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Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

  • Thread starter Thread starter stellarpanther
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George Wallace said:
Tell that to the MP Cpl the next time you get pulled over.    >:D

Funny you should say that, as I read a recent Courts Martial decision (yes I get that bored), where an MP actually used that (in)famous line "Don't confuse your rank, for my authority", needless to say the Judge, was not impressed by this conduct.

http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/en/2014/wellwood.page (para's 3 and 8 of the decision).
Hatchet Man said:
Funny you should say that, as I read a recent Courts Martial decision (yes I get that bored), where an MP actually used that (in)famous line "Don't confuse your rank, for my authority", needless to say the Judge, was not impressed by this conduct.

http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/en/2014/wellwood.page (para's 3 and 8 of the decision).

Although it's technically true.......its a stupid thing to say.
George Wallace said:
Tell that to the MP Cpl the next time you get pulled over.    >:D

I've reminded a few of them that they are Military Police, and Cpl's, and subject to the CSD...just like I am.  One insisted on being a real arsehole about his business so I paid a visit to the Shift MCpl in Windsor Park, and had a follow-on conversation with his WO the next day.  Oddly enough, turned out his WO agreed - a MP Cpl shouldn't be rude, cocky and the like to a SNCO.  What was the problem?  He had his patrol car blocking the (then) only entrance into Windsor Park.  So he could talk to one of the guys from work,  who had his civie car blocking the other side of the gate, and the cars from getting out.  I told him to move his car OUT of the gate.  He didn't like that, and then just kept making things worse for himself.  He found out that a MP Cpl doesn't outrank a Sgt after all.  Well isn't that a shock.  :o

Like I said above...we're loosing the basics (in some areas).
Nerf herder said:
I'd like to know the last time the CoC had a ***** session. Sure would be fun to be a fly on the wall there when it happens.

In all seriousness, if you have a gripe about Ptes being in charge, become the SME on your shop and then there is no recourse.

Personally, I ensure that all ranks respect each other and they know the pecking order. As far as I'm concerned, a guy that has two years in doesn't equal a Cpl....unless said Cpl is a mouthbreather.

I agree completely about becoming the SME and that's what I'm working on including reading unit policies and SOP's at home as well as other pubs related to the type of work done at that unit.  That said, it can take a bit of time considering every unit seems to have their own way of doing things. 
I want to make clear that my purpose of posting this thread isn't to bad mouth my unit or anyone in my CoC but rather to try and get advise on how to handle it.  Part of my concern is that as a Cpl, I obviously would like to go to the next level and I need the opportunity to show leadership skills.  It's tough to show that when a Pte with less than a year in is in charge of me.

His and your rank are irrelevant...he's a police officer and as such should talk to EVERYONE he deals with respectfully...be it a Pte, general, or crackhead.  That's my pet peeve with a lot of my co workers...it's not hard to be polite to people in this job.

That said, for the case in question that hatchet posted....it was a 911 and therefore police have to be allowed to be police, regardless of whether or not they are MPs or civvie.  Would the major have spoken to an OPP constable that way?  Doubtful....either way that's not the issue.

The issue here is rank and there are times when rank can't come into play...a Cpl MP responding to say the base commanders house on a domestic....base commanders rank is entirely irrelevant.

Back on topic foru his thread though...I find it highly unprofessional to put a Pte in charge of a Cpl.....SME or not.

RCDcpl said:
Although it's technically true.......its a stupid thing to say.

At the end of the day, the MP Cpl didn't have "respect" for the Major's rank and the Major didn't have "respect" for the job the MP Cpl was assigned to do.

Getting back to the topic at hand, some people view the Cpl rank as a "gimme" and "time in" thing and therefore tend to lean more towards the "knowledge" factor without taking the rank into consideration.  Will there be Pte's who out perform Cpls?  Absolutely!  But by not reinforcing discipline and respect for rank, it only encourages people to challenge the next guy up the ladder.

stellarpanther said:
I agree completely about becoming the SME and that's what I'm working on including reading unit policies and SOP's at home as well as other pubs related to the type of work done at that unit.  That said, it can take a bit of time considering every unit seems to have their own way of doing things. 
I want to make clear that my purpose of posting this thread isn't to bad mouth my unit or anyone in my CoC but rather to try and get advise on how to handle it.  Part of my concern is that as a Cpl, I obviously would like to go to the next level and I need the opportunity to show leadership skills.  It's tough to show that when a Pte with less than a year in is in charge of me.

The Pte is NOT in charge of you and can't be.  And if anyone says otherwise, you need to bring that issue up with your WO/MWO.

Not sure what is going on here but something isn't quite right about this picture.  I'm inclined to think this could be a case of pee-poor leadership on the part of your Snr NCO's who are letting the Jr NCO's run the show.

Feel free to PM me with any missing details.
RCDcpl said:
His and your rank are irrelevant...he's a police officer and as such should talk to EVERYONE he deals with respectfully...be it a Pte, general, or crackhead.  That's my pet peeve with a lot of my co workers...it's not hard to be polite to people in this job.

That said, for the case in question that hatchet posted....it was a 911 and therefore police have to be allowed to be police, regardless of whether or not they are MPs or civvie.  Would the major have spoken to an OPP constable that way?  Doubtful....either way that's not the issue.

The issue here is rank and there are times when rank can't come into play...a Cpl MP responding to say the base commanders house on a domestic....base commanders rank is entirely irrelevant.

Back on topic foru his thread though...I find it highly unprofessional to put a Pte in charge of a Cpl.....SME or not.

I posted that, because I found that incident amusing (never thought an MP would actually ever use that line in real life).  But it is sort of related to this thread, albeit in a narrower scope. The judge in his decision highlighted the issue of rank vs authority (or in the OP's case subject matter expertise), and how basically letting one of those things get to your head (inflate the ego), can be problematic, and in that specific case both sides erred and were unprofessional in their conduct towards one another.
What needed to be reinforced in that instance was that an MP not conducting a specific policing function at the time, has no more authority than any other member of the same rank. For the record, I'm not dumping on MPs here. It's just that their special status is just that - special, and that does not always supersede their basic military status.
Hatchet Man said:
Funny you should say that, as I read a recent Courts Martial decision (yes I get that bored), where an MP actually used that (in)famous line "Don't confuse your rank, for my authority", needless to say the Judge, was not impressed by this conduct.

http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/en/2014/wellwood.page (para's 3 and 8 of the decision).

Was a good read!