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Jian Ghomeshi alleges firing due to Fifty Shades of CBC


Army.ca Dinosaur
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Noted CBC radio personality Jian Ghomeshi has been fired; he's hired high-priced PR firm Navigator to help make his case that it's because of a jilted BDSM lover spreading lies about him. (Oh, and he's suing for $50M for being fired)

His version of the story: https://www.facebook.com/jianghomeshi/posts/10152357063881750

As one person observed, finally there's a decent CBC drama...
That sucks for the show, Q, as he was a major factor of what made it enjoyable.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Get your whips and chains ready.
Didn't really like his show too much, liked the bit where he had bands and artists perform, didn't care for the rest of it.
I heard a few shows down here in NPR, what I did hear was interesting.

I have to agree, what one does in the bedroom is no one's business but your own.
First their TV programming sucked. Now their radio is useless. Time to pull the plug on that useless, tax sucking, elitist, inbred corporation.

I'd rather set fire to the portion of my taxes that supports them, rather than watch that self licking ice cream cone continue to point and laugh, with impunity, at the people they are supposed to serve.

If Harper gets back in, the first thing on his agenda should be to burn the place to the ground, scatter the ashes and salt the ground.
recceguy said:
First their TV programming sucked. Now their radio is useless. Time to pull the plug on that useless, tax sucking, elitist, inbred corporation.

I'd rather set fire to the portion of my taxes that supports them, rather than watch that self licking ice cream cone continue to point and laugh, with impunity, at the people they are supposed to serve.

If Harper gets back in, the first thing on his agenda should be to burn the place to the ground, scatter the ashes and salt the ground.

Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!
recceguy said:
First their TV programming sucked. Now their radio is useless. Time to pull the plug on that useless, tax sucking, elitist, inbred corporation.

I'd rather set fire to the portion of my taxes that supports them, rather than watch that self licking ice cream cone continue to point and laugh, with impunity, at the people they are supposed to serve.

If Harper gets back in, the first thing on his agenda should be to burn the place to the ground, scatter the ashes and salt the ground.

If not for the first paragraph, it sounds like your solution for NDHQ.
recceguy said:
First their TV programming sucked. Now their radio is useless. Time to pull the plug on that useless, tax sucking, elitist, inbred corporation.

I'd rather set fire to the portion of my taxes that supports them, rather than watch that self licking ice cream cone continue to point and laugh, with impunity, at the people they are supposed to serve.

If Harper gets back in, the first thing on his agenda should be to burn the place to the ground, scatter the ashes and salt the ground.

But if we get rid of the CBC, from where will we get our future Governors General?  ;D
More from the Star: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/10/26/cbc_fires_jian_ghomeshi_over_sex_allegations.html

The three women interviewed by the Star allege that Ghomeshi physically attacked them on dates without consent. They allege he struck them with a closed fist or open hand; bit them; choked them until they almost passed out; covered their nose and mouth so that they had difficulty breathing; and that they were verbally abused during and after sex.
recceguy said:
First their TV programming sucked. Now their radio is useless. Time to pull the plug on that useless, tax sucking, elitist, inbred corporation.

I'd rather set fire to the portion of my taxes that supports them, rather than watch that self licking ice cream cone continue to point and laugh, with impunity, at the people they are supposed to serve.

If Harper gets back in, the first thing on his agenda should be to burn the place to the ground, scatter the ashes and salt the ground.

to be fair CBC North still plays a important role and their archive is worth keeping.
dapaterson said:
More from the Star: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/10/26/cbc_fires_jian_ghomeshi_over_sex_allegations.html

And these are referred to as 'dates' with consensual sex? and did not result in rape charges- sound like an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit which is broadcast on CTV.
Sheep Dog AT said:
If the allegations are true I don't think he has a leg to stand on
And if they're not.  He'll be beating those ladies who like to play off with a stick(no pun intended, but I'll take it).  Free advertising if I ever saw.  Not to mention those lawsuit winnings he'll maybe enjoy.
jollyjacktar said:
And if they're not.  He'll be beating those ladies who like to play off with a stick(no pun intended, but I'll take it).  Free advertising if I ever saw.  Not to mention those lawsuit winnings he'll maybe enjoy.

Actually there was a long and detailed post in the National Post, outlining that this lawsuit is going to go nowhere fast given that he was in a union, and therefore the proper forum to remedy a (perceived) wrongful termination is through the grievance/arbitration process.
And I believe that there have been no complaints to the police, based upon my quick skim of what's been in the press.
Hatchet Man said:
Actually there was a long and detailed post in the National Post, outlining that this lawsuit is going to go nowhere fast given that he was in a union, and therefore the proper forum to remedy a (perceived) wrongful termination is through the grievance/arbitration process.
l didn't know BDSM folks had a union.  Meetings must be interesting.
The Star is now up to eight women; one has agreed to be named, a Captain in the CAF.


Two of the women who allege they were physically assaulted also say that before the alleged assaults in his home he introduced them to Big Ears Teddy, a stuffed bear, and he turned the bear around just before he slapped or choked them, saying that “Big Ears Teddy shouldn’t see this.”
dapaterson said:
The Star is now up to eight women; one has agreed to be named, a Captain in the CAF.

Two of the women who allege they were physically assaulted also say that before the alleged assaults in his home he introduced them to Big Ears Teddy, a stuffed bear, and he turned the bear around just before he slapped or choked them, saying that “Big Ears Teddy shouldn’t see this.”
Well done for stepping forward on the record.  Also, check out this interesting Twitter feed that appears to have begun mid-April, @bigearsteddy

As they say in Italian, the spinach cooks in its own grease ....
Sweet chocolate Christ.

The thing that is blowing me away is how many women are lining up to defend him. Vehemently. A few I know, who will not pause to inform someone about the plight of women, are on his side. Irony much? Personally, I don't know what he did or didn't do. I thought his massive missive looked like shit and I knew that more would come out in time. I hope loads of folks can extract their feet from their mouths at the end of this, because it does not look good at all.

And Elizabeth May? "I defended him because I was so tired from the Hill shootings" or something like that. Yeah. Nice one Liz. Back to doltdom. That's just one example of the idiocy surrounding this because people like a fucking radio show.