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Internet Browser


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For some reason, the size and font of this site just changed on my browser and doesn't fit into my screen completely.  Do any of you computer-savvy people know how to restore it?
No, but mine just did the same thing  ....
Must be the site as mine has changed as well. I thought the Boss was updating it or something.
Yep, did an upgrade, now some things are broken. Ugh. It looks terrible in IE... I'm trying to figure out what happened...
Up at the top of your screen where the File tab is ect,
There's one that says, "View"
Click on that, then go down to Text Size.
If you're like me it SHOULD be on Larger.
Put it back down to Smallest or whatever floats your boat.
Alright, found and fixed. Let me know if anything else looks wrong...
Yeah text size is messed... but it seems that the "normal" looking size should be right in the middle of "smallest" and "smaller".....
I believe it's fixed now... Are folks still seeing the wrong text size?
No, my world has returned to normal.... ;D
I finally got around to updating my browser at home to netscape 7.1 and it fixed my scrolling problem. I can at last see the whole post now. No more guessing what people wrote! ;)