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Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07

If there is an afterlife, I hope his 70 virgins all look like "Pat" from the old SNL sketches.  :-X
Kat Stevens said:
If there is an afterlife, I hope his 70 virgins all look like "Pat" from the old SNL sketches.   :-X

He actually may like that....How about the church lady, however he finds that there is no lady under the steeple....



the 48th regulator said:

You actually think they didn't squeeze him for any information?  Remember when nothing was heard of him immediatley after his capture??


well...yeah. And so much for that democratic idea of a just and fair trial.
Black Watch said:
well...yeah. And so much for that democratic idea of a just and fair trial.

What's the link between interrogating someone and them not having a fair trial?

I'm fairly certain we question criminals at home, too. Does that mean their trials are unfair, too? Maybe we should just let everyone go free, uh?
He's just trying to get in his anti-American digs any pathetic way he can......
The Iraqi's sentenced him and the Iraqi's carried it out.

  Anyone who has not set a foot on the ground in Iraq has no idea what the local feeling for him is -- there was so much celebratory fire one the news of his death.

Our neighbour had four family members killed at Sadam's behest, and most of the people in our town where singing praises to the executioners.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
He's just trying to get in his anti-American digs any pathetic way he can......
not at all...I'm just saying that Iraq is now a democratic country and should treat it's criminals with the same regard as in Canada or else. So, they should have not execute him now, but wait for the verdict of other trials.
Why, so they could sentence him to ......extra death??

Why should they have the same court system as Canada?.........careful you don't strain yourself looking so far down at people.
You know what?  He showed bravery at the end....."pluck" as Mr Pierrepoint would have said.  He deserved this end but he showed dignity that I wouldn't expect from the guy, Rumsfeld, that shook his hand after he killed the Kurds, or the dancing arabs in Dearborm that gave him the keys to the city of Detroit in the1980s...... politics is so confusing, isn't it
WarmAndVertical said:
You know what?  He showed bravery at the end....."pluck" as Mr Pierrepoint would have said.  He deserved this end but he showed dignity that I wouldn't expect from the guy, Rumsfeld, that shook his hand after he killed the Kurds, or the dancing arabs in Dearborm that gave him the keys to the city of Detroit in the1980s...... politics is so confusing, isn't it
Enough of the anti American crap. There's other web sites for you if you want to spout that shyte.
Black Watch said:
not at all...I'm just saying that Iraq is now a democratic country and should treat it's criminals with the same regard as in Canada or else. So, they should have not execute him now, but wait for the verdict of other trials.

I think they are trying to fix Iraq, so why would you wish our broken legal system on them?  That is how it should work.  Sentence, swift appeal, execution.  None of this "25 years on death row" crap.  He needed to go, end of story. 
And the lack of hood thing wasn't being brave, it was just the last egotistical gesture from a guy that was way too into himself.  One more way to play to the cameras. 
WarmAndVertical said:
You know what?  He showed bravery at the end....."pluck" as Mr Pierrepoint would have said.  He deserved this end but he showed dignity that I wouldn't expect from the guy, Rumsfeld, that shook his hand after he killed the Kurds, or the dancing arabs in Dearborm that gave him the keys to the city of Detroit in the1980s...... politics is so confusing, isn't it

No where near as confusing as your post. That wasn't pluck in his eye's that was realization.
Colin P said:
No where near as confusing as your post. That wasn't pluck in his eye's that was realization.

Maybe he meant "PLOCK" which is the sound his eyes made when the cord got tight? 
Is there a link to the gruesome Hussein videos. I think the media says they aren't suitable for public viewing.  ???
Black Watch said:
The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD

Is this supposed to be funny?

Minor crime? Mulitple murder is simply that!

The USA has nothing to do with the death sentence, and to try to argue this point is simply silly.

Black Watch said:
well...yeah. And so much for that democratic idea of a just and fair trial.

Do you think Nuremburg was fair for the Nazi war criminals? Or would you symathise with the Nazis, claiming they did not get a fair trial? Iraq is a soverign nation, and things are quite screwed up here in many ways, they are still capable of conducting a trial for one of its own citizens. The outcome is NONE of our business.

I am beginning to think you want to stir the pot!

Keep going, its your integerity, not ours........
Wesley (Over There) said:
Do you think Nuremburg was fair for the Nazi war criminals? Or would you symathise with the Nazis, claiming they did not get a fair trial? Iraq is a soverign nation, and things are quite screwed up here in many ways, they are still capable of conducting a trial for one of its own citizens. The outcome is NONE of our business.

I am beginning to think you want to stir the pot!

Keep going, its your integerity, not ours........

War trials are always in the favour of the victor, as history is writen by the victors...  All the griping about fair trials means nothing when the outcome is the same for each charge. Debating over weather he dies for killing the Curds, or weather he dies for killing his own people, or for WMDs is just arguing semantics... Any way you slice it, he's dead... and he probably doesn't care why either way... 

And the world keeps turning.

(btw, wes.. this is my way of saying; I agree with you.:cheers:)
RHFC_piper said:
And the world keeps turning.

True mate. Life does goes on.

Too bad some take these moments and force their anti-US feelings. At times I really wonder just who's side they are really on, and I am quite happy they are not with us here.

Good on ya mate,
