Anyone catch that farce of a movie last night?
They actually had a scene with her field stripping and cleaning her M-16 in the back of a Humvee. She even uses a baby wipe.
Later during the ambush she‘s too busy clearing jammed wpns and handing out mags to 2 other guys (who of course are mowing down literal hordes of Iraqi troops) to use her own wpn.
I won‘t even get into the rest of this made for TV circle jerk, aside from the last scene. During her hometown victory parade shes in dress uniform with all her ribbons.
Now I‘m no expert on US decorations but there was a still photo shot on the TV guide so I could check them with a reference book. She‘s got the Purple Heart and ya she‘s entitled, POW medal, that too, plus what I presume are the campaign ones and those ones Yanks hand out for completing basic, tieing their boots, and finding the messhall 3 times out of 4. But she‘s wearing what looks like the ribbon for Bronze Star too. Oh come on, Sherwood you guys now handing them out with the MREs.