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Finally I got the call to get sworn in for the reserves (ARTY) with the 56th Field (Lincoln & Welland Regiment)

After all the calls, hunting down my application during the various stages and the very helpful people at the recruiting centre putting up with me I got the call!

Here is what happened, when it happened:

Jan. 18th 2005 CFAT
Jan. 25th 2005 Interview
Jan. 27th 2005 Fit Test/Medical
Mar. 6th  2005 Application finished and sent from Hamiliton recruiting centre back to my armoury
Apr. 21st 2005 Got the Call to get sworn in at Brantford armoury

I spoke to everyone about trying to get my application sped up I even met the head recruiter in the grocery store and he said he would look into my file personally...I must have called the recruiting centre at least 5 times during this process....So whatever I did must have worked cuz I'm in!

All in all it took about 4 months from start to finish to get in which isn't bad I guess but it seemed like an eternity

Hopefully all of us waiting to get in won't be too far behind ya!! Good job bro!
I wish you the best of luck!

As I see it went really fast for you.. you've been very lucky! Congratulations!

Good luck!
Congratulations, man very well done. and boy you did get in fast. my file just left the CFRC in Victoria to my reserve units armoury no less then 6 blocks away down the street lol should be intersting to see how long until I'm sworn in lol

again Congratulations
Congratulations! That is fast. I started December 2 with my CFAT, I failed the PT twice (that's probably my big delay). But now all my paperwork went to Borden on May 9, so we'll see how long it takes.

Good luck!
I failed the PT twice (that's probably my big delay).

Are you stating the obvious or guessing?
kincanucks said:
I failed the PT twice (that's probably my big delay).

Are you stating the obvious or guessing?

I guess I'm stating the obvious. And now I regret having posted at all :)
Just got the call today... actually I had to call them but irregardless, I will be attending the Aug.16 BMQ. I'm just happy I finally have a date set, no more waiting around. Anyways I'm looking forward to it.

EDIT Oh ya and thank you knicanucks for taking the time to answer all our stupid questions. And thank you Mr. Bobbit for having this site.
[rant]Aaargh! Been 4 weeks into the waiting game.. I'm hoping to get "the call" soon.[/rant]

Congradulations by the way.
Congratulations !! We'll not be on the same BMQ (I'm french) but still we're in the same trade so there are many chances that we'll meet soon enough!

Cheers and congrats again!
Here's my story:

I first applied in February of 2003, and recieved my rejection letter in November 2003.  I was rejected due to medical reasons (past depression).  At the end of January 2005 I re-applied, having got the necessary doctors notes and letter, etc. 

After going through the entire interview, document signing and medical check-up tests again, I was finally merit listed on Apr. 20 or there abouts.  On May 31st I recieved my offer, for ATIS Tech.

I can't believe that it only took 4 months from application to job offer, last time it took 6 months just for the medical!

Anyways, I have swearing in on July 21, at the Vancouver Recruiting Center, and will be starting boot camp in St. Jean on August 9.

I know I will be seeing some of you guys there, looking forward to it.


That's pretty good news to get, especially after applying so long ago and being rejected, and then trying for it once again.. one hell of a long wait, but it's appeared to have paid off

Looks like you got nothing to be depressed about now in the face of this, huh?
So many people on these boards getting their call. I was selected on the May 9 board and I feel like I have my hand on the phone just waiting for it  :) 