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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

Yes I was told he is back April 2 as well but, I was also told the boards are still sitting till today.
Hopefully we should be hearing in the next few days.  If anyone hears anything on their applications they should let us all know.  Unfortunately I'm not at work today, has anyone checked the intake tables today to see if anything has changed from Mar 19?

I checked the intake tables today and they are still from March 19th. If we hear anything or receive messages will be sure to let you know. I am off to Mexico Wednesday so guys keep me posted! I will be checking here

Well if the table was updated today, here is probably what will happen.

1. someone looks over the msg's and then updates the table's
2. someone runs msgs over to the comm centre, hopefully they use e-mail but you never know
3. someone have to put all those msg's into the system (addn). This takes awhile because each msg is done individually and normally only one or two people are putting though the msg traffic at a comm centre
4. Msg is transmitted and then has to filter down your chain of command (that is if you don't have access to the traffic)

So needless to say, if the msg's went out today you might get it tomorrow (if your lucky)
Got my offer.  Don't know the details till I go into work tomorrow.  I'll let everyone know. 

blah bla is appointed Ocdt eff 15 Apr and to proceed on IAP/BOTP Course loading to follow upon completion of BOTP Commisioned 2Lt with effective date of 15 Apr 07 thats about the gist of it

Welcome to the Dark Side....

We have Punch and Pie  ;D

btw... congratulations to those who made it.  Been a long wait
for you guys and for us following the thread. 
As Disenchanted already mentioned, yes I did get a msg and I am excited and nervous at the sametime. Looking forward to meeting you all at St Jean for IAP/BOTP.

Halfmylife (which occurs on the 14th of June)
HalfmyLife said:
As Disenchanted already mentioned, yes I did get a msg and I am excited and nervous at the sametime. Looking forward to meeting you all at St Jean for IAP/BOTP.

Halfmylife (which occurs on the 14th of June)

Is that to say that you've been in for almost half your life or that IAP/BOTC starts on that date?

I'm with you on not really knowing what to think.  It's good but nerve wracking at the same time.  It's definitely going to be a different world.  When I get my Air Force DEUs I'll have been in all three elements in the CF(at one time or another), I think you get a set of steak knives or a gold watch after that. 
Hey guys, CONGRATS. Like you, I got mine today too. I checked my voice mail when I got off the plane in Toronto and my SWO had left a message with the good news.  I got PAO, my first choice (well it was personally my second but first on the application, long story) because of my previous experience in the media and PA field, plus my schooling but I am VERY happy with that outcome.

I haven't seen the message and I won't until I return from Mexico on the 16th of April. What does it say (assuming they are very similar)? Do we get to keep our current rate of pay, for me Corporal 4 with Spec.

So they are saying the 14th of June for IAP etc?  I don't have JLC/PLQ so I get to do the whole shabang this summer, but I am ok with that. So do you guys go on the BTL list and if so what does that involve, a period of OJT, PAT, or do you keep your current job for the time being?

Cpl T
(O/Cdt in 2 weeks)
Good Stuff!

Congrats to all!

The Navcomm trade is getting the crap kicked out of it!

I don't know if any of you fellas will be attending CAP within the next year or so, but if you do I'll bet it will be a blast!

Good luck  :salute:
Also for all those in Esquimalt Battle of Atlantic Mess Dinner on 5 May

and indeed I think the Navcomm Trade lost 4 Bodies today
Congrats to all!
I was looking at this because a friend of mine was thinking of doing it, but don't you guys stand to lose a little money and most of all have to start from scratch again. I mean new job, maybe posted, and lets face it officers have a better chance of getting moved around more often the ncm's. But I guess in the long run the money and pension benefits can be a big factor for a better 'end result'
Best of luck to all that have to go to st.jean....again.....
no no no, as of the 14th of June I will have been in halfmylife. I have a nice little counter at work (pretty funny actually). I have no idea when the courses are run, all I am trying to do is get this bottle of wine open!!!
no loss in pay

CBI 204.211
(10) (Officer Cadet – former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid:

if the member was a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force, at the rate of pay which, including any upward adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) that may be established from time to time, and any upward adjustments resulting from the reallocation of the last military occupation in which the member served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, is the greater of the rate of pay established for
the rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group held on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment to the rank of officer cadet, or
any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member;