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Is there some kind of pre-BMQ course?

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I was talking to my neighbour who, at one time, was contemplating a career with the CF and had been through some testing.  She told me that because of the number of people wanting to join the CF but due to being overweight (like me), the CF had developed a 4 week course before BMQ that was geared towards losing weight and getting ready for BMQ.  Is there any truth to this because something like that would be perfect for me.  Thank you in advance.
Short answer:  Yes.  The requirement for passing the fitness test on enrolment was dropped.  So after you enroll and go to BMQ you are tested there.  If you do not achieve the standard you are sent to (I think it is called) Recruit Fitness Training where you have 90 days to achieve the standard or you are released from the forces.
I have heard of Reservists having pre-unit BMQ training. As for Reg force I know there is a fitness program for those who do not pass the fitness test. The fitness test is the bare minimum that is required in the forces. If you cant complete that I believe you go on a 90 day course. If you do not achieve the standard + some maybe during that time the CF is not for you.

Im a strong believer that if someone really wants to get in shape they can do it with lots of work.
theyrecoming said:
I was talking to my neighbour who, at one time, was contemplating a career with the CF and had been through some testing.  She told me that because of the number of people wanting to join the CF but due to being overweight (like me), the CF had developed a 4 week course before BMQ that was geared towards losing weight and getting ready for BMQ.  Is there any truth to this because something like that would be perfect for me.  Thank you in advance.

I am not aware of any 4 week program the CF puts you on to get you in shape before you are on BMQ.  IMO, if you are in the poor of shape, 4 weeks is not going to be enough time to loose appropriate amounts of body fat, increase you cardiovascular fitness, your muscle strength, toughen up and strengthen your tendons, ligaments and joints, etc. 4 weeks=28 days and that is not alot of time.  If you are in really poor physical shape, sure you can get in shape, but not in 4 weeks IMO. 

Since the PT testing was dropped for Reg Force at the CFRCs, CFLRS has stood up RFT as indicated in an earlier post.  It is NOT a course, rather a program that you go on if you do not meet the criteria to pass the Week O PT test for BMQ or IAP.

There is plenty of info on RFT and CFLRS Fitness Testing standards in the recruiting and Basic Training forums, or via the Search function.  There is also considerable information on eating healthy, training properly and all things related.
slowmode said:
im a strong believer that if someone really wants to get in shape they can do it with lots of work.

x2, I wanted to enroll about 2 years ago, but at that time I was a fat lazy pothead. I cut the dope and hit the gym 5 days a week with weight training and HIIT cardio. Distance running is still difficult but I am really close to that 10:30 2.4km.... pushups, situps, pullups are a breeze ;)

also why would you bother to enroll if you KNOW youre not fit enough? You're just wasting everyones time.
Chalky said:
also why would you bother to enroll if you KNOW youre not fit enough? You're just wasting everyones time.

BINGO!  You just said what we're all thinking but too "nice and polite" to say.  I shall reward you with mil-points.
RCR Grunt said:
BINGO!  You just said what we're all thinking but too "nice and polite" to say.  I shall reward you with mil-points.

Not to be rude my self, but I think your are pretty ignorant for agreeing with him.
Some of us may not be military fit, but have been or are close to being in shape.

IMO* 4 weeks can be of pre-BMQ as well as some personal training before that even (lets say  2weeks) can cut down more than enough body fat.

If someone 6'1 , is 196 pounds and used to be in shape - 6 weeks could EASILY bring them to 180 or lower.

Not only that but 4 weeks of daily physical work  (not three hours at the gym, the whole day) will prep even the out of shape for the daily physical hell that BMQ is.

This all being said, some people have 0 fitness and have never worked out (if you are 6'1 240 pounds) , then I agree. However to write off everyone as that sounds ignorant.

My question is , can you volunteer to go for the pre-BMQ course?  just to help prepare yourself , and is it paid time?
There is no pre-BMQ run by the military. You get fit yourself on your own dime.

Lots of good info on what you need right here: Army Fitness Manual, plus there's plenty of reading in the Recruit and Fitness threads, on the subject.


Milnet.ca Staff
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