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Is anyone else applying for a support trade?

That is awesome news!!  It is a relief to many to know there are still spots and selections coming up soon.

And congrats to everyone....we have hit 100 posts in this thread ;) LOL
mellauren said:
so now I'm just waiting for the paper work to get finished to merit list me and there is no reason I shouldn't be done for the selection on the 13th.

What paperwork is left to get finished?
He said that the background check is done and sent back from the company but hasn't been put through. Something like that, and then isn't there a step to actually merit list me?
mellauren said:
He said that the background check is done and sent back from the company but hasn't been put through.

Sounds like the reliability screening hasn't yet been finalized.  If that's the case, it could take another 3-5 weeks.
Congrats jolessana!  And welcome to all newcomers!

It seems like it's an exciting time to be applying for RMS Clerks around here!  Great news about your background check being done mellauren, one step closer, you are so close!

So after doing as much research as I can, I think my heart is set on RMS Clerk as my first (and possibly only) trade choice.  At this current time, it is ranked third on my file.  I've interviewed for all three of my trade choices so it wouldn't impact anything at this time.  Should I call/email to switch RMS Clerk to my #1 choice or leave things as is?  I really would love to get back into my office work but I wouldn't be disappointed in getting an offer for my other trades, I just think I want RMS Clerk the most.  What are your thoughts?

And as for my file, I would love to be merit listed by the end of July but I'm thinking end of August is more realistic, possibly even later.  I'm a planner by nature and this CF application throws me for such a loop.  :P  Must learn to go with the flow... ha!
I'm right there with you Pushpin... I like to know when to expect things and I like to plan things, even more so now that my husband is graduating bmq next week. Waiting around to get into bmq while he's in Borden on PAT is going to be torture (hopefully he can come home on leave for a few weeks). I waiting for my reliability screening to be completed so I can be merit listed and hopefully get an offer. Of course, because it's the summer and people have lives, lol... the person doing my reliability screening is on vacay until next Monday... but hey, everyone needs time off, even recruiters.  ;D
So hopefully by the end of next week I'll get merit listed in time for the next selections... I've got everything crossed!

And congrats to you Deskjockey and Jolessana! That's awesome!
Congrats jolessana!  Pushkin,  Colta...things will happen for you too, I am sure.  Just another case of hurry up and wait.

The good news is thing ARE moving along.  It only seems like forever right now. For me, now that I know...time is screaming by at hyperspeed! (Although it drags it's a $$ when I am at my soon to be old job).

Fast or slow, I am excited for this new chapter to begin.

Good luck to all still waiting!
Thanks deskjockey! My hubby was laughing at me the other day... I'm hoping I can go to BMQ to have "down time"... I'm a wife, mother and currently work 14 hr days while trying to run and exercise to prepare for BMQ should I be chosen.

Oh, by the way, it's nice to find a bunch of planners and organized thinkers to hang out with during this time! So exciting for you who have got the call and those that are in process!
OK NewportArmy, I am gonna have to laugh too....I don't think BMQ can qualify as downtime lol.  It will be different though.
My husband was talking to a few military wives who are on his platoon that dealt with being home while their husbands were away at BMQ and they all said BMQ was way easier mentally then being home alone...
Seeing as how that's the situation we're currently in and how tough it's been to be home alone... I think BMQ will be a bit of a break, at least mentally. :P
I must admit, I don't imagine BMQ will be a break for me.  I haven't had to deal with people yelling at me in a long time and I imagine that will be pretty hard for me to mentally handle.  But I'm stubborn, resilient, and pretty darn hard working so I hope that translates well at BMQ.  And while I'm a mom, multi-tasking for me can sometimes be a struggle.  I'm sure my husband will struggle on his side too being the stay at home parent.  He works away from home usually so I handle separation quite well, but 3 months is pretty long to be away from my kids.  That will be tough for me.

I really wish I did this whole CF thing pre-kids, so much easier, plus I'd be younger, ha!

Tomorrow morning I start early morning workouts again.  I'm excited, I've missed working out!
Wouldn't that be nice if it was a break mentality. I have dealt with my husband being deployed or away lots. So I know what it's like to be home alone with and without kids, and if basic is easier then that mentally I'll look forward to that lol. But I think it will be neat being the one that gets to go and do something new. Even if that something is people yelling at me and getting no sleep, it's a challenge and I need a challenge. (One of my biggest worries is falling asleep in class lol, but was told if I think I'm going to, just ask to stand up at the back of class). Those of you that gave already gotten your date will have to keep us updated on how things are.
I've read about the sleep deprivation thing in BMQ, but I figure we have one up on those youngsters....we have children.  There is NO sleep deprivation like the kind that happens with a newborn.  If you've done that, (I did it 3 times) you can handle anything IMHO.
This is the first time we've been apart like this since we moved in together 8 years ago and I've been finding it very stressful. I think having something to focus on all day, knowing that every day I make it through is one step closer to my goals/dreams and being back with him will help a lot.
It's been a really long 3 months (he grads next week) and I'm so proud of him, but I'm ready for it to be my turn. He can be the one fretting at home (or Borden :P) for a little while.
Colta, you sound so adorable. I hope you and your husband can reunite soon :)

In other news, I won't be joining you guys as I just received my E-tech offer for the august 10th bmq.  :'(
So true about the sleep deprivation and kids lol I'm still getting woken up at least 2 times a night lol. My problem is that the job I'm at now I only sit for maybe an hour a day for lunch and coffee, so I'm use to waking around or standing a lot. So sitting down listening to people will be hard.  The last time I took first aid there was only ten people in the class and it was definitely noticeable my head flopping lol.
  I also worry that all the people around at night my mommy hearing will keep me up. But then I don't usually hear my hubby and he is in the same room lol. But then we'll probably be so tired won't be an issue.
Colta, unfortunately you will get use to being apart but I think that it makes you appreciate them more and in most cases makes a stronger relationship.
mellauren said:
Colta, unfortunately you will get use to being apart but I think that it makes you appreciate them more and in most cases makes a stronger relationship.

Well... I haven't gotten there yet, and I'm okay if I never do... it's not something I want to get used to. I do appreciate the time we've had together (I've made 3 trips up to visit) and I think our relationship is stronger for it... but I'll be glad when I get into bmq and know when I'll be hitting Borden as well. We may not be able to live together, but at least we'll be in the same area. I'm hoping that once basic is out of the way for both of us, things will settle down a little bit as we'll both be on the same base with courses running about the same length of time. Of course there are tons of ups and downs and who knows what with the military... but it would be better than what we have now.
Congrats Wangman!!!!

On the kids , Hubby and being apart end of things.....I will miss my family terribly and am counting on BMQ to keep me distracted from that ;)
On the flip side, two of my kids are teenagers and one might as well be at 23.....so BMQ is an escape route.