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Iran Super Thread- Merged

I don't know T6 and Old Guy.  I think Bo has performed a service here. 

We now have a text that he believes accurately reflects the position of the Iranian Government.  I read the text and still see Ahmedinajad calling for the establishment of an Islamic World the elimination of the occupying power, the stain that is Israel.

But that's just me. One juror in a jury of 6,000,000,000.

Funny, I didn't think smart lawyers introduced into evidence statements that tended to condemn their clients.
IMHO, this was simply put up as one of Bo's trolls. He watched it for awhile and didn't respond to the factual rebuttals. I see no need to continue this. The normal caveat applies.
Your point has been partially discussed I believe, when the Russians offered to build some non-threatening reactors for the Iranians, but they said no thankyou. So I think that sums it up.
Though the West's main worry has been enrichment of uranium that could be used in a bomb, it also has called on Iran to stop the construction of a heavy-water reactor near the production plant that Ahmadinejad inaugurated...

The spent fuel from a heavy-water reactor can be reprocessed to extract plutonium for use in a bomb...

Heavy water is the major component in how a Hydrogen bomb functions too.

A bit embarassing for Merkle I am sure. ::)

Amazing - It should be interesting to see Merckel's response.
I'd like to know if that letter is even authentic. As far as I know, that man would gut her like a fish at the very first instance. 
I think he is relying on that they would like to win one at least once seeing as they have lost twice. ;D
Spr.Earl said:
I think he is relying on that they would like to win one at least once seeing as they have lost twice. ;D

Seems it was theirs to lose in both cases as well. I don't think this particular Frau will back a demon possessed dark horse trying to pass itself off as merely an ass.
Agreed, Germany didn't do well when it was at war with or loosely allied to any country in the Asian continent.  ;) 

Honestly though, I can't imagine that he may have thought any tangible gains could be made in a political/economic sense. Those that would be lasting anyway.
Wow - the diplomatic version of the famous "Nigerian Scam" letter. After reading his letter to Bush, it's pretty hard to take this guy seriously.

I suspect this is merely an attempt to leverage differences in policy towards Iran between the EU and US, with a secondary aim of trying to acquire German diplomatic channels to the US for indirect negotiations in the nuclear issue. Not much new here except something to chuckle at.
And I have to wonder what the real purpose of this is....

Did he (or anybody advising him...) think that this was going to sway Germany, with clumsy (and sometimes glaringly wrong) references to history? Or was it really released as much for Iranian internal consumption as for our benefit? ("Look at me, Iranian people: see how diplomatically and nicely I talk to these European fools. I've tried to be reasonable with them-whatever comes next certainly isn't my fault...)

Might be something in that pbi -

There does seem to be an uptick in the number of public hangings in the Kurdish, Arab and Baloch areas of the country (around the borders) as the administration eliminates "smugglers" and "disruptive influences".  As well there was at least one bombing in the South West.  And Ahmedinajad is calling for a new student uprising and the shutting down of the secular faculty at universities.

There was also a report about Ahmedinajad being locally accused of corruption.

He is not unpressured.
  I think PBI has hit on it and that this is for public consumption.

  Then again, maybe Ahmadijenad thinks that Herr Joachim v. Ribbentrop is still Foreign Minister.  Or just wishes he was.
North Star said:
Wow - the diplomatic version of the famous "Nigerian Scam" letter.

That's funny ...

... from the people who brought you The Zimmerman Telegram, Hess' Flight to Scotland, and The Premature Recognition of Croatia ...

... it's Germany's Diplomatic Bloopers and Practical Jokes.

Maybe Iran will attack Pearl Harbor, and Germany will jump on board three days later?
Just spitballin'  ;D
Kirkhill said:
Amazing - It should be interesting to see Merckel's response.

Could this be the start of a new army.ca game called  Lets draft Angela's response.  Allow me to get it started.  Please add to it:

Dear President Ahmadinejad,

I am writing in reply to your recent letter expressing your interest in the Federal German Republic...