ghost. hah.

All is forgive and forget, if on normal terms again, Redeye.

Fusaki, you know as well as I do, big words and metaphors mean absolutely nothing, but to the eye of the beholder.
You do seem skeptical though. You do wear the helmets at Connaught at times for summer courses. Also I do have pictures of myself wearing the helmet. But I‘m not at camp nor the armories.
I‘m at my house. That can mean only a few though.

Once again, sorry about that Ghost.

By the way, Redeye, you read other posts of mine and remembered reading them! Wow.. cool.
Patience my child. One day you will grow and wear your helmet so much you will curse. Perform 11 hail mary‘s and when you pass by someone who is homeless give them a twoonie.
Whatever boys its not like theres any shortage of brain buckets in the CF buds will be wearing his and suffering from hat head in no time. I‘m having a bit of a time myself with the 522 earpiece, I usually loosen off one side of my helmet then put my earpiece on then the helmet and reef on the strap and pretty much ok. Its a bit of a pain trying to get a sight picture in the prone but if you wiggle around you‘ll find some akward position to snap off a few rounds.
I would say we look more like the Danes, ever seen their cam? Very relish like, wasn‘t it a Danish company who, under contract, originally came up with the Cadpat design for the CF?
Hate it when you wear it for couple of days straight you get head wrinkles.
Love my helmet. It supports my head perfectly when I‘m lying on the ground trying to get some sleep ;)