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Is Canada going to offer any help? Like DART

Personally i think and i wish DART to help out the US i think its gonna help the relationship between the countries. And besides that, we are neighbours.

Wolf  :cdn:
i was thinking more of transport time, too long to get it there,  time and area to set it up in,  not much land free from water and rumble. The US army and other forces can provide the hospital and we could provide staff to help run it, saves on shipping time and such. they are already  have sent ina hospital ship or its on the way

but if they send it and it works well great. I was thinking other things might be needed more
I wonder if RCMP have been offered to help. They sent some to Haiti, and weren't a few sent to Afghanistan or Iraq? Given the state of the city at the moment, an RCMP force would do well to supplement the Americans in NO. Let the RCMP and American police organise and protect civilian camps and refuges, while freeing up the National Guard for rescue, repair, and Anti-a**hole operations. Also, it would seem less likely for foreign police to participate in the looting: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001051261 - rather hard to load a PC and TV into your carry-on bag.
Didn't Canada and the US sign some kind of "treaty" that would allow easier access of military across either one's border in case of emergency, including troops?
CNN just showed a reporter speaking from one of the refugee centres being guarded by National Guardsmen.  The reporter says the trooper told him, "If you don't have at least a rifle, it's not safe to go in there - in fact, we've pulled out because we can't keep control."  The reporter went in and counted 11 bodies just visible in plain sight.  Other networks are showing reporters talking to people who are asking, "if the reporters made it here, why hasn't the military, the Red Cross or any other aid agency been here yet?"

Good question.

All of this is very saddening and I hope we send some people down there soon.
The people down there need food and water and air conditioning, and they are not getting it. I wish GWB would have sent some supplies down days ago before people, both young and old, started dying.

This whole situation just breaks my heart.
CFL said:
Didn't Canada and the US sign some kind of "treaty" that would allow easier access of military across either one's border in case of emergency, including troops?

I seem to recall the same thing and a pretty lengthy thread on the subject.
The arrangements date back to the Second World War and form the basis for the basic North American defence plan. I used to deal with this when I was in J3 Plans, but that was many years ago so I am hazy on the details. However, for example any of you who have trained in the US at places like Yakima did so under these arrangements.
I seem to recall this came into effect as a result of 9/11 (maybe wrong but it was fairly recent).
was this inline with what you were looking for CFL


So they will go if asked.
Well, now they are prepping four vessels for aid in New Orleans:

It's a start, four ships and 1000 personnel.
"Operation Union"  -how quaint

Never thought I'd see the day we would be help the US in a state so far from our borders.
My husband is leaving on one of the Navy ships on Tueaday. He called me this morning.
My unit started doing phone calls for availability last night, but no actual Warning Orders have been issued. I doubt it'll get as far as calling up CDN Reserves to deploy for this, but it's good to be prepared.
CFL said:
Didn't Canada and the US sign some kind of "treaty" that would allow easier access of military across either one's border in case of emergency, including troops?

There is an agreement that allows access on request- I was involved on the peripheries with NORTHCOM and the BPG, particularly in connection with a potential earthquake in BC.  Such assistance is, by it's very nature, unarmed.  I cannot see, for instance, Canadian soldiers (or police for that matter) carrying weapons in the US.  Similarly, American soldiers would not carry weapons here.

Never thought I'd see the day we would be help the US in a state so far from our borders.
  We did in Florida some years back - it's been done before.  Oddly, I cannot recall a time when US military assets were used in Canada (although they were offered for OP PEREGRINE, in the form of Herc tankers).

My unit started doing phone calls for availability last night, but no actual Warning Orders have been issued. I doubt it'll get as far as calling up CDN Reserves to deploy for this, but it's good to be prepared.
  The odds of combat arms PRes units being deployed is practically zero.
I called the Union Hall today ie IBEW Local 258 (Vancouver)  All IBEW Locals have been contacted across Canada as to availability of Linemen for restoration of Power etc.  BC Hydro has offered help as well.  The word so far is that not much is being done yet until the situation stabillizes somewhat.  Our work is, of course, high risk even under normal conditions.  There have been 13 LInemen killed in the US this year, mostly in the southern states.  According to powerlineman.com some of the nearby states are already dispatching people to some of the fringe areas. 

It may be of interest that Hydro Quebec has the closest relationship with the US states than the other Canadian Provinces.  They reportedly had over 30 crews working in Florida last year.  During the Ice storm, Hydro Quebec used almost all US Line Crews!
Canada Has lot's of expertise in different fields. The Rcmp identification section if ask could help the local authorities in identifying bodies. I believe that the military contribution will be a logistical assistance i.e. help in food distribution,medical assistance etc ... Its is very unlikely that foreign soldiers would be selected to assist to restore civil order. Canadian heavy airlift transportation is very limited that may cause problem if we are trying to send equipment over there